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Edward R. Feil, Ken Feil, Naomi Feil, David Hellerstein, Beth Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Vicki Rubin, Amy Feil, Ellen Feil, George H. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Beth Rubin, Betsy Feil, Edward G. Feil, Jonathan Hellerstein, George Feil
Home movie of a joint birthday party for Kenny, David, and Beth Hellerstein at the Harold Feil home. Each is given their own cake and blows out the candles. Back at the Ed Feil home, Naomi performs a puppet show for the children at Kenny’s party. Ends with footage of Kenny opening presents.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Noami Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil
Home movie showing Eddie, Kenny, and Beth at some sort of indoor playland. The children ride on tricycles and miniature cars, eating ice cream cones, trying on Cinderella's shoe, riding a miniature train, carousel, and other carnival rides. The film then cuts to another day, where Naomi is taking the children to see Santa at Higbee's department store. This is followed by footage of the family celebrating Christmas at the Ed Feil home, with Harold and Nellie in attendance. The children open presents while the adults talk. Vicki plays guitar for the group. Ends with Vicki and Beth boarding a plane at the airport while the rest of the family sees them off.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Naomi Feil
Black and white home movie that begins with Ed conducting a lighting test in the living room. The film then shows Vicki and Beth cooking breakfast. Naomi interacts with baby Eddie, making him laugh and smile. Both girls join and dote on Eddie.
Home movie of Bernadine Bailey and her second husband, George W. McCord. They were married from 1946-1947 and resided in Florida. The film shows a sunrise Easter service being held at Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine. Next are scenes of flowers in a garden and Bailey and McCord sunbathing. She is reading the June 1946 issues of Holiday magazine. The original title indicates that this was shot at 223 E. Superior St in Chicago, a residence Bailey held during the 1940's.
Black and white home movie of Naomi and baby Eddie. Shows the pair with an unknown man in a white lab coat, possibly a physician making a housecall. The camera focuses on Eddie and his expressions. This is followed by shots of several still photographs of Eddie.
Explores, through underwater photography, the three regions of a coral reef. Explains the relationship of the many forms of life to each other and their environment. Points out the factors, which affect the structure, growth, and survival of coral. Show numerous types of coral including the rose, fan, chenile, star, lettuce, brain, hat, and others. Concludes with sequences of the many kinds of fish which inhabit the coral reef.
Johnson & Johnson, Surgical Specialty Division, Edward Feil Productions
Addresses the storage, properties, types, selection, handling, and application of sterile surgical drapes for covering surgical tables and a patient for surgery. Properties of woven and non-woven materials are addressed. Proper techniques for opening and setting out sterile drapes are shown, along with application of an adhesive drape to the patient, and a laparotomy sheet.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Naomi Feil, Beth Rubin
Home movie of the family and two friends sitting by a fence and watching a horse in a pasture. All have art supplies and make drawings of the horse. Later, Eddie, Kenny, and a group of children stand in someone's front yard. The house has Halloween decorations. Ends with footage of Eddie waiting at the school bus stop with other children.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Naomi Feil, Beth Rubin
Home movie showing the front yard of the Feil home blanketed in snow. Briefly shows Eddie, Kenny, and Beth at the kitchen table. After the first 1:50, the film is a dupe of Family (40000003375658).
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, George Feil, George H. Feil, Naomi Feil, Maren Mansberger Feil, Leslie Feil, Betsy Feil, Ellen Feil, Amy Feil, Beth Rubin
Home movie documenting the Feil family’s trip to Martha’s Vineyard, where Ed’s brother George and his family moved in 1972. Throughout the film, Eddie documents the trip with his own film camera. After arriving on a ferry, the boys explore with their cousin George. At the beach, the family enjoys swimming, fishing, and building sandcastles. George scales a fish, Naomi goes out on a sailboat with Leslie and Betsy, Beth and Ellen dive off of a boardwalk. Footage of a drive through town, the docks, the Feil home, and a ferry trip back follow. After leaving Martha’s Vineyard, the Feils stop in Plymouth, Massachusetts and take a tour of the Mayflower II. The film ends with some footage taken back in Cleveland, including documentation of exterior damage to the Feils’ Byron Rd. home and Ed’s bike odometer as it passes 10,000 miles.