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With close-up photography of cod fillet, habibut steak, and whole dressed white fish, demonstrates three basic methods for cooking fish at home, boiling, and baking. Illustrates the use of garnishes to give eye-appeal and added nutritive qualities to fish when it is served.
Describes various phases of high temperature research, giving examples of compounds being used, goals of the research, and some results to date. Discusses procedures being used, with emphasis on procedures with titanium sulfide.
Shows how large deposits of iron ore, coal, and cheap water transportation contributed to the creation of a large industrial complex in the Great Lakes region. Pictures large scale mining of taconite in the Mesabi range of northern Minnesota. Shows ore boats on the Great Lakes, coal mining operations in West Virginia, a steel mill in Indiana, and the forming of automobile bodies in Detroit.
This film "outlines the role that industry is playing in our war effort. Production of munitions and the operation of the payroll withdrawal plan for War Bonds are among the subjects treated." (Free Film Reviews, Movie Makers, January, 1943, 34.) Includes footage from a number of International Harvester factories and how the company's workers save money from their paycheck to help the war effort through a company-wide payroll savings plan.
Dramatization showing how Navy photographers and photographic interpreters provided the intelligence necessary to launch a strike against a Japanese airfield in the Solomon Islands. Ends with a statement by Commander R.S. Quackenbush, Jr. urging viewers to purchase war bonds.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Reviews the World War II service of the transport "Wakefield," formerly the liner "Manhattan"; shows it being used for the transportation of troops, bombed at Singapore, and burned in the Atlantic.
United States. Army Air Forces. First Motion Picture Unit
This film outlines the convalescent training program for hospitalized U.S. airmen in World War II. It is designed to acquaint the convalescent with the program in which he will take part. Patients are shown in their beds, doing light calisthenics in the wards, exercising specific muscles using specially designed equipment, exercising and playing games out-of-doors, and engaging in hobbies and crafts. Other aspects of the program involve convalescents sharing wartime experiences with their fellow patients, teaching them new material and new skills, brushing up on their old skills acquired on duty, taking courses, and even earning degrees. The program also includes updates and discussions on the war, watching duty-related films, and engaging in purely social activities. The circulation and blood supply to various parts of the body are shown in animation.
Bob returns to the basketball locker room for the whistle needed in practice. Don sees Bob searching Ben's pockets and tells the gang that Bob is a thief. At skill practice Coach Barker, in questioning the boys, brings them to realize that jumping at conclusions is dangerous, and that good intentions are not the same as truth.
Shows examples of permanent and temporary houses planned by the Scottish Housing Advisory Committee and based on opinions of service men and women, and factory workers during World War II.