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Steve and Stan Blessing (Masters), Jon Kay (Director), Nineteenth State LLC. (Production Services), William Winchester Claytor (Videographer and Editor), Nathan Vollmar (Sound Recording and Editor) Kelly Totten (Cover Design), Betsy Shepherd (Production Coordinator) Traditional Arts Indiana
In 2012 we partnered with Traditional Arts Indiana to produce this short profile of Blessing Farms, a family dairy farm and cattle breeding operation outside of Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The 800 acre farm, run by brothers Steve and Stan Blessing, is home to approximately 140 Brown Swiss dairy cows, and has been in operation since 1936. The Blessing family also grows corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and wheat.
Noble Melton (Master), Jon Kay (Director), Matt Stockwell (Videographer/Editor), Cynthia Hoye (Executive Director of the Indiana State Fair), Traditional Arts Indiana
Noble Melton is a minister in Indianapolis, who earns the title of State Fair Master for his decades of commitment to the fiddler’s art and playing at the Fair. His musical education was informal,. Growing up in Crawford County, Noble was exposed to old time fiddle music at house dances and later in the dance halls where he first played. For more than 30 years he has become a staple act at the Fair’s Pioneer Village.
The Roney Family, Jon Kay (Director), Ben Schreiner (Videographer and Music), Traditional Arts Indiana
In 2008, the Tuttle Orchard celebrated their 80th anniversary. Like their grandfather Roy Tuttle and their parents Ray and Virginia Roney, Mike and Tom Roney consider participation at the State Fair an important part of the family’s tradition of excellence in growing apples.
Jack Rodibaugh (Master), Jon Kay (Director), Cynthia Hoye (Executive Director of the State Fair), Kenny Stone (Music), Nicholas Blewett (Editor and Shooter), Buki Long (Assistant Editor), Traditional Arts Indiana
Jack Rodibaugh and his family operate a hog business where they produce swine for breeding, market and 4-H youth. Rodibaugh's career began when his uncle gave him two piglets during the Depression. While he admits that he did not know much about pigs those first few years, he learned from older farmers and has spent the last 63 years perfecting breeding stock and competing at the State Fair. Today, he and his family encourage the tradition by producing and selling quality hogs to 4-H youth.
A Pictoreels cartoon. Cheezer the mouse is tired of being treated like a little kid. Instead of going to bed like his mother told him, he follows his inner demon into the kitchen. Despite the interventions of his inner angel, Cheezer tries out smoking a pipe, looking at a girlie magazine, and drinking booze. Finally, Cheezer's angel and demon fight it out, and the angel defeats the demon just in time to save the little mouse from being eaten by the cat.
William Harris, Vivianne Crowley, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of William Harris, conducted by Vivianne Crowley. Harris touches on his experience as a Pullman rail car engineer.
George Verdos, Dorothy Verdos, Stew McDonnell, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of George and Dorothy Verdos, conducted by Stew McDonnell. This interview touches on reminiscences of Midcity Airport. George and Dorothy Verdos participated in two interviews. The other interview occurred on 1994-04-11.
Discusses pros and cons of alcohol. Uses animation to depict various cultural and religious customs regarding the use of alcohol. Depicts situations in which a teacher examines her attitudes towards alcohol and a class discusses why people do or do not drink.
“I was learning something about that Title and how we could apply it to the community in which we lived in and how it can help people's lives.” When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed, Betty Williams wanted to learn more about how the new law could help people with disabilities become equal members of their community. She arranged monthly meetings with an expert to discuss the legislation. “Every time I went in I was learning. I was learning a new Title each time,” recalls Betty. She is an award-winning leader in the self-advocacy movement, having served as president of both Self-Advocates of Indiana and the national organization Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered. The interview was recorded at the 2009 Indiana Governor's Council for People with Disabilities Conference.
A dramatization which compares responsible drinking with alcohol abuse. Intermixed with scenes from a party, a male and female participant each present facts about alcohol consumption and its effect on physical and mental functioning. Contrasts the view of a person who advocates abstinence with the opinions of a drinker who rationalizes his heavy drinking. Some of the facts presented reveal the relationship between the number of drinks consumed and blood-alcohol levels, the effects on the individual at each level, and tips about how to moderate drinking and behave responsibly if one is consuming alcohol.
Steve Eldridge, Vivianne Crowley, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Steve Eldridge, conducted by Vivienne Crowley. This interview touches on reminiscences of the South Shore Railroad.
Darcus Nims and Betty Williams, two of the founding leaders of Self-Advocates of Indiana, describe how their self-advocacy skills helped the inexperienced travelers maneuver around Washington, D.C.. Darcus was interviewed in 2006 and Betty was interviewed in 20016.
