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Students demonstrate the procedures that may be applied to fashion a space design. Details the making of an initial sketch, a three-dimensional model, and a final structure. Shows steps in the creation of space design usng metal, plastic, and other materials. Consultant, George Barford.
One of 13 episodes in a series, Design With A Camera offers instructions and tips on framing subjects in photography. Joan Jockwig Pearson demonstrates subject placement using drawings and frames of varying sizes to achieve a unique, artistic effect.
Discusses the processes involved in creating a piece of sculpture suitable for reproduction. Explains compositional elements in sculpture while a figure is modeled. Shows the process of making a plaster mold from the completed figure. Demonstrates how the "slip" or liquid clay is poured in the mold and after drying how the mold is removed. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Provides an analysis of the meaning of despotism, showing that any community can be rated along a scale from complete democracy to complete despotism. Analyzes two sings which characterize despotism--restricted respect and concentrated power. Considers two conditions which aid in the development of despotism--slanted economic distribution and controlled information.
Portrays the role of developmental genetics in dealing with ways phenotypes come into being through the action of genes. Presents a complete discussion of the Creeper domestic fowl--its genetic basis, morphology, embryological history, and the experimental work that led to an understanding of how this gene affects early development to produce the morphological features seen as the outcome of the developmental process. Lecture given by Dr. L. C. Dunn.
Describes the ways in which genes produce phenotypic differences by acting very early in embryonic development. Shows that this action may take place at a distance through chemical messengers (pituitary dwarfism in the house mouse, lethal giant larva in Drosophila), or it may involve tissue induction systems (Brachyury and taillessness in the house mouse). Discusses the development of eye color in Drosophila as a model of how each of the steps in a chain of chemical processes leading to development is under genic control. Lecture given by Dr. L. C. Dunn.
Discusses hospital safety through the experience of a doctor who, while in charge of a hospital, meets with an accident. While he is recuperating, he considers the many other safety hazards to patients and staff around the institution. He subsequently makes administrative changes and institutes a safety program.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr.,explains and demonstrates dialect differences in standard English. He calls upon five guests from different geographical areas in the United States who illustrate pronunciation differences. The film illustrates how language variations are divided into geographical areas.
Explains dialogue from the point of view of the playwright who composes it and the actor who gives it expression. Describes and demonstrates three types of dialogue: straight dialogue, set speech, and soliloquy. Illustrates devices and techniques used by the actor to support the dialogue including articulation, tempo, force, and quality. (KUON-TV) Film.
Follows a car thief, played by an actor, as he steals cars and offers recommendations to the spectator on how to protect their car. Includes footage of various people looking through documents, reenactments of cars being stolen and owners being upset when they realize what's happened, the process of car owner alerting police to theft, being interviewed by police, and police searching for the car; car being broken apart at chop shop; tips on what car owners can do to reduce the chances that their car will be stolen; women looking at microfilm machines; shot in and around Indianapolis; ends with car their behind bars.
Reveals the all-too-common plight of one family living in New York City's black Harlem through the photographs of Gordon Parks. Includes the problems of inadequate educational background, restricted job opportunities, a lack of food and adequate heating, the drinking of the father and the despair of the mother, and the hostility and violence that results. Points out the importance of poverty agencies or other help, and leaves the family's difficulties unsolved.
The first airplane to fly was what would be called today a Canard Type airplane; it had a horizontal stabilizer in front of the main wing. Today’s Conventional Type plane has the stabilizing surfaces are of the same size. Dr. Lippisch explains all three models. He also describes the Allwing Type plane which is made by combining wing and tail surfaces, sweeping thewing tips backward, and placing the control areas on the wing tips. He discusses the fundamental law of stability and demonstrates this on models in flight and in the Smoke Tunnel.
Shows the variety of ways animals obtain food and their different types of digestive cavities--fully closed, one opening, and two openings. Examines digestive organs in an earthworm, grasshopper, frog, cat, and bird. Looks at peristalsis in a dog's stomach and the action of the villi in a pigeon's small intestine.
Shows children in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant section learning about their African heritage through classroom activities and "digs" in vacant lots and urban renewal areas to locate artifacts linking them to their 19th century ancestors. Explains that under "Project Weeksville" the black children are piecing together the history and organization of this self-sufficient black community which existed in the early 1800s. Examines how the Bedford- Stuyvesant residents held off white raiders during the Draft Riot of 1863.
