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Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P3A: Integrating with External Systems.
Short 24x7 presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P5A: Building the Perfect Repository.
24x7 short presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P4A: Managing Research (and Open) Data.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P2A: Integrating with External Systems: the use case of ORCID.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P6A: Repository Rants and Raves.
BCSSE Project Manager, Jim Cole, provides a description of BCSSE survey content and administration, and examples of how one campus used its results to find out more about its first-year students.
We hope you're eagerly poring over your NSSE 2017 results. To support your efforts, please join Jillian and Bob for a step-by-step walkthrough of your Institutional Report package. We will review the data and reports, and provide general strategies and resources for utilizing and disseminating your results.
Teaching Film Custodians release of a Motion Picture Association of America short film. A high school student, who is having difficulty understanding the textbook explanation of osmosis, discusses the problem with his detective friend. They go to a police laboratory. There a technician demonstrates osmotic pressure and clarifies the student's questions. This film addresses the following concepts: 1) Cells receive air and liquid through cell walls and tissues; 2) cells release waste products as liquids and gasses through the tissues; 3) diffusion of molecules of salt with molecules of water; diffusion through a membrane, or osmosis.
A guide for institutions to navigate and create reports using the NSSE Report Builder. Follow along as NSSE analyst show you how to create reports with a few different examples. You will learn how to create reports within-institution and between-institutions. This will serve as a helpful resource to help you create relevant reports for your institution and spread the data from your NSSE data.
This webinar walks users through the contents of the NSSE Institutional Report. The session specifically includes a review of the various data reports and supporting materials contained in the Institutional Report, details concerning which data were used in the creation of particular reports and comparison groups, and general strategies for understanding and getting the most out of your Institutional Report.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana, in session P5A: Building the Perfect Repository.
Educational and institutional research that relies on survey methodology is often criticized for a lack of psychometric evidence to support use of the instrument. NSSE research analysts have developed a new framework for collecting and presenting evidence for reliability, validity, and reduction of bias. Various methods and results that demonstrate psychometric strengths and identify areas of improvement for NSSE will be presented.
This webinar gives representatives from past, current, and future FSSE participating institutions information about the administration process, data files and reporting, data analysis, and online FSSE resources. Webinar participants will learn about what to expect from FSSE and how to use their resulting data and findings to stimulate campus dialogue about improving undergraduate education.
"Typical incidents in the daily life of a city patrolman are used in explaining the role of the police force in protecting citizens and maintaining order in the community"-- Library of Congress National Union Catalog, 1953-1957; Volume 28. Motion pictures and filmstrips.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Indomitable Blacksmith: Thomas Davenport" (season 1, episode 14), which originally aired April 1st, 1953 on NBC-TV. Dramatizes blacksmith Thomas Davenport's discovery in the 1830's of the principal behind the electric motor, and his efforts to develop a practical, working model. Professor William Henry, a leading scientist of Harvard University and first director of the Smithsonian, recognizes the genius of Davenport's invention and assists him in obtaining financial backing to perfect it. Industrialists of the period, committed to steam power, remained unconvinced of the potential of Davenport's invention.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "Decision for Justice" (season 3, episode 15), which originally aired February 15th, 1955 on ABC-TV. Dramatizes how John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, contributed to the establishment of the Supreme Court as the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution. Portrays the case of a government job appointee versus Secretary of State Madison (Marbury vs. Madison) in which the former aims to regain a job to which he had been appointed by a previous administration. Points out that many doubted the power of the Supreme Court and shows how Chief Justice Marshall and the associate justices established the authority of the court to review the constitutionality of laws by declaring part of the Judicial Act of 1789 unconstitutional.
Teaching Film Custodians release of a "Cavalcade of America" television series episode, "Man of Glass" (season 2, episode 16), which originally aired January 26th, 1954 on ABC-TV. Traces the history of German-born immigrant Henry William Stiegel from his immigration to Pennsylvania, rising from an industrious worker in an iron foundry, to success as the head of a large glass factory. Describes Stiegel's realization, following his financial ruin, that material success did not make him superior to other men, but that his greatness lay in the beauty of the glassware which he created.
An episode of the DuPont sponsored Cavalcade of America television series (season 3, episode 7), which first aired November 30th, 1954 on ABC-TV. The story of Ann and Adoniram Judson, American missionaries, whose determination to return love and understanding for hatred enables them to spare their persecutors the ravages of a smallpox epidemic and to serve as mediators who restore peace between Great Britain and Burma in 1824.
Join us for a collaboration between IU Libraries GIMMS and the Craig Preservation Lab for an introduction to the maps of IU Libraries. Maps are a unique primