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This webinar covers the limitations of institutional summaries and how deans, department heads, and faculty can use NSSE results at the department, school, and major level. It also introduces the new NSSE majors report.
In this pre-recorded webinar, we provide strategies to help institutional users encourage student participation and improve student response rates during the NSSE administration process. This session highlights effective approaches to engage students, faculty and staff members, and parents. Institution-specific examples are offered to show how schools have disseminated their NSSE results across campus and in their recruitment materials.
Colleges and universities are experiencing dramatic increases in the enrollment of veterans due to the return of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. Although many veterans choose to attend community colleges or career and technical programs, large numbers enroll at baccalaureate-granting institutions. Yet little is known about their learning experiences or how they view the campus climate. In 2010, approximately 11,000 self-identified student-veterans responded to the NSSE survey regarding their engagement experiences. This webinar presents the results of this survey and delves into the details of the student-veteran experience on our campuses. It also provides opportunities for participants to pose questions, provide feedback, or make observations as we discuss the results.
Join your colleagues from across the country in a discussion of the engagement experiences of entering first-year students. This webinar will provide a brief introduction to BCSSE, then transition to the main focus of the webinar: "engagement readiness" of entering first-year students. We will discuss how high school engagement is an important indicator of a student's preparedness to be meaningfully engaged on your campus and what important steps an institution can take to facilitate meaningful engagement. This webinar will provide opportunities for participants to pose questions, provide feedback, or make observations as we discuss this topic.
Quantitative and survey research depends heavily on large sample sizes, but there are a variety of reasons why larger sample sizes may not be possible. In this webinar, FSSE and NSSE staff will discuss common challenges associated with assessing the experiences of small populations and explore possible solutions for those working toward improving the experiences of small populations. Participants will also learn about methods for communicating the validity and data quality from small sample sizes. The approaches presented in this webinar are applicable to NSSE, FSSE, and BCSSE data, and we encourage participants to submit any specific questions or topics you have when you register.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P1A: Linked Open Data (LOD). Note that high quality video files for this talk were not obtainable, so some video quality problems may be noticed.
24x7 short presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P3A: Integrating with External Systems.
Tom Nelson Laird, Allison BrckaLorenz, Leah Peck, Eddie Cole, Jr.
The FSSE instrument has been updated to complement NSSE 2.0. In this webinar, we describe the revisions that have been made and provide an overview of what users can expect from FSSE in 2013.