Presents, through animation, an overview of the dinosaur age, showing the major types of dinosaurs and some of their behavioral characteristics. Explains that dinosaurs become extinct because of their inability to catch food. Records how some dinosaurs changed their eating and living habits to adapt to the changing surface of the earth.
Visits Dinosaur National Monument in Utah and Colorado. Discusses the age of the dinosaur, how the dinosaur quarry was formed, and why the dinosaur became extinct. Illustrates with film footage of dinosaur quarry and photographs of dinosaurs and their enviroment as it existed 140,000,000 years ago.
Shows through readings, paintings, and natural photography the development of the portrayal of English lakes and landscapes by painters, poets, and others. Depicts the printing of illustrated tour guides and other books to create interest in the English lake country. (BBC) Film.
Portrays the nature and the role of the Distributive Education Program in the state of Virginia in preparing students for possible future jobs. Shows ow personality traits of an individual provide the basis upon which distributive education training can be pursued and depicts the duties of the distributive education coordinator and the activities of the distributive education clubs.
Max Lerner and five Brandeis students agree that a new educational revolution is needed. The discussion mainly focuses on the question of why it is needed and how it should come about. Among the questions dealt with are: To what end is education going? What kinds of emphasis should be placed on education (science versus the humanities)? Why have we fallen into our present educational predicament … can it be re-molded, and how? Does the fault lie in the teacher? What schools (elementary, grammar, high school, or college) could stand the greatest improvement? Is the giving of special privileges to brighter children averse to our democratic way of life?
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray reactions to human illness. Emphasizes detection, treatment, and acceptance of treatment methods of illness. Compares Americans, the Ojibwa Indians of Canada, and the Djuka Bush Negroes of Dutch Guiana. (KUHT) Film.
Continues the discussion of how and in what respects man differs from other animals. Defines what is meant by difference in kind and degree giving the biologist's conception and the philosopher's definition. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
In all societies, children have a need to play. The doll, made in the human image is a universal toy. The puppet, made in the human or animal form, is another means of diversion for children, as well as adults. In some non-technological societies, puppetry has been developed into a high art. Shari Lewis examines the variety of ways in which man, using materials at hand, has created replicas of himself for fun and amusement.
Explains that anger is a natural and universal emotion and discusses ways for a child to release his anger in a socially appropriate manner. Animated sequences are used to demonstrate the effects of anger on the organs of the body.
Historical Summary:
Shows the causes and effects of anger as exemplified in the case of two children. Uses animation to show the effects of anger on the body, and compares an angry child with a kettle that must release its steam. Lists some ways in which anger can be dissipated and asks the audience what they would have done in the two cases.
This film follows the Chinese-American artist, Dong Kingman, as he carries a single painting through various stages to its completion. It introduces Kingman's finished work and explores the broader aspects of his background and his approach to art.
Provides an opportunity for the viewer to compare the personality of Dorothea Lange, photographer-artist, with her work. Many of her photographs are presented; these cover various periods, such as the depression, World War II, and the growth of the urban sprawl in contemporary California. Lange is shown in her home as she states she is convinced the world is not being truly photographed at all today. To the present generation of photographers, she proposes a new photographic project with the cities of America as the subject--to be done on a scale comparable to that of the Farm Security Administration Photographic Project of the thirties.
Provides a close view of Dorothea Lange and her photographs, enabling the viewer to share her deep involvement in her work and her philosophy as a photographer. Looks in on Lange as she prepares for a one-woman exhibition of her work covering the past fifty years and comments on the reasons and emotions that have moved her to photograph particular scenes. Represents, with her death in October, 1965, a memorial to her and to the despair and hope which she captured so well in her documentary photographs.
A woman takes a bath with Dove Soap and models several different outfits. A narrator explains that if a woman use Dove Soap then it will make her more beautiful in all of her outfits.
