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Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein, David Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Beth Hellerstein, Vicki Rubin, Beth Rubin, Amy Feil, Leslie Feil, Ellen Feil, George Feil, Betsy Feil, Maren Mansberger Feil, Stanley M. Feil
Home movie of a cookout celebrating July 4th and the birthday of Daniel Hellerstein at the Hellerstein home (1965). A pregnant Naomi watches as Beth and Vicki help Daniel unwrap presents. Harold hangs flags from the swingset, Herman grills hot dogs, and David and Jonathan mug for the camera. The girls play on the swingset as Naomi helps Mary set the table. Daniel blows out the candles on his birthday cake and the family eats from a picnic table. The next segment shows a celebration for Harold Feil's 75th birthday at his home (1964). He is presented with a large cake and blows out the candles as his grandchildren gather around him. Ends with brief footage taken at an outdoor event at Montefiore.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Julius Weil, Helen Kahn Weil
Shows Ed, Naomi, and the Weils at an outdoor dedication ceremony for a memorial in honor of Cornelia Schnurmann. Shows several people addressing a crowd, including Julius Weil. Schunurman was a colleague of the Weils at Montefiore who helped them develop innovative programs for the treatment of the elderly. After her death in 1960, Julius Weil served as executor and administrator of her estate.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Edward G. Feil, David Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Maren Mansberger Feil, Harold S. Feil, George Feil, Nellie Feil, Betsy Feil, Leslie Feil, Vicki Rubin, Beth Rubin, Jonathan Hellerstein, George H. Feil, Amy Feil, Daniel Hellerstein, Ellen Feil, Beth Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein
Home movie of various birthday celebrations from 1965-1966, including one for Betsy Feil (1966) and David Hellerstein (1965) at the Harold Feil home. The film shows Amy getting baby Eddie to mimic her in cocking his head, much to the delight of his cousins. The front page of the Cleveland Plain Dealer shows the date as 12/30/1965, David's 12th birthday. The film then shows Naomi feeding baby Eddie and Harold and Nellie playing with him. Ed briefly steps out from behind the camera to pose with the family.
Edward R. Feil, David Hellerstein, Maren Mansberger Feil, Naomi Feil, Herman Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Leslie Feil, Betsy Feil, Ken Feil, George H. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Beth Hellerstein, George Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Susan Hellerstein, Amy Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ellen Feil
Home movie of a celebration at the Hellerstein home. The family gathers at several tables outdoors, where Naomi presents Leslie and David with a graduation cake. Harold and Nellie are then given individual birthday cakes and the children eat ice cream sandwiches. Back indoors, David and Leslie open presents. The film ends with footage from inside Ed Feil's workspace, including a close-up of a Father's Day card from Kenny.
Edward R. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein, David Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Leslie Feil, Maren Mansberger Feil, Betsy Feil, Ellen Feil, Amy Feil, George Feil, Ann Leslie Jones
Begins with a Christmas/Chanukkah celebration at the Hellerstein home. Kathy receives a cameo ring and excitedly shows it off to the group. The film then shows Christmas at the George Feil home, where Leslie plays the piano. All of the girls then play with dolls while the adults sit around talking. Maren serves drinks to the group.
Harold S. Feil, Edward R. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, George Feil
Home movie of Ed Feil's 1949 Yale graduation ceremony. Shows graduates lined up behind a "Class of '49" banner and proceeding to their seats, commencement speakers addressing the crowd, and Ed posing with his parents while smoking a long pipe. The film then cuts to Mary and Herman walking in a garden with an unknown older man and close ups of flowers.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Naomi Feil, Beth Rubin
Shows Eddie, Kenny, and Naomi at Squire’s Castle roasting marshmallows and eating popsicles. Beth is also part of the group. Later, at the camp site, Eddie and Naomi ride horses. Kenny later sits in Naomi’s saddle and rides with her. The family then goes to the lake, where they swim, fish, go rowing, and build a sandcastle.
Travelogue documenting Ed Feil’s trip to Italy. Riding on a bus near Taormina, shows a beautiful beach and coastline, followed by extensive footage of ruins of an amphitheater with many different shots and angles as well as the Church of San Giuseppe. Next is Venice, where Ed rides in a gondola on the Grand Canal, seeing such landmarks as San Simeone Piccolo, Santa Maria di Nazareth, the Rialto Bridge, Santa Maria della Salute, and Doge’s Palace. Shows people feeding pigeons in St. Mark’s Square and focuses on the architecture of the Cathedral and a view from the clock tower. Briefly shows street scenes, people shopping, and dining in a restaurant. Ends with a trip to the beach.
Edward R. Feil, David Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Susan Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein
A Christmas/Chanukkah celebration at the Hellerstein home. Shows the Hellerstein children opening gifts while their parents and grandparents look on.
Black and white home movie focusing on young Kenny. Shows the boy at home amongst his toys as a maid watches nearby. Briefly shows Naomi talking on the phone.
Edward R. Feil, Ken Feil, Naomi Feil, David Hellerstein, Beth Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Vicki Rubin, Amy Feil, Ellen Feil, George H. Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Beth Rubin, Betsy Feil, Edward G. Feil, Jonathan Hellerstein, George Feil
Home movie of a joint birthday party for Kenny, David, and Beth Hellerstein at the Harold Feil home. Each is given their own cake and blows out the candles. Back at the Ed Feil home, Naomi performs a puppet show for the children at Kenny’s party. Ends with footage of Kenny opening presents.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Noami Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil
Home movie showing Eddie, Kenny, and Beth at some sort of indoor playland. The children ride on tricycles and miniature cars, eating ice cream cones, trying on Cinderella's shoe, riding a miniature train, carousel, and other carnival rides. The film then cuts to another day, where Naomi is taking the children to see Santa at Higbee's department store. This is followed by footage of the family celebrating Christmas at the Ed Feil home, with Harold and Nellie in attendance. The children open presents while the adults talk. Vicki plays guitar for the group. Ends with Vicki and Beth boarding a plane at the airport while the rest of the family sees them off.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Naomi Feil
Black and white home movie that begins with Ed conducting a lighting test in the living room. The film then shows Vicki and Beth cooking breakfast. Naomi interacts with baby Eddie, making him laugh and smile. Both girls join and dote on Eddie.