“We would get referrals from the workshops usually, and we would meet with the individuals to determine their eligibility.” Roberta Stafford worked as a vocational rehabilitation counselor for almost 24 years. Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services is a state and federally funded agency working with people with disabilities to assist in finding employment. Roberta describes the work evaluation people would go through to determine what help they might need to do a job. However, at the end of evaluation, people wound up working in the sheltered workshop. That all changed in the mid-1980s with the introduction of supported employment. The counselors were initially skeptical this new program would work. Instead of telling people what job they could have, counselors learned how to empower individuals. Roberta explains, "It's all individualized. So, you know, so we work with people to get them through that process so that they can figure out what kind of job they want." Roberta was interviewed in 2019.
One in a series of twelve, one-reel films designed to present behind-the scenes activities of the motion picture industry. This film explains the work of the costume designer in the production of a feature motion picture, illustrating the skill, the research, and the sense of the appropriate which must go into the designing of costumes. Factual knowledge must be combined with artistic creative ability in making costumes. Shows how each character in a movie is attired to sustain the mood of the scene or to portray a segment of society, a country, or an era in history in accurate detail. Featuring Edith Head.
Bud Ruby, Jerry Gusatson, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Burton "Bud" Ruby, conducted by Jerry Gustafson. This interview touches on Michigan City aviation.
Ed Hedstrom, Stew McDonnell, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Ed Hedstrom, conducted by Stew McDonnell. This interview touches on reminiscences of South Shore Railroad.
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Harry Frey, conducted by Fern Eddy Schultz. This interview touches on Michigan City aviation.
“We’re out there advocating for people, and speaking up for people, and speaking up for what we want for our lives every day," explained Self-Advocates of Indiana (SAI) President Betty Williams. In this video produced in 2007, SAI members shared why being a self-advocate was important. Betty explained the mission of the statewide organization for adults with intellectual disabilities is to help people with disabilities become equal citizens. SAI Vice-President Darcus Nims adds, “They’ve got voices. It is time to start hearing from them because their voices counts." In the video, members talk about how becoming involved with Self-Advocates of Indiana changed their lives.
One in a series of twelve, one-reel films designed to present behind-the scenes activities of the motion picture industry. This film illustrates the work of the set creators, providing an interesting view of the research required to provide authentic settings and backgrounds for different types of productions. The film shows these craftsmen at work and presents every step in the creation and construction of the motion picture set, contrasting styles of sets as they differ in portraying such scattered locations as Siam, New England, and Mexico.
"It is something that is going to change minds as well as break down the barriers," states Ric Edwards on the impact of the ADA. He goes on to explain, “The most significant change has to be the mindset that has been changed because that has much more of an impact than any kind of brick and mortar changes, or programmatic changes, because that's where the whole problem starts is in the minds of people.” Ric recalls Indiana advocates who helped lay the groundwork to overcome barriers, but he knows there is more work to do. Ric states, “We’re not at all saying that we’re in a utopia because we have the ADA. We have a lot people that need to become more educated about what this is all about.” Ric was interviewed at the 2009 Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities Conference.
Rex Westphal, Betty Rinehart, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Rex Westphal, conducted by Betty Rinehart. This interview touches on reminiscences aerial surveying and aviation.
“It changed my life,” explains Karen Vaughn of her experience going through Partners in Policymaking in 1992. A leadership training program for adults with disabilities and parents, Partners in Policymaking had been recently initiated by the Indiana Governor's Planning Council for People with Disabilities. The following year she returned as a graduate to assist new participants. Ed Roberts, considered the founder of the nation's independent-living movement, was an invited guest to speak to the Partners in Policymaking group that year. Karen discusses some of Ed’s achievements throughout his life. She also shares a funny story about Ed visiting her apartment. Karen, an Indianapolis resident who became a leader in disability advocacy, was interviewed in 2010.
A little over 30 years ago, a doctor told Sharon Hauss to put her infant son in an institution. Sharon’s response, “He’s my son. I couldn’t do it.” Her son, Michael Ely, went on to be fully included in school. Using part of a script he wrote for the theatrical presentation “I Am You,” Michael talks about graduating from high school and college. Michael says, “It would be nice if people would get to know me as a person before they decide what I am capable of doing.” Sharon and Michael were interviewed in 2016.
“You don’t have the right to deny them the opportunity to try this.” Mary Lou Melloy's daughter, Cindy, was born in 1958. Doctors told the family they should put Cindy in a residential facility. Mary Lou and her husband, Don, had other plans for their daughter. In this clip, Mary Lou discusses the work it took to get Cindy accepted into public school. After completing school in Indianapolis, Cindy went to a workshop for a while until she landed a community job. Although Mary Lou was initially hesitant about a community job, in the end she said it was a wonderful opportunity for her daughter. Mary Lou started encouraging other parents to let go of their fears and give their children the opportunity to find a job in the community. She was interviewed in 2017.