In this program research scientists explore a mystery that has baffled man for ages – the life process itself. To gain knowledge that someday might answer questions such as, “How do plants make food?” and “What will control the spread of cancer?” Scientists at the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory are experimenting with the simplest forms of plant and animal life. One avenue of research is centered on the study of algae, one-celled green plants commonly found in pools of stagnant water. The algae were singled out because, like man, they are basically chemical factories – only infinitely more simple in structure. Scientists explain, in this program, how they have succeeded in growing algae in pure “heavy” water, a rare form of water that has hydrogen atoms that are twice as heavy as Normal hydrogen atoms.From a unique “algae farm” the scientists harvest these tiny plants. Their crop gives them chemicals that have heavy hydrogen in place of ordinary hydrogen atoms. Other larger plants are being grown successfully in mixtures of heavy water and ordinary water, and these also are valuable chemical factories.The scientists found that organisms growing in heavy water grow at a slower rate and have different nutritional requirements than organisms growing in ordinary water. From these findings, research scientists are exploring the possibility that heavy water might cause a slow-down in the aging process. Scientist has experimented also with mice to determine what effect heavy water has on animals. Already, they have succeeded in replacing about 30 percent of the normal water in mice with heavy water. Scientists have found that heavy water retards the growth of mice and that tissue which normally grows the fastest appeared to be the most retarded in growth. This latter finding may someday have a bearing on understanding cancer in humans and may lead to a breakthrough in its treatment.Other startling biological effects also have been demonstrated in organisms which have been given doses of “heavy” carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. In these experiments, scientists were able to alter the growth of the organisms. These alterations may hold further clues to the life process.
Part 1: Discusses the occasions when it is necessary to shift to a lower gear ratio and gives directions as to how this is done. Explains the dangers of and the reasons for emergency stops. List series of things that happen before the car actually stops--driver sees object in his path, recognizes object, decides to stop, and then applies the brakes. Part 2: Explains how to make proper right turns on 2-way streets, left turns on 2-way streets, right and left turns on 1-way streets, and the three ways of turning the car around--U-turn, turning the width of the street, and turning in an alley or side street. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Part 1: Discusses the occasions when it is necessary to shift to a lower gear ratio and gives directions as to how this is done. Explains the dangers of and the reasons for emergency stops. List series of things that happen before the car actually stops--driver sees object in his path, recognizes object, decides to stop, and then applies the brakes. Part 2: Explains how to make proper right turns on 2-way streets, left turns on 2-way streets, right and left turns on 1-way streets, and the three ways of turning the car around--U-turn, turning the width of the street, and turning in an alley or side street. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Dr. Mayo discusses the role and purpose of the World Health Organization, the World Medical Association, and the American Medical Association. Explains his role as delegate to the United Nations in 1953. Presents his viewpoint on foreign education and medical students from other countries. Outlines the importance of medical administration as a corner stone of the medical profession. Concludes by answering questions on doctor-patient relationships. Dr. Charles W. Mayo is interviewed by Victor Cohn, Minneapolis Tribune Science Reporter, and Dr. John C. Schwartzwalder, General Manager KTCA TV.
Dr. Mayo explains the origins of the Mayo Clinic, the main purpose of early hospitals, and relates anecdotes about his youth. Discusses the growth of medicines, the rise of group specialists in medicine, and how the Mayo Clinic reflects this growth and change in methods. Dr. Charles W. Mayo is interviewed by Victor Cohn, Minneapolis Tribune Science Reporter, and Dr. John C. Schwartzwalder, General Manager KTCA TV.
Dr. Mayo explains the purpose of the Mayo Foundation, the teaching branch of the Mayo clinic. Tells of the origins of medical education at the clinic and the informal beginnings of the Foundation in 1909. Discusses the qualifications for becoming a doctor. Concludes with a discussion of the value of women in medicine. Dr. Charles W. Mayo is interviewed by Victor Cohn, Minneapolis Tribune Science Reporter, and Dr. John C. Schwartzwalder, General Manager KTCA TV.
Dr. Urey relates scientific thinking to philosophical, political and religious areas. He discusses the revolutionary change in the ideas of today due to radical discoveries by scientists. He speaks of the important role of the scientist today.
Dr. Urey describes the advancement of civilization as a result of scientific discoveries. He points out the impact of science on humanity, the importance of ethics in science, and the significance of seemingly "impractical" scientific investigation. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Harold Urey discusses the responsibilities of the scientist to science, to the world, and to himself in relation to his discoveries. He is joined by guests and they speak of the moral responsibility of the scientist with regard to potentially dangerous work. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Urey discusses the work of the twentieth century scientist and the problems which he meets and how he accomplishes his goals. In his talk, Dr. Urey draws from his own background in research on heavy hydrogen.