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Discusses the special problems confronting the child with a chronic disorder such as hemophilia. Explains various types of chronic disorders and points out how social and emotional growth is complicated by a chronic illness. Tells how separation from parents and school, plus the medical treatment used, can bring on serious psychological problems. Stresses the importance of a wholesome relationship between the chronically ill child and his parents. Shows how educational training is provided for some children with chronic disorders. Features Dr. William Cruickshank of Syracuse University.
The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate a new approach to group therapy with senile, psychotic patients. This objective is achieved with the aid of elderly male and female patients, a group therapist and several ancillary personnel. In this presentation a group of patients is shown initially in an institutional setting at their weekly group session. As the therapist strives to bring order into a noisy chaotic session, she uses members of the group to limit each other, and motivate behavioral changes. She suggests that they assist in solving another patient's problem, and calls on one after another for their suggestions. The leader of the group is hostile, but the therapist encourages her to assume a leadership role, express her feelings, and try to cope with the behavior which bothers her. The therapist uses a gesture which physically touches the patient to reassure her. The patients are all encouraged to join the therapist in singing the group's "song". During the course of the session the patients are encouraged to interact with each other and diminish their isolation and fantasizing. The program stresses that all levels of the staff must be trained to understand the goals of the group, and the importance of the therapist in developing a meaningful relationship with the patients. As the program closes, the session ends, and some patients are seen to assist each other, and some slight changes in behavior are noted.
Documents the use of turning-in therapy ("fantasy therapy") by nurses working with severely disoriented aged patients who do not respond to reality orientation. Focuses on some of the major emotional difficulties in long-term care for the elderly.
Episode 13 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Drawing with Paul Ringler. Shows the effects of value and contrast in pictures, how to recognize and choose a value key to fit subject, and how to recognize and use major, intermediate, and minor contrast.
Episode 23 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 13 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 24 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Presents, through animation, an overview of the dinosaur age, showing the major types of dinosaurs and some of their behavioral characteristics. Explains that dinosaurs become extinct because of their inability to catch food. Records how some dinosaurs changed their eating and living habits to adapt to the changing surface of the earth.
Describes the farmers of the Andes as a primitive people without the benefits of technology, showing the tireless Incas who till the mountain soil at altitudes of 10,000 to 15,000 feet. Discusses the role of the llama, alpaca, and vicuña in providing meat, milk, and hides for these farmers; illustrates how corn and wheat are irrigated by ditches dug by ancient Incas; and shows views of the primitive methods used in threshing and winnowing.
Bronowski examines the dilemmas and challenges posed by the scientific advancements of this century. He briefly discusses Einstein and his effect upon the scientific community and himself. He discusses the emphasis upon biology since the dropping of the atomic bomb.
Video bio of Phil Jones, inducted to Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame in 2008.
Producer: Howard Caldwell;
Narration: Howard Caldwell;
Post-Production: DreamVision Media Partners;
Phil Jones was a reporter-correspondent for CBS News for more than three decades, reporting from Vietnam battlefields, covering presidential campaigns, the Watergate investigation, the Nixon resignation and the impeachment trial of President Clinton. He was considered the dean of broadcast correspondents reporting on Congress when he covered that beat from 1977-1989. Jones grew up in Fairmount, Indiana. While attending Indiana University, he teamed with graduate student Dick Enberg on the new IU Sports Network broadcasts. His first full-time news job was at WTHI-TV in Terre Haute, Indiana. Jones later moved to WCCO-TV in Minneapolis for seven years before joining CBS at its Atlanta bureau.
--Words from the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers
Inquiry into the farthest reaches of the universe and the awesome beauty of distant galaxies are illustrated by Dr. Sandage’s study of the galaxy M33 in the constellation of Triangulum. The purpose of the study is to re-determine distance scales to the most remote galaxies for clues to the size, shape, and age of the entire universe.
These films are part of the John and Hilda Jay family papers. They likely date between 1939-1946.
This silent film shows two young children playing outside and around a campfire with a woman.
Opens with a group of kids flying a toy airplane in a field ; Bixlers and guests (another couple and a boy) at the Indianapolis 500 ; Bixlers and friends at a backyard party, people riding horseback and atop a car ; footage taken from inside an airplane and "hi-lites" of Thomaston, AL trip.
Inside the Bixler home, a birthday celebration for an older woman (possibly one of Lynn's grandmothers) ; Lynn and friend in a swimming pool near the beach ; Bixlers and another couple visit the Sarasota Jungle Gardens ; more beach scenes and relaxing at a hotel. Briefly shows a Ringling Brothers circus in the process of being torn down.
Home movie of the main street and businesses of Noble, Illinois, including the Noble Milling Company. Shows Bernadine Bailey peeks into a silo, oils wells, and men at work. A man opens a valve and oil pours out as the well pumps.