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During this conversation, Dr. Broxton Bird gives an overview of his paleoclimate research in the midcontinental US that seeks to determine the relationship between past climate change and flooding and how this information can be used to understand how human impacts on the climate and landscape have altered these natural systems and what it means for the future.
Professor Christine Picard is a member of the groundbreaking team that established the world’s first research center dedicated to insects as feed and food, known as the Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect Farming (CEIF), funded by the National Science Foundation and other industry members. Professor Picard’s research focuses on unraveling the genetic basis of postmortem-feeding insects in the field of forensic entomology and exploring insects as sustainable protein sources for humans and animals. During this presentation, Christine Picard shares how she and her research team are developing strategies to optimize insect production as a sustainable solution to address the protein needs of a growing global population.
Professor Lea Bishop is recognized internationally as a leading expert on book hunger and the right to read. Her research on intellectual property and distributive justice has shaped human rights law at the United Nations and informed her proposal for a plan to end childhood book hunger globally by 2030. She is tenured at Indiana University's Robert H. McKinney School of Law, where she teaches copyright law and human rights and studies the impact of ChatGPT and other generative AI. During this presentation, Professor Bishop talks about her research on how emerging technologies can be harnessed to empower individuals and expand access to educational resources globally.
Trust is crucial in community-engaged research for fostering mutually respectful relationships. Measuring trust is important for evidence-based strategies to improve recruitment and engagement in biomedical research, and for practitioners and researchers to reflect on their own trustworthiness. During this conversation, Professor Sotto explores the concepts of trust and trustworthiness and offers practical approaches.
Professor Broxton Bird gives an overview of his paleoclimate research in the midcontinental U.S. that seeks to determine the relationship between past climate change and flooding and how this information can be used to understand how human impacts on the climate and landscape have altered these natural systems and what it means for the future.
In this short video, Professor Sotto describes her community-engaged translational research. She enjoys championing faculty and trainees from historically marginalized and minoritized backgrounds along all career stages.
Many teachers and faculty do not want, for various reasons, to come back to the classroom and school environment. Our children need you. Please do not cancel their success. Adults experience a lot of complexity in their own lives which they bring to the lives of their own children and those they teach. Yet, children of all ages, especially before the age of 12, require only two things for their student success. 1) that their basic Maslow Hierarchy of Needs be met and 2) that we "Show Up" in their lives. Showing up means finding ways to bond via people, places, and things or through social bonding attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. During this presentation, Professor Carolyn Gentle-Genitty shares ways you can encourage student success.
In this video, Professor Christine Picard describes her translational research. Professor Picard and her research team are developing strategies to optimize insect production as a sustainable solution to address the protein needs of a growing global population.
Personal and community networks are dimensions where information, resources, and norms about health are clustered and spread through groups of people. In the case of Hispanic health in the U.S., networks are thought to be both protective (through the provision of support and resources), but also a conduit of unhealthy behaviors and practices (such as reinforcing norms for episodic clinical care). It is not fully understood how these dimensions were affected during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the VidaSana Study 2015-2022, Dr. Maupome and his team of researchers collected data from 558 Hispanics from Central America and Mexico. Their goal was to examine the evolution of social networks, health beliefs and health-related behaviors among these population groups. During this presentation, Dr. Maupome talks about the findings of the VidaSana study (and other ancillary studies) and how data will be used to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Hispanic populations.
Dr. Susana Mariscal and her community partners describe how Indiana is part of the nationwide shift toward prevention through community collaborations using a strengths-based approach, integrating various efforts, tailoring responses to needs, using digital campaigns, aligning funding, and gaining champions’ support. The Strengthening Indiana Families project, funded by the Children’s Bureau, has strengthened cross-system collaborations at the state and local levels in Indiana and has garnered buy-in from leaders and policymakers, leading to funding alignment and increased financial support.
In this video, Dr. Susana Mariscal describes her translational research. Indiana is part of the nationwide shift toward prevention through community collaborations using a strengths-based approach, integrating various efforts, tailoring responses to needs, using digital campaigns, aligning funding, and gaining champions’ support. The Strengthening Indiana Families project, funded by the Children’s Bureau, has strengthened cross-system collaborations at the state and local levels in Indiana and has garnered buy-in from leaders and policymakers, leading to funding alignment and increased financial support.
