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Young America Films, Lillian Malcove Ormos, Laszlo Ormos
Surveys the various sources of power, including hand, machine, animal, wind, water, steam, coal, petroleum, explosive, and atomic. Explains how man utilizes stored-up energy in a number of different ways.
A man and a woman caress as a phone rings in the background. The narrator states how angel skin hand lotion will make young hands which are more fun and attractive.
Notre Dame - 13; Illinois - 7.
Game played at Memorial Stadium
"Notre Dame 13 ILLINOIS 7 - favored and unbeaten Irish come from behind in the 4th quarter to whip the Illini despite a long TD run by Buddy Young Bill Stern - have original recordings on SAW (:23)"
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated father contemplates taking out a loan to purchase a new television after being crowded by his children. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement or Your National Bank in which an animated boy takes his piggy bank to the bank teller and it winks at him. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple stands near an art sculpture and wonders what the figure thinks is the greatest time saver in history, to which the narrator replies that it is one of the bank's checking accounts. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated woman asks her husband why they don't have a car like the neighbors and he considers a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for Your National Bank in which an animated couple sits in a freezing car they consider a loan for a new vehicle. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
Yousef, Salil, Jennifer Bass; Betsy Jose; Stephanie Sanders
Marriage Equality Collection includes audio and video files, photographs, historical documents and ephemera representing experiences of same-sex couples married in the decade of legal marriage in the U.S. Particular focus is on the experience of couples in Indiana. This archive is growing in both content and scope.
An advertisement for Yuban ground coffee in which a man sits on top of a can of the product to demonstrate how big it is. Submitted for Clio Awards category Short Spots.
An advertisement for Yuban Coffee and Yuban Instant Coffee in which a male narrator, speaking in French, describes various elegant fine dining items and other objects. A butler pours two cups of coffee.
Yvette Landry (Breaux Bridge, Louisiana)
Grammy-nominated musician, author, educator and interpreter Yvette Landry grew up in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, deeply influenced by her Cajun culture and upbringing. After earning a master’s degree in education and developing a successful teaching career, she began performing widely, playing a variety of instruments in several Cajun bands as well as fronting her own, the Yvette Landry Band. Her debut award-winning album, Should Have Known, was released in 2010. The album was named by New Orleans’ Offbeat Magazine as Best Country/Folk Album of that year, while Landry herself received an award for Best Country/Folk Artist. She has served as a cultural ambassador on behalf of the Library of Congress to perform at the Festival of Traditional American Music and has performed at both the Library of Congress and the Kennedy Center. She is also a private homeschool teacher and teaches bass, guitar, accordion, and vocal lessons to students.
Interviewed by Holly Hobbs, 09/11/2020.
Yvonne Frye, of the East Helsinki Music Institute and the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, delivers a lecture to students of Mimi Zweig, Professor of Music (Violin, Viola) at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.
Zachariah Julian (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Zachariah Julian (Jicarilla) has produced the We Are the Seeds stage since its inception. He curates programs that are diverse, balanced, interesting, and entertaining. A musician and performer, he is knowledgeable in production and stage management. He has lived on the Apache Nation for nineteen years and has been playing piano for over 20 years. Zachariah started composing when he was sixteen and attended University of New Mexico majoring in Music Theory and Composition. He has just released a CD called These Marked Trees.
Interviewed by Raquel Paraíso, 09/15/2020.
Poster presented at the Indiana University Medical Student Program for Research and Scholarship (IMPRS) Research Symposium held on July 27-28, 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
A group of soon to be fathers attend a class where they learn how to change a baby’s diaper. The instructor explains the benefits and how to apply Z.B.T. Baby Powder.
