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An older couple greeting people in a receiving line. The woman is Nellie Voigt Freeman, Bailey's mother. The original title indicates this was part of an Easter celebration. Bailey is present in the group. The film then focuses on flower in a garden - the original title indicates this is Artillery Lane in St. Augustine.
Home movie taken at Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Much of the footage is dark and difficult to see. Buddhist monks in bright robes can be seen around the temple.
Shows a group of people posing for the camera in front of their house, including Nellie Freeman, Bernadine Bailey's mother. The rest of the group is likely Paul R. Wilkinson (the younger man with glasses), his siblings, and parents. Paul F. Wilkinson, Bernadine Bailey's nephew, is playing with a group of other children.
Bernadine Bailey's sister, Joy, and her nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson emerge from the Wilkinson family home in Western Springs, Illinois. Paul is wearing roller skates. He roller skates down the sidewalk with an unknown girl as a collie plays alongside them. Bailey joins her sister, nephew, mother (Nellie Voigt Freeman), and an unknown man (possibly her husband, John Hays Bailey) as the group poses in front of the house. Brief shots of Paul Freeman Wilkinson riding a tricycle and a couple (possibly the Wilkinsons) working in the yard.
Travelogue documenting Bailey's trip to Denmark circa 1971. Primarily shows a harbor with glaciers, local flora, and village life. Shots of men working on boats and doing construction.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. This film shows a visit to Seljalandsfoss and the surrounding landscape. Brief shot of a small bubbling geyser. In Reykjavik, the camera captures the public square Austurvöllur taken from the balcony of the Hotel Borg.
Travelogue documenting Bailey's trip to Hawaii in 1960. Features extensive footage of Hawaii's scenic oceans, beaches, hills, and flowers. Shots of several landmarks, including Aloha Tower, ʻIolani Palace, Laie Hawaii Temple and the murals inside, Ewa Plantation School, Halekiʻi-Pihana Heiau, Kalaupapa Settlement and Father Damien's grave. Shows several homes with names and addresses, possibly friends of Bailey, as well as Bailey attending an outdoor reception at a private garden with close-ups of tropical flowers. Ends with footage of hotel exteriors around Waikiki and Bailey at the airport.
Very brief home movie documenting Bailey's trip to Hawaii in 1960. Shows the waters of the Pacific taken while cruising in a boat, followed by a brief glimpse of a TWA StarStream 707 plane on a tarmac. The footage is very light and hard to see in some places.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. The film begins with Bailey as the subject - she waves and blows kisses to the camera. We see she is traveling with her husband, Carson Ritchie. He poses outside the Tahiche Club. The camera captures scenes of the coastline with many beach-goers enjoying the sun. Bailey and Ritchie take turns filming each other walking around their hotel.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to France in the early 1950s. Features footage of boats sailing along the Seine, people strolling along the banks, sunbathing at a pool, and homeless men sleeping near the river. Shows the Lafayette monument in Cours-la-Reine and children playing at its base and street scenes taken in the Latin Quarter. Other notable landmarks include the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, Musée du Louvre, and Notre Dame cathedral.
Footage of two towns in Illinois, with focus on the town's high schools: Salem Community High School and Vandalia Community High School. Also shows Vandalia State House.
Episode 4 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. This visit to the southeastern United States discusses the role of tobacco in the growth of the Virginia Colony, the importance of cotton and the fall line in making the Piedmont region the textile center of the nation, and George Washington Carver's research on uses for the peanut. Explores the political and cultural heritage of Williamsburg, Virginia. Hosted by John Rugg.
3JUP0ORP: Animation of the evolution of midplane and meridional densities in logarithmic scale for the 3JUP0ORP simulation. The axes have units of AU and the time is given in ORPs in the upper right of each panel. The series starts at t = 0.08 ORPs and proceeds to the end of the simulation at approximately 10 ORPs. The black diamond in each of the panels indicates the location of the planet.
Module 14 from Applied Communication instructs in how to assess personal interests and skills and how to relate these to job preferences. Also shows where to get additional training.
Shows the correct procedure and manipulations for elementary glass blowing with Pyrex glass, the technique employed for joining tubes of unequal diameters, and the method of forming bulbs.
Becky's parents are separated, uncertain of what will become of their marriage and their lives.
On the day that her father is flying into town to see them for the weekend, Becky's mother drives her and her younger brother Cory to the airport. The mother is anxious and distracted, Becky is confused and frightened, and Cory restless and innocent of the troubles around him. All along the way Becky questions her mother with growing intensity about why "people fall out of love" and what is going to happen to them if there is a divorce. Edgy about seeing her husband again, the mother cannot find the patience to answer the questions to Becky's satisfaction. In spite of her mother's reassurance that both her parents love her very much, Becky imagines fantastically the frightening consequences of divorce. These nightmarish episodes reveal Becky's feelings of fear, anger, and guilt, and are contrasted with the happy times that she remembers from the days when her parents were still in love. When the father arrives, he embraces the children and then haltingly takes his wife's hand. As they leave the airport together, there is no way of knowing whether a reconciliation is still possible or whether all of them will yet have to grope through the pain of divorce.
Episode 13 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episode 3 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episode 2 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episode 2 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episode 17 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Footage of a Stearman taking off and performing stunt tricks. At different points, the camera is placed on the aircraft filming from the perspective of the pilot. Filmed in June 1972.
Footage of a pilot taking off, shot from inside the aircraft. The camera is positioned on the front of the plane, looking back at the pilot. After doing several stunt tricks in the air, he also demonstrates landing.