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This webinar provides past, current, and future Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) participating institutions information about the FSSE project, administration processes, data files and reporting, and online FSSE resources. Webinar participants will learn about what to expect from a FSSE administration and how FSSE can be used to add context to a NSSE administration.
This interactive webinar will provide an introduction to the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE). The webinar will describe options for survey administration, data use, and reporting. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions, as well hear how their colleagues at other CSU campuses plan on using BCSSE.
Student comments can provide rich insight and add texture to statistical trends highlighted in Institutional Reports, but can be overlooked as it is difficult to efficiently analyze textual data. This webinar will discuss NSSE student comments, changes made to the end-of-survey comment prompts, a variety of methods for analyzing textual data, and how NSSE researchers have made use of comments data.
Tom Nelson Laird, Allison BrckaLorenz, Leah Peck, Eddie Cole, Jr.
The FSSE instrument has been updated to complement NSSE 2.0. In this webinar, we describe the revisions that have been made and provide an overview of what users can expect from FSSE in 2013.
This session provides a refresher on ideas to promote the NSSE survey administration on your campus. Presenters Cindy Ahonen and Katherine Wheatle, NSSE Project Associates, have compiled tips and creative examples to consider during the 2014 NSSE survey administration, offer reminders and strategies for new partners and stakeholders to involve in your survey promotion plan, and provide ways to maximize technology and social media to reach the most students.
This succinct, 15-minute session details strategies for promoting NSSE and provides tips on encouraging faculty, administrators, and students to get involved in raising awareness of NSSE on campus. Specific promotions from past NSSE participants are highlighted, and useful resources from NSSE's website are shared.
Presenters provide an in-depth preview of NSSE 2013 that includes item-by-item comparisons and information on the transition from NSSE Benchmarks to the new Engagement Indicators, offering participants an opportunity to provide input on new data reports.
The 30-minute webinar provides a quick review of some literature related to first-year experiences, an introduction to the module items, an in-depth look at aggregate findings, and suggestions for using results on your campus. For example, ideas for developing structured peer support, may arise from results showing that first-year students are most likely to seek help with coursework from friends or other students. We also highlight the importance of disaggregating data by various population, by highlighting some differences between female and male students.
What constitutes a meaningful difference in your NSSE results? With large samples it is common for very small differences to be statistically significant. That's why effect sizes, which provide a measure of "practical" significance, are so important. Based on a recent analysis of statistical comparisons of Engagement Indicators and High-Impact Practices, we have derived new recommendations for interpreting small, medium, and large effect sizes. In this webinar, we will explain our recommendations and invite participants to consider their use with their NSSE results.
Do you have data from the new Senior Transitions Topical Module? Interested in administering these items in the future? NSSE Analysts Angie Miller and Amber Dumford offer some insights on this popular 2015 module during this pre-recorded webinar. They provide a background on the rationale and development of the module, an in-depth look at the content, and highlight some intriguing findings from the aggregate data. Several suggestions for looking at data on your own campus are included as well, to help you get the most from customizing your NSSE participation with this valuable Topical Module.