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Presents for discussion is supervisory training sessions the problem of a supervisor who leaves the office promptly but tells his clerical workers that they must work overtime, and who later criticizes the girls when they refuse to volunteer to work on Saturday.
Presents profiles of President William Henry Harrison and John Tyler with emphasis upon the presidential campaign of 1840. Uses maps, period illustrations, and photographs to highlight their childhood, education, pre-political activities, political growth, campaigning, and achievements in the White House.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of four short segments:
Has Anybody Seen Kelly? Reports on the return of decorated war hero Chuck Kelly to his home in Pittsburgh. Follows Chuck around his neighborhood, visiting with old acquaintances and giving his account of the war, narration concludes "two years of war changed Kelly, two years of war changed Pittsburgh."
Task Force 58 tells of the secret naval task force sent to attack Saipan. Combat footage of the naval fleet attacked by Japanese fighter planes states that 428 enemy planes were shot down in a single day.
Treasure Hunt depicts salvage operations going on behind front lines in Italy, showing the reclamation of any material that can be restored or reused, the repairing of uniforms and equipment.
Quiet Cities shows the bombed cities of Normandy, France, quiet after fighting has ended - then returning to combat footage of the battles at the same sites, using gun sight camera footage and images of captured and surrendering German soldiers.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Extension Service
A history of home construction and architectural styles in the U.S. Emphasizes the homestead as symbolic of American values and national character. "The American farmstead, stronghold of human liberty —its history and social significance. This film presents views of many historic rural homes, from New England to California; points out that they have all been created and maintained by a lavish expenditure of sweat and elbow grease, and that the farm home is of prime importance in our civilization. Of general interest, with a special appeal to students of rural domestic architecture" (Motion Picture of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 22). Includes scenes of New England colonial homes, the Georgian houses of the Chesapeake region, Monticello, Dutch colonial styles of Pennsylvania and the Hudson Valley, the Linnear House of Madison, IN, Andrew Jackson's Hermitage, the Uncle Sam Plantation in Louisiana, and the Spanish Haciendas of the southwest.
A plant supervisor talks to his son, who has built a boat in the basement too large to go through the door, about planning a job in advance; and recounts several illustrative experiences at the plant.
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. This issue consists of the single short film Back Door To Japan.
Progress in the campaign of General Joseph Stilwell to establish a second front against Japan from the Chinese mainland is shown. Work on the construction of supply routes known as the Ledo and Stillwell roads connecting India and Burma (Myanmar) to China is shown. Combat footage of exploits of General Frank Merrill's special forces unit known as "Merrill's Marauders." The battle to take a Japanese-held airfield at Myitkyina, Burma is shown in detailed combat footage, followed by a report on the monsoons that temporarily prevented use of the captured airfield by the Allies. Provides a summary of the Allied strategy in the Pacific theater, showing the Naval front in the islands of the Philippines and the secondary front in China.
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the Bloomington campus.