A young couple go fishing. The fishing footage is interrupted by a scene of the woman taking a shower with Zest soap. Throughout the commercial a jingle is sung about Zest and a narrator explains the benefits of using Zest.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a stream of thick lather flows out of a box of the product as a jingle plays. An offscreen male narrator describes the shampoo-like lather and deodorizing qualities of the product over shots of a woman using it in the shower. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest deodorant soap in which an offscreen chorus sings a jingle over a scene of a woman laughing with two men on a sailboat. An offscreen male narrator describes the qualities of Zest over shots of the woman taking a shower using the product. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a woman in voiceover narration describes the shampoo-like lather of the product as she uses it during a shower. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a woman taking a bath describes how the product deodorizes and produces a rich lather on the skin. The woman's telephone rings and she answers, noting how Zest soap makes one "irresistible." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zesta packaged saltine crackers in which a woman wonders why the younger generation makes everything smaller and her dog tells her that there are now more packages of crackers in Zesta boxes, meaning more crackers in one box. Submitted for Clio Awards category Baked Goods.
Over the years, Indiana University Digital Library Program has created dozens of digital collections for research and preservation. Traditionally, each collection will have its own website for public access. However, as new collections are being added to the repository on a regular basis and as the content becomes more diversified, there is a growing demand for a discovery interface that allows access to all the digital collections maintained by the Digital Library Program.
The IU Digital Collections Search has been developed to meet this demand, and serves as the 'one-stop' user interface to all publicly available digitized items. Its index includes more than 65,000 items such as photo, sheetmusic, speech, letter, and papers from the following sources:
IU Archives
Lilly Library
Indiana State Library
Indiana State Museum
Indiana Historical Society
Indiana Magazine of History
Archives of Traditional Music
Working Men's Institute
Calumet Regional Archives at Indiana University Northwest
Our presentation will focus on the DLP's work to develop this cross collection discovery interface for digitized items stored in the Fedora repository. William Cowan will discuss the motivation, main features, and future plans of the project. Hui Zhang will talk about the practice on building a Solr index for MODS records and a faceted search interface with Blacklight. The talk will also include a demo of the newly developed search interface.
The Kentucky Research Data Center (KRDC) is a collaboration between the University of Kentucky and the U.S. Census Bureau established by a grant from the National Science Foundation in 2016. KRDC is part of the nationwide system of Federal Statistical Research Data Centers whose mission is to expand the data infrastructure available to qualified scholars and students with approved projects by providing access to restricted individual- and firm-level data from participating federal statistical agencies. KRDC is maintained by a regional consortium of leading research institutions, including Indiana University. This infosession is designed for IU researchers interested in developing research projects using the KRDC.
Zion Charity (Surry County, Virginia)
Zion S. Charity is a bass guitarist and native of Surry County, Virginia. Inspired by his uncle, bassist Alvin Parker, Zion picked up the instrument and later studied with jazz and gospel musicians Alvin “Web” Wilson and Randolph “Randy” Ellis. In college, Zion studied with James Holden, Jr., Harold Houghton, Sr., and Mark Johnson. Zion has toured internationally and performed alongside artist such as Earl Bynum, Cora Armstrong, and DeeDee Bridgewater. As a recording artist, Zion plays bass for artists worldwide, as well as produces his own solo work. He has performed with many groups in the Virginia area, including the Carl Waterford Band and the KGExperience (Detroit, Michigan), and served as music director for Damon Little (Baltimore , Maryland). As an educator, he is the CEO of Zionite Bass University, a privately-run bass guitar school for students of all ages. Beyond music, Zion is involved in community service both locally and nationally.
Interviewed by Tamar Sella, 10/02/2020.
Informational video intended to prepare patients for their upcoming electrophysiology study. Major topics include the purpose of electrophysiology testing; how the test is done; what you will experience before, during, and after the test; and treatment options including medication, pacemakers, catheter ablation, and surgery. Presented by Douglas P. Zipes, MD (Professor of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, and Senior Researcher Associate, Krannert Institute of Cardiology). Also includes testimonies from patients who have undergone electrophysiology testing.
An advertisement for Zuban Auslese cigarettes depicting an animated train that spells the brand name. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
Poster presented at the Indiana University Medical Student Program for Research and Scholarship (IMPRS) Research Symposium held on July 27-28, 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana.