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Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains a discussion of the November revolution of 1917 in Russia.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
Discussion of the first five-year plans in Russia, from 1929 to 1940. Discussion of the impact of planning on Russia during these years.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's focus in this episode is a discussion of the revolution of 1905.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline at the beginning of the episode includes: Discussion of Russian efforts to expand their revolution to other countries from 1917 to 1927. Examination of the Third International. Explanation of Lenin's ideas as they pertain to the international movement. Examination of the organization of the Third International, particularly its second congress in July and August of 1920. Efforts to expand communist revolution first to Europe and then into China.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline for the lecture includes: Analysis of Russia's 'old regime', or the regime before the revolutions which began in 1860, as Byrnes describes. Discussion of the position of Russia after the Crimean war, the Russian government, economy, social structure, and culture. Finally the clash between different ideals in the state.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes.This episode contains: Commentary on the nature of Russian society under Stalin. Discussion of the idealogical framework of the 1917 Russian revolutionary movement. Discussion of Russian economy (esp. industry) between 1928 and the film's time of recording. Discussion of Soviet cultural programs.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains a discussion of the 1917 revolutions, in particular the March revolution which led to the establishment of the Provisional Government of 1917.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline for this episode includes: Analysis of Russia's geopolitical position in 1945. Brief description of Byrnes's understanding of communist party goals in 1945. Description of the foundations of soviet policy at the time. Analysis of the weaknesses of the Soviet Union in 1945. Finally analysis of the strengths of the Soviet Union in 1945. Objective for the lecture is to build a base for discussion of the Soviet Union after 1945.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline includes: Conclusion of the series on Russian history since 1860. Recapitulation of the thesis of the course. Discussion of the continuities in Russian history.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline for the episodes includes: Examination of the 'Great Debate' of 1924 - 1929. Questions of agriculture and industry. Examination of the 2 phases of the great debate.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: The first of two lectures discussing the years of 1918 to 1920 in Russian history. Concentration in this part on the civil war.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. In it he discusses the alliance of Russia with Great Britain, the United States, etc. against the Axis powers from 1941 to 1945, and western attitudes towards the Soviet Union during WWII and vice versa.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, David Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Description of the events which led to the collapse of the 1917 Russian provisional government. Examination of the weaknesses of the provisional government, the isolation of the government in September. Then examination of the conditions of Russia at the time. Finally discussion of the rise of the Bolsheviks.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Discussion of the revolutionary ideas which emerged in Russia in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Examination of the beginnings of industrialization in Russia. Discussion of the role of nationalism in Russian ideology. Conclusion with an examination of the different political groups and ideas which emerged in Russia during this time.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This lecture contains: Discussion of Russian foreign policy in the 1930s. Discusses the geopolitics of 1920s Europe and how these geopolitical conditions led to Russia's 1930s world stance. Also discusses Russia's foreign policy towards China and Japan. Finally details the interactions of Russia and Germany, both pre- and post-Hitler, concluding with discussion of the Munich pact immediately preceding World War II, and its consequences.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: description of the contributions of Russia to the 1st world war, and the consequences of Russia's involvement on the revolution of 1917. Analysis of Russian strategy during the war. Campaigns between 1914 and 1916.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes.This episode contains analysis of the war fought between the Soviet Union and Germany between June 22, 1941 and February of 1943. Explanation of the German capture of the Balkans in 1940-41. Analysis of the strengths of Germany and Russia, and the reason war broke out between the two. Analysis of German strategy at the time. Discussion of the battle for Moscow after the outbreak of war. Discussion of the battle of Stalingrad, from Sept. 1942 - Feb. 1943.