Professor Lasana Kazembe’s translational research project is a literacy and creative arts program that introduces participants to the cultural, historical, and political impact of (six) 20th century global Black Arts Movements.
In this presentation, Professor John Goodpaster discusses his translational research on “Chemical Analysis as a Tool in Arson and Explosives Investigations.” He explains how his laboratory uses science to design better approaches to identify trace amounts of explosives on post-blast debris from improvised explosive devices or ignitable liquid residues in debris from suspicious fires. He also talks about the best methods for training dogs to detect explosives of all kinds.
During this presentation, Dr. Jamie Levine Daniel discusses the need to acknowledge, address, and mitigate bias in order to best serve our communities. She highlights how her initial focus on addressing antisemitism in the classroom led her to a broader research focus on equity and justice in process and policy that involves knowledge co-creation with community partners. Examples that she highlights include dismantling racism in philanthropy, tracking cross-border philanthropy, and advocating for science-based health policy.
During this presentation, Dr. Lisa Staten discusses the "Diabetes Impact Project – Indianapolis Neighborhoods (DIP-IN)". This a multi-year, multisector, community engaged project with a holistic approach to reducing the diabetes burden in three Indianapolis communities. She provides an overview of the project and then focuses on the diverse partnerships that are central to the project.
In this presentation, Dr. Catherine Mosher presents an intervention study that her team conducted to reduce the negative impact of symptoms in patients with advanced cancer and improve family caregivers’ well-being. This study used a telephone-delivered approach to reach participants throughout the state of Indiana. Also, a community partner shares her experiences as a cancer survivor.
Racism is a devastation that exists in communities throughout the world. It thwarts societies from evolving into their potential as socially, economically and politically viable settings in which to live and thrive. Drawing from her work on racialized violence, Dr. Chalmer Thompson addresses how some scholars and practitioners perpetuate forms of systemic violence and she demonstrates how liberation-based psychology can help end oppression.
Dr. Chalmer Thompson briefly discusses her research interests and goals. Her research focuses on how people interact with one another verbally and non-verbally, and on creative ways to reach children in resisting the negative manifestations of racism while simultaneously, advancing strategies that build their identities as sociopolitical beings. She also talks about the work she does abroad in Uganda and the work that she does locally in Indianapolis.
Dr. Hyatt talks about some of the most memorable collaborative projects that she has engaged in over the past 19 years in Indianapolis, and shares what each project has contributed to the mission of supporting translational research at IUPUI. Colleagues of Dr. Hyatt share what she and her research means to them, IUPUI, and the Indianapolis and international communities.
Professor Paul Mullins is a historical archaeologist who studies the intersection of materiality and the color line, focusing on the relationship between racism, consumption, and urban displacement. Dr. Mullins’ research has focused on urban displacement in Indianapolis, examining how a century-old, predominately African-American community was displaced and is now reconstructing its history. His scholarship has included archaeological excavations, documentary research, and oral history in Ransom Place, Flanner House Homes, the present-day IUPUI campus, and postwar African-American suburbs.
During this special event, several of Dr. Mullins’ colleagues share how his work has and continues to impact their lives and academic careers. This presentation also shows how Paul Mullins’ research is an exemplary model of IUPUI faculty members translating research into practice for the betterment of their fields and communities.
English learners make up 10.4% of the U.S. student population. Professor Annela Teemant’s research focuses on preparing teachers for these learners using critical sociocultural perspectives on teaching and learning. Using quasi-experimental, qualitative, and mixed methods research designs, she studies how teacher pedagogy, job-embedded coaching, and in-service teacher credentialing impact student (language) learning. In this short video, Professor Teemant goes into further detail about her research.
English learners make up 10.4% of the U.S. student population. Professor Annela Teemant's research focuses on preparing teachers for these learners using critical sociocultural perspectives on teaching and learning. Using quasi-experimental, qualitative, and mixed methods research designs, she studies how teacher pedagogy, job-embedded coaching, and in-service teacher credentialing impact student (language) learning.
A travelogue-type film which shows some of the famous castles which gave Castille its name; includes the Alhambra, some historic monasteries, and the Gothic Cathedral of Burgos. With few exceptions, the vocabulary is restricted to the 2000 most common words and idioms from Hayward Keniston's A standard list of Spanish words and idioms. For second semester Spanish students.
