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This webinar explores patterns of student engagement in business, education, engineering, and health professions, using data from NSSE 2010. The analyses focus on NSSE's benchmarks of effective educational practice and selected high-impact practices. The presentation also illustrates how NSSE's new Major Field Report can be used for similar comparative analyses at the institutional level.
This collection of videos to accompany the book, Styling Blackness in Chile: Music and Dance in the African Diaspora, provides examples of the different ways of styling Blackness as described in the book. Styling Blackness as Afro-descendant appears in a 2009 Pascua de los Negros performance; styling Blackness as Criollo appears during Lumbanga's celebration of the 2009 Dia de la Mujer Afro as well as Oro Negro's performance of the baile de tierra during a Chilean Independence parade; styling Blackness as Moreno appears in a presentation by the Hijos de Azapa during the 2008 Fiesta Chica of the Virgen de las Peñas; styling Blackness as Indigenous appears during the 2009 Carnaval Andino with morenada and caporales performances.
During the 2016 NSSE administration, thirty-seven institutions used their student portal or learning management system (SP/LMS) to supplement their student recruitment efforts. Please join Shimon for a free webinar to learn more about this recruitment approach, results suggesting it can increase response rates, and the steps to take in order to do something similar for your next NSSE administration.
FSSE recently released a variety of new resources for using FSSE data and learning more about how faculty contribute to the undergraduate experience. This webinar will give an overview of these resources, and provide examples on how these tools can be used to learn more about faculty who teach undergraduates. Included in the new resources are a new interactive data visualization tool using Tableau, studies of FSSE's validity and reliability, and documents designed to give an informational overview of the content areas covered on FSSE.
More than 1,600 institutions have used NSSE to collect important information about the quality of the undergraduate experience. NSSE provides actionable data through refined measures, easy to use reports, and online reporting. But NSSE was never just about data-gathering-it was created to stimulate improvement. Yet institutional action in response to NSSE results remains an ongoing challenge. This session highlights the most recent report of field-tested lessons from about two dozen institutions that have taken advantage of updated NSSE results to catalyze change on campus to address the question: What facilitates institutional action?
Ursula Romero, Lilly Library, Ethan Gill, Office of the Provost
Public Services and Assistant Librarian Ursula Romero shows viewers an item included in the Spring 2022 Lilly Library exhibition, The Eye, The Mind and The Imagination, Part II. It is a Chinese woodblock print of the Buddhist text The Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaʹsāstra from 1101, and it is part of the George Poole collection held at the Lilly Library.
Reviews significant events in Eisenhower's career as a soldier, his years as President, and his retirement. Pictures the inaugural ceremony in 1953 and depicts such events as the Supreme Court decision on integration, the McCarthy investigations, and various international crises. Stresses social and scientific changes, research, and the high levels of production and consumption.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P5A: Building the Perfect Repository.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P4A: Managing Research (and Open) Data.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Indomitable Blacksmith: Thomas Davenport" (season 1, episode 14), which originally aired April 1st, 1953 on NBC-TV. Dramatizes blacksmith Thomas Davenport's discovery in the 1830's of the principal behind the electric motor, and his efforts to develop a practical, working model. Professor William Henry, a leading scientist of Harvard University and first director of the Smithsonian, recognizes the genius of Davenport's invention and assists him in obtaining financial backing to perfect it. Industrialists of the period, committed to steam power, remained unconvinced of the potential of Davenport's invention.
Rebecca Baumann, Lilly Library, Ethan Gill, Office of the Provost
Lilly Library Head of Public Services Librarian Rebecca Bauman describes and shows viewers an item included in the Spring 2022 Lilly Library exhibition titled, The Eye, The Mind and The Imagination, Part II. It is The Life and Examination of Boulton and Park, published by G. Purkess in 1871 and part of the Lilly Library collections.
Sarah McElroy Mitchell, Lilly Library, Ethan Gill, Office of the Provost
Lilly Library Reference and Reading Room Coordinator Sarah McElroy Mitchell shows viewers an item included in the Spring 2022 Lilly Library exhibition, The Eye, The Mind and The Imagination, Part II. It is an edition of The Lion & The Mouse, by Jerry Pinkey, which retells Aesop's famous fable and won the 2010 Caldecott Medal. It is part of the Lilly Library's collection.
In this pre-recorded webinar we will explore a number of useful resources that NSSE provides for prospective students and parents as well as for campus use by admissions staff, for new faculty orientation, and in student life training. Since rankings say little about the student experience on any particular campus, results from the NSSE survey help institutions to understand their students and provide a snapshot of how students actually use institutional resources for learning and how they feel about the quality of their educational experience.
With the update to the NSSE instrument, ten new Engagement Indicators were rigorously tested to replace the original Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice. NSSE research analysts have conducted several tests to evaluate the quality of the indicators, including descriptive analysis and studies of validity, reliability, and survey construction. This session will provide useful information for both NSSE 2013 and 2014 participants regarding the development of the indicators, and insights from the analyses. In this live, interactive webinar, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with other viewers, and the presenters.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P5A: Building the Perfect Repository.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Rescue of Dr. Beanes" (season 3, episode 26), which first aired June 21, 1955 on ABC-TV. Francis Scott Key seeks out the British flagship on Chesapeake bay and argues successfully for the release of Dr. William Beanes, a civilian who had been taken prisoner following the burning of Washington (August 24, 1814). Obliged by Admiral Cochran to remain with the fleet until the British have attached Fort McHenry, Key's experience in witnessing from shipboard the American resistance to the bombardment inspires him to write the verses that have become our National Anthem.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television episode, "The Splendid Dream" (season 2, episode 21), which first aired March 16th, 1954 on ABC-TV. William Penn's interest in the Society of Friends and freedom of religion leads to his arrest under the Conventicle Act of 1664. He suffers disinheritance by his father, Admiral Sir William Penn, and frequent imprisonment for his beliefs. Recognizing his son's integrity, the elder Penn reinstates him as his heir. Through his father's close association with King Charles II and his brother, the Duke of York, Penn is enabled to obtain the grant of land in the American colonies where he establishes a haven of religious freedom.