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Dr. Koppelman discusses probability in genetics, referring to Mendel's findings on the subject. He compares what happens on the average versus what happens every time.
Uses animation to demonstrate the meaning of (a + b)² in a way intended to convey to students the idea that algebraic statements have concrete meaning and visual form.
Phillip Stapp, Tony Kraler, Nathan Sobel, International Film Foundation
By means of animated lines, figures, and scenes, film illustrates through everyday happenings how "a line may be many things" and "a line is only an idea." Makes a plea for tolerance and a breaking down of all types of barriers between people.
A plea to eliminate the arbitrary boundary lines which divide people from each other. Presented in stylized animation.
Shows the preparation of both the Gooch crucible filter and regular paper filters. Indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the Gooch crucible. Pictures its preparation, Gooch filtering techniques, cleaning of the crucible, and the common problems associated with its use and suggested remedial measures. Presents a detailed picture of the use of the paper filter in this type of analysis from preparation to burning off paper from the filtrate.
Describes the basic articles for make-up and shows the correct method of its application. In this film the make-up for the two female roles in the play "Tom Sawyer" is done by one girl to show the extent to which make-up can create a character's appearance.
A travelogue-type film which shows some of the famous castles which gave Castille its name; includes the Alhambra, some historic monasteries, and the Gothic Cathedral of Burgos. With few exceptions, the vocabulary is restricted to the 2000 most common words and idioms from Hayward Keniston's A standard list of Spanish words and idioms. For second semester Spanish students.
Shows scenes in the Chicago Historical Society Museum which help give an understanding of the past by exhibiting possessions which touched the lives of some of those who have shaped United States history. Includes scenes from the homes of Paul Revere, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, as well as famous Philadelphia mansions and a variety of famous landmarks.
"Includes a report from Britain showing the RAF and the 8th Air Force on a hedgehopping bomber flight over France and Germany, and the 5th Air Force report from New Guinea." ("News and Notes," Educational Screen, June, 1944, 266.) Shows a film clip claiming to be an "Official German Newsreel," with footage of American planes that have been shot down and have crashed onto German soil. Shows how Germans salvage metal from these American aircraft to use for their own war effort and explains that each crashed plane is indicative of loss of soldiers' lives. Ends with a message from General Eisenhower asking the American people to support the Fifth War Loan Drive.
Explains the principles and demonstrates procedures and materials for joining and gluing wood, emphasizing the mortise-and-tenon and edge-to-edge joints. Shows procedures for application of glue and the use of clamping tools in gluing.
Presents two- and three-year-old children in their daily activities at a nursery school. Shows them imitating adults in their play, expressing hostility, responding to rhythm, learning to wash and dress themselves, eating, and taking an afternoon nap. Reveals how they learn about nature and life in the spring by discovering and examining living things. Points out that by the time they are four they become more social and begin to play in groups.
Follows the activities of two- and three-year-old children through the nursery-school day and through the seasons of the year. Shows ways in which teachers offer help, by setting limits and by giving support and encouragement; and indicates in playroom and playground scenes the variety and suitability of play equipment for natural and constructive activity.