Portrays the psychology at work in the use of alcohol by adolescents. A documentary approach is taken in presenting the origin, development, and results of an actual research project, "A Study of the Use of Alcohol Among High School Students", made by the Hofstra College Bureau of Social Research. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Explains the effect of alcohol and drugs on the driver. Points out the necessity of severe punishment for the driver who drinks and what can be done to improve the situation. Discusses the social drinker and teenagers and drinking. Describes the hazard of drugs, including doctors' prescriptions for various ailments as well as narcotics. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Lucius Donkle, Fern Eddy Schultz, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Lucius Donkle, conducted by Fern Eddy Schultz. This interview touches on reminiscences the South Shore line and the "Save our South Shore Committee."
Eugene Moldenauer, Patricia A. Harris, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Eugene Moldenuaer, conducted by Patricia A. Harris, and touches on jobs on various railroad lines in mid-twentieth century.
Joe Phillips, Dale Phillips, Darin Phillips, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Harry Frey, conducted by Fern Eddy Schultz. This interview touches on three generations of Michigan City aviation history.
John Griswold, Patricia A. Harris, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of John Griswold, conducted by Patricia A. Harris. This interview touches on Michigan City aviation.
“We were afraid as parents, and they started talking about doing away with the workshop.” Mary Lou and her husband didn't like the idea of their daughter Cindy getting a job in the community. In the late 1990s, they sent a letter to other parents inviting them to a meeting with the agency executive director to fight closing of the sheltered workshop. The next morning, Mary Lou called the executive director and told him to find her daughter a job. Two weeks later Cindy went to work at a pharmaceutical company in Indianapolis where she worked for the next 20 years. Mary Lou says, “It was the most wonderful opportunity for Cindy." Mary Lou was interviewed in 2017.
Bud Kintzele Jr., Martin Buechley, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Bud Kintzele Jr., conducted by Martin Buechley. This interview touches on reminiscences of mid-twentieth century Michigan City and work in the Pullman Standard car shops. Kintzele Jr., participated in two different interviews. The other interview took place on 03-19-1994.
Bud Kintzele Jr., Martin Buechley, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of Bud Kintzele Jr., conducted by Martin Buechley. This interview touches on reminiscences of mid-twentieth century Michigan City and work in the Pullman Standard car shops. Kintzele Jr., participated in two different interviews. The other interview took place on 03-31-1994.
“We have an opinion and it matters,” states Kelsey Cowley. Unfortunately, Kelsey didn’t feel many people listened to her during her school years. She says, “They just didn’t understand people with disabilities to the whole extent.” As President of Self-Advocates of Indiana, Kelsey is encouraging people with disabilities to get involved in their communities. She says, “If we can’t get the communities…to work along with us, then a lot of changes that want to be made by advocates won’t happen.” Kelsey was interviewed in 2017.
Demonstrates how various exercises and participation in athletics helped three adolescents to overcome particular difficulties common to many students. Points out the value of exercise for physical health, as an emotional release, and in building self-confidence and poise. Educational collaborator, Erwin F. Beyer
George Verdos, Dorothy Verdos, Patricia A. Harris, Michigan City Public Library
"Getting There: Oral Histories about transportation in Michigan City" is a series of oral histories, focusing on the railroads and aviation in Michigan City. This project was initiated and administered by the Michigan City Public Library, co-sponsored by the LaPorte County Historical Society, and funded through an Indiana Heritage Research Grant from 1993-1994.
Interview of George and Dorothy Verdos, conducted by Patricia A. Harris. This interview touches on reminiscences of Midcity Airport. George and Dorothy Verdos participated in two interviews. The other interview occured on 1993-09-03.
“They asked me to work on the objective of developing an Arc in every county in Indiana,” says Don Melloy. Don would take off after to work to travel around the state meeting with parents and community members. He would discuss the benefits of establishing a local Arc. To Don’s surprise, he found some groups of parents were not interested in talking with other groups of parents. The original focus of The Arc was to provide programming to children with disabilities who were excluded from public schools. Don says the United Way and other non-profit organizations were instrumental in funding many of the early initiatives of the local Arc agencies.
Explains how living things use energy provided by the Sun. Plants and animals alike rely on solar energy. Demonstrates how different kinds of energy are converted to different forms.
A study of cosmic rays, how they were discovered, how they are measured, and how they affect research, especially in the fields of atomic and nuclear physics. Includes views of the atomic accelerator at Brookhaven, the Sky-hook balloon, the launching of the nuclear submarine, the Meson telescope, the dish-shaped antennas at the National Radio Observatory, and other instruments used by astronomers and physicists in studying cosmic rays.
