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Social media has become a primary means of communication and personal expression for many, and digital trace data from social media platforms can contain rich and extensive archives of individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, and actions. But even though these data are increasingly plentiful and available to social science researchers, the process of extracting meaningful measures of individual-level attributes from large collections of social media data is nontrivial. In this talk, Computational Social Scientist, Sam Bestvater, will draw from his research on political engagement in online spaces and its impacts on real-world behaviors to discuss how machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze large amounts of social media data and extract insights into political attitudes and activities. Along the way, the talk will introduce several recent innovations in natural language processing and computer vision, and will discuss some potential challenges and limitations of using these tools and data sources for political research, as well as ethical considerations that should be taken into account.
Episode 10 of It Figures, a 28-part mathematics series for fourth graders. Each episode introduces real-life situations involving math concepts that can, at times, prove difficult. Often a child gets caught in the problem that does not come out successfully, but experience proves the best teacher. Capsizing the information taught in each program is a cartoon sequence. These cartoons provide previews of what follows from a live-action sequence. The content of It Figures was developed by a consortium of 31 state and provincial education agencies. Managing the project were Ed Cohen and the late Larry Walcoff. Individual programs were produced by Larry Wood Productions (in the facilities of KLVX in Las Vegas), the Illinois State Board of Education, New Jersey Network (NJN), KLCS in Los Angeles, Maryland Instructional Television and South Carolina ETV.
Dr Stephen Porges presented the Polyvagal Theory during a training program by NICABM on Trauma Therapy.
Original Publication:
Episode 13 of It Figures, a 28-part mathematics series for fourth graders. Each episode introduces real-life situations involving math concepts that can, at times, prove difficult. Often a child gets caught in the problem that does not come out successfully, but experience proves the best teacher. Capsizing the information taught in each program is a cartoon sequence. These cartoons provide previews of what follows from a live-action sequence. The content of It Figures was developed by a consortium of 31 state and provincial education agencies. Managing the project were Ed Cohen and the late Larry Walcoff. Individual programs were produced by Larry Wood Productions (in the facilities of KLVX in Las Vegas), the Illinois State Board of Education, New Jersey Network (NJN), KLCS in Los Angeles, Maryland Instructional Television and South Carolina ETV.
Shows the different kinds of nails and screws and their uses. Tells how to determine the size of nails, and how to drive them properly by using various techniques. Describes the hammer and screwdriver, and shows proper ways of handling them. Illustrates the principal parts of screws by diagram, and demonstrates various ways to make their use more effective.
Recent advances in natural language processing in the form of large language models (e.g., ChatGPT, GPT-3, BERT) have created new opportunities for social science research. While some of these models are proprietary and not easily accessible to researchers, others are publicly available through open source repositories such as HuggingFace. Key to these new language models is their ability to capture semantic meaning in texts, which means social scientists can leverage them to identify themes in large corpora of text that were previously unwieldy to analyze. In this workshop, we will review methods to harness these models to glean information from a range of sources including interviews, open-ended surveys, and web-scraped data.
This prerecorded webinar helps users construct the DAL scale and subscales using NSSE and FSSE data. It also provides a general overview of the concept as well as identifies areas where assessing DAL may be helpful for institutional improvement.
The most commonly reported use of NSSE results is for accreditation. NSSE's Accreditation Toolkits, designed for all regional and several specialized associations, map NSSE processes and items to the requirements and standards for each accreditor. The toolkits are available on the NSSE website. This webinar shows how NSSE items map to accreditation standards and discusses the potential for using NSSE data in institutional self-studies and quality improvement plans. The updated survey provides new items, topical modules, and more actionable Engagement Indicators, relevant to accreditation. If your self-study and site visit is fast approaching, or 5 or more years out, this session will be useful for your accreditation team.