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Discusses how prejudice might affect our actions, and points out that it is one of the most important of all the false impressions that occur within us. Demonstrates, with a group of students, how prejudice is promoted through "labels" which people attach to certain individuals or groups.
Discusses various levels of understanding of art in terms of visual, historical, and esthetics elements. Explains such terms as abstraction, cubism, futurism, and shows examples of each. Demonstrates the importance of the background of the viewers in his reaction to painting by analyzing the expressed likes and dislikes of five college teachers. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
A man and a woman caress as a phone rings in the background. The narrator states how angel skin hand lotion will make young hands which are more fun and attractive.
Episode 14 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Dr. Maria Piers discusses different ways parents can keep a child's fears of hospitals, doctors and nurses to a minimum. She talks about different coping methods for parents and children while a child goes through hospitalization.
Shows, through the play activities of children of different age levels, how they learn and gain physical growth. Presents the infant as needing few toys, the small child as wanting to help at home, and the preschool group as needing much freedom for play. Uses animation to show the imaginative pay of a boy with a toy, and illustrates how adults can impede as well as encourage play activities.