Explains how most of the energy on earth is derived from the sun. Points out that light and heat from the sun are forms of energy traveling at different wave lengths. Indicates the role of the sun in supplying water power and shows that energy from oil and coal can be traced back to the sun. | Animated and live-action sequences are used to explain the water cycle and to show how solar energy is transformed, transmitted through space, utilized by man and by plants, and stored for future use. Shows the work of scientists in converting the sun's energy into industrial power. Includes an exploratory visit to the sun by means of telescopic stop-motion photography.
Traces the development of space research; explains the need for satellites, rockets, and other space probes; demonstrates how such tools operate, shows how their findings are reported, and discusses what they have contributed to man's knowledge of space and of the solar system. Includes actual scenes of the assembly of instruments, the launching of satellites, and of the operation of tracking stations and computer centers.
Illustrates dynamic aspects of stars within our galaxy and of galaxies themselves by use of animated drawings. Includes changes in the Dipper, binary stars, eclipsing variables, trinary stars, motion of stars in the Hyades and Hercules clusters, apparent star motion due to motion of the solar system, galactic rotation, and a portrayal of the theory of the expanding universe. Also describes the principles of refracting and reflecting telescopes.
John Mee, Harry C. Sauvain, Donald L. Tuttle, Richard N. Farmer, Donald Sauer
Things Remembered: Post War Origin and Development of Academic Departments
John Mee interviews the first three Finance Department chairs of the Indiana School of Business, Harry Sauvain, Donald Sauer, and Donald Tuttle about the development of the Finance Department.
In the second tape John Mee interview Richard Farmer about the establishment of the international business department at the IU School of Business.
Photographed at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory, near Lake Angelus, Michigan, this film presents five types of solar disturbances or prominences, including quiescent, spot, cap, quasi-eruptive and loop or fountain.
2015 Victorian Song-Camp Singers (all children’s voices used with parental permission):
Heather Metzger, age 8
Grace Stewart, age 9
Mary Jetmore, age 9
Kristen Urich, age 10
Eden Judd, age 10
Malory Bolser, age 10
Ben Schweitzer, age 10
Graham Milligan, age 11
Madeline Stults, age 12
Luke Schweitzer, age 12
Heidi Metzger, age 13
Grace Blakely, age 13
Natalie Milligan, age 13
Annetta Itnyre, age 13
Natalie Pegg, age 13
Alexa Turner, age 15
Solo: Annetta Itnyre, ages 8-11
Duets “Jesus bids of shine” & “Gentle Jesus, meek & mild”: Madelyn Brunton & Annetta Itnyre, age 8
Rest of Duets: Lydia Shively and Annetta Itnyre, ages 14 & 13
Unison & Parts: Children’s Hymn Choir, June 2015,
*Jessica Raposo, director; Caryle Bailey, pianist
Klaus Agthe, John Mee, Thomas A. Watson, Alan B. Gilman, Paul V. Grambsch, Leon T. Kendall, James W. Cozad, J. Fred Risk, Rex A. Sebastian, Marshall S. Armstrong, Neal Gilliatt, Schuyler F. Otteson , Oscar L, Dunn, David W. Thompson, Donald J. Holmquist, E. W. Kelley, Carlos Lander Marquez, William G. Panschar
At the 3rd Dean Advisory council John Mee interviews the following alumni of the IU School of Business about their time at Indiana University and their careers after graduation.
Dr. Klaus Agthe ; Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Executive Officer Continental Can Company, Brussels
Thomas A. Watson ; President of the Lincoln National Corp. Fort Wayne, IN
Alan B. Gilman ; President Braham & Strauss. New York
Dr. Paul V. Grambsch School of Business Administration University of Minnesota. Minneapolis
Dr. Leon T. Kendall ; President and Chief Executive Officer Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. Milwaukee, Wisc.
James W. Cozad ; Vice-President of Financial Operations Standard Oil Company of America (Indiana) Chicago
J. Fred Risk ; Chairman of the Board Indiana National Bank. Indianapolis, IN
Rex A. Sebastian ; Senior Vice President of Operations Office of the President Dresser Industries, Inc. Dallas Texas
Dr. Marshall S. Armstrong ; Chairman of the Board Financial Accounting Standards Board Stamford, Connecticut
Neal Gilliatt ; Vice-Chairman of the Board The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. New York City, NY
Dean Schuyler F. Otteson ; Dean of the School of Business Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis Campuses
Oscar L, Dunn ; Senior Vice-President General Electric Company New York City, NY
David W. Thompson ; Partner Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. New York City, NY
Donald J. Holmquist ; Treasurer Eli Lilly and Company Indianapolis, IN
E. W. Kelley ; President and Co-Chief Executive Officer Fairmont Foods Company. New York City, NY
Dr. Carlos Lander Marquez ; President Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion Caracas, Venezuela
Dr. William G. Panschar ; Director of External Programs School of Business Indiana University Bloomington, IN