A map is used to locate Hamburg, Germany. Then tours the harbor section of the city and the business and shopping districts. Visits a typical middle-income home during a family gathering, the inner and outer lakes, the botanical gardens, and the zoo.
Describes the productive power of ranchers and their role in supplying America's war effort during World War II.
Portrays ranch life and western range country. Shows waterholes, windmills and watering tanks. Stresses improvements made through government range programs.
Uses animation to show the mechanism of meiosis, the chromosome halving cell division preceding the formation of sperm and egg cells and forming the basis of genetics.
Illustrates the different methods used by various salespeople. Shows how suggestive and descriptive selling aids the customer, the individual salesclerk, and the store.
Demonstrates the concept that electric current is a flow of electrons controlled by circuits. Describes have electrical circuits. Describes home electrical circuits and illustrates a short circuit caused by faculty insulation. Reveals functions of conductors and insulators, and measurements of electric flow by application of Ohm's law. Explains Ohm's law in terms of resistance, current, and electromotive force. For junior and senior high school, and adult groups.
Presents scenes of the chameleon in its normal habitat, with extreme close-ups to show the functioning of the feet, eyes, and tongue. Shows how the skin color changes in response to light and temperament. Includes slow-motion sequences.
Describes the constant activity of the industries and public services of a typical American town, and shows how inhabitants of the town are dependent upon each other for their comfort and well being.
Historical Summary:
Illustrates community institutions, their services and activities, by portraying a day in the life of ten-year-old Richard. Points out ways in which the members of a community serve each other, and emphasizes the responsibility of membership in a community.
Because it is raining, Françoise and her pet rabbit must spend the morning doing something indoors. Françoise draws a picture with crayons, and Hopper, her rabbit, helps her. Written for children with fundamental French vocabulary, the film has entertaining visuals and includes a range of French basic action verbs, names of colors, and important prepositions.
"Roadrunner conquers rattlesnake" is an excerpt from the feature "Adventures of Chico." A young boy, Chico, is sleeping while his roadrunner pet explores nature. The roadrunner comes across a dangerous rattlesnake and the two go head to head.
Presents a cartoon movie of Soglow's Little King. On Christmas Eve, the Little King sneaks two tramps into the castle. The next morning, the three men are thrilled by the presents Santa left behind.
Portrays running water as the most powerful of all forces tending to alter the earth's surface. Describes the water cycle, and through stream table demonstrations, animated drawings, and natural photography, explains the growth of rivers, erosion cycle, rejuvenation, and deposition. Illustrates the formation of ox-bows, sand bars, and deltas. Shows examples of valleys, meanders, water gaps, and alluvial fans.
Shows the response of today's Egyptians to new ideas of progress and change amidst a way of life unchanged for centuries. Discusses methods of agriculture, the importance of the Nile River, developments in education, the place of women in society, the racial structure of Egyptian society, the marketplace, and the traditional rural village.
Describes electrical current and its creation as Bob and his science teacher assemble a generator. Applies this learning diagrammatically to electrical power in a house.
Film depicts life at an orphanage for boys in Mexico - their chores (husking corn, milking cows) their pets, their daily routine, their games. Sentences of the Spanish narration are nearly all declarative, and in the present indicative. For second semester Spanish students.
Discloses sources of inspiration in man's environment and interprets these forms through the eyes of the creative artist in order to stimulate students to see opportunities for using art in their own living.
Demonstrates safe handling and storage of petroleum products on the farm and ranch; emphasizes danger of using kerosene, gasoline, cleaning fluids and other everyday items improperly.
Explains how the physical structure of birds is adapted to the kind of food they eat, and points out characteristics of birds that eat insects. Draws attention to the strong wings and wide bills of birds that chase insects in the air; the small size and agility of birds that hunt in bushes; and the strong chisel-shaped bill of woodpeckers. Shows the swallow, nighthawk, kingbird, chestnut-sided warbler, black-billed cuckoo.
In America today, many of us can feel overwhelmed by the simultaneous political, economic, and climate crises upon us. Frances Moore Lappé discusses these three interacting roots of our problems: a brutal form of capitalism, big money's grip on our democracy, and climate catastrophe. She shows us how realizing their unity can be empowering, not overwhelming. They open historic opportunity. Addressing one crisis, we are working to solve all three. Through inspiring stories and startling facts, Frances helps us realize our own power to generate a new story as we tackle these root causes with exhilarating, courageous action—together.