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Discussion of the last 2.5 years of the war between Russia and Germany. Time period: between Feb. 3rd 1943 (end of the battle of Stalingrad) and the fall of Berlin in May of 1945. Analysis of the reasons that Russia won against Germany after Stalingrad. Discussion of Russian territorial gains in 1943. Next, discussion of Russian gains in 1944, including Finland, the Balkans, etc. Finally, focus on the 1945 capture of Berlin.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline contains: Analysis of Soviet policy in Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1956. Analysis of the reasons for the ability of the Soviet Union to gain control over East-Central Europe, both from the perspective of Soviet strengths and Western European/American weaknesses. Progression of soviet policy stages between 1943 and 1956. Consequences of Soviet control of East-Central Europe, as well as consequences of the death of Stalin on the Soviet Union.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline at the beginning of the episode includes: Analysis of the main developments in Russian history between 1860 and 1900. Begins with discussion of the abolition of serfdom in 1861. Follows with further reforms between 1861 and 1875. Finally discusses the Polish revolt of 1863. Examination of the response to these reforms in the 1880s and 1890s. Conclusion of lecture is an analysis of the Balkan crisis in 1878.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
his film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode generally contains a description of the events leading up to the outbreak of WWII. Byrnes's outline covers:
1. Why collective security failed.
2. Crises/disasters contributing to loss of collective security, ending in 1938.
3. Explanation of the Russian/German non-aggression pact in Aug. 1939.
4. Description of the benefits gained by the Russians by signing the above non-aggression pact.
5. Explanation of the breakdown of German-Russian relations and the reasons for violation of the pact in June of 1941.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Discussion of the great purges and public trials between 1935 and 1938. Commentary on the communist party and Soviet system of the time. Narrative of the purges, between January of 1935 and late 1938. Next, interpretation of the causes of the purges. Impacts of the purges on the events of 1959.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline at the beginning of the episode includes: Discussion of the domestic consequences for Russia's war actions in the course of the First World War. Description of the early popularity of the war in Russia. Examination of the different classes of Russian society during the war. Concludes by examining the Russian army.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Franics
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Explanation of the success of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil war of 1918-1920. Explanation of the situation of the Russian Government as of 1921.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Discussion of foreign intervention into the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920. Contains a fast review of the civil war's course.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline includes: Discussion of Russia's withdrawal from the First World War after the revolutions of 1917. Discussion of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. History of the armisitice negotiations, positions of the parties involved. After armistice, examination of the negotiations for the peace treaty itself in Jan-Feb. of 1918. Consequences of the treaty for Russia.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. Byrnes's outline at the beginning of the episode includes: Discussion of how Russia became involved in WWI. Analysis of the period of constitutional government, from 1906 - 1914. Discussion of the state of Russia just before the first world war. Explanation of the events which precipitated World War I.
Indiana University. Radio and Television Service, Byrnes, Robert Francis
Robert F. Byrnes was a Professor of History at Indiana University from 1956 to 1988 and served as director of the Russian and East European Institute at IU from 1959-1962 and 1971-1975. Byrnes specialized in the study of Russian conservative thought, Russian historical writing, anti-Semitism in France and Europe, the Soviet role in world affairs after World War II, American policy toward Eastern Europe, and Soviet American relations.
This film is part of series Byrnes created in 1959 for distance learning purposes. This episode contains: Discussion of the expansion of communism on the continent of Asia between 1945 and 1959. Description of the political situation on the Asian continent after the surrender of Japan in August of 1945. Analysis of the Chinese civil war. Discussion of the Korean War. Discussion of the 'second revolution' between 1949 and 1959 in China. Concludes with an examination of the relationship between communist China and the Soviet Union.
This presentation looks at what we must do to adapt to climate change-the size of the threat, and what we can do. It attempts to answer two fundamental questions: first, how must our lifestyle change in order to live with climate change and, second, can developing countries limit their emissions as they strive to improve living standards?
In the period that witnessed the rise of communism and its transformation into Stalinism, the emergence of fascism, and two momentous "interwar wars," numerous African American intellectuals met their counterparts in Europe. Encounters include: Counte Cullen and Claire Goll (Paris), Claude McKay, Alain Locke, and George Grosz (Paris, Berlin, Moscow), McKay, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and Leon Trotsky (Soviet Union), Horace Cayton and Nancy Cunard (Paris and Hamburg),Alain Locke and the "Black Watch on the Rhine" (French-occupied Rhineland), Langston Hughes, James Yates, and the Spanish Civil War,and W.E.B. Du Bois in Nazi Germany. Common human misunderstandings create a comedy of intellectuals against the climate of political violence in interwar Europe.
All-Star game between top ranking players of the American and National League, played at Shibe Park In Philadelphia.
Bobby Doerr and Vince DiMaggio homer in first All-Star game played under the lights
American League - 5; National League - 3;
Disc 1
1. First Inning
2. Second Inning
3. Third Inning
4. Fourth Inning
5. Top of Fifth Inning
Disc 2
1. Bottom of Fifth Inning
2. Sixth Inning
3. Seventh Inning
4. Eighth Inning
5. Ninth Inning
6. Post-Game
(With co-author Torrin M. Liddell, Research and Statistics Analyst, Public Defender Commission, Indianapolis)
We surveyed all articles in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, and the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General that mentioned the term "Likert," and found that 100% of the articles that analyzed ordinal data did so using a metric model. We demonstrate that analyzing ordinal data as if they were metric can systematically lead to errors. We demonstrate false alarms (i.e., detecting an effect where none exists, Type~I errors) and failures to detect effects (i.e., loss of power, Type~II errors). We demonstrate systematic inversions of effects, for which treating ordinal data as metric indicates the opposite ordering of means than the true ordering of means. We show the same problems --- false alarms, misses, and inversions --- for interactions in factorial designs and for trend analyses in regression. We demonstrate that averaging across multiple ordinal measurements does not solve or even ameliorate these problems. We provide simple graphical explanations of why these mistakes occur. Moreover, we point out that there is no sure-fire way to detect these problems by treating the ordinal values as metric, and instead we advocate use of ordered-probit models (or similar) because they will better describe the data. Finally, although frequentist approaches to some ordered-probit models are available, we use Bayesian methods because of their flexibility in specifying models and their richness and accuracy in providing parameter estimates.
In modern high-tech health care, patients appear to be the stumbling block: an uninformed, anxious, noncompliant folk with unhealthy lifestyles who demand treatments advertised by celebrities, insist on unnecessary but expensive imaging, and may eventually turn into plaintiffs. Patients’ lack of health literacy has received much attention. But what about their physicians? I show that the majority of doctors are innumerate, that is, they do not understand basic health statistics. An estimated 70%–80% of them do not understand what the results of screening tests mean. This engenders superfluous treatment, anxiety, and healthcare costs. As a consequence, the ideals of informed consent and shared decision-making remain a pipedream; both doctors and patients are habitually misled by biased information in health brochures and advertisements. I argue that the problem is not simply in the minds of doctors, but in the way health statistics are framed in journals and brochures. A quick and efficient cure is to teach efficient risk communication that fosters transparency as opposed to confusion. I report studies with doctors, medical students, and patients that show how transparent framing helps them understand health statistics in an hour or two. Raising taxes or rationing care is often seen as the only viable alternative to exploding health care costs. Yet there is a third option: by promoting health literacy, better care is possible for less money.
Buffalo Bills - 34; New York Jets - 14;
Game played at Shea Stadium in New York City, New York;
OJ Simpson rewrites the Record Book;
Disc 1
1. Pre-Game
2. First Quarter
3. Second Quarter
Disc 2
1. Halftime
2. Third Quarter
3. Fourth Quarter
Oral history interview with Deanna Jones conducted by Angeline Larimer on June 7, 2024. Jones discusses her path to recovery and work as a substance use disorder peer recovery coach for Project POINT at Eskenzai Health and at previous organizations.
Project POINT (Planned Outreach, Intervention, Naloxone, and Treatment) is a team of certified peer recovery coaches who offer wrap-around services for patients who present to Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital's Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department with a substance use disorder. This project works to remove the barriers to recovery by connecting patients to treatment facilities, insurance, transportation, medication-assisted treatment and many other services.
This session will cover the essential tasks of designing case study research (specifying the puzzle, identifying alternative explanations, specifying the variables and measuring them, selecting cases, and formulating questions to ask of each case). It draws on the lecturer's experience reviewing hundreds of grant proposals for the National Science Foundation and the US Institute of Peace to identify ten common flaws in case study research designs.
The first Eldon F. Lundquist Memorial Lecture, presented by Indiana University at South Bend and the Indiana University Foundation. Features welcoming remarks by Gerald E. Herriman, acting chancellor and dean of faculties, Indiana University South Bend; an introduction by Hon. John Brademas, majority whip, United States House of Representatives; and a lecture by Dr. Henry A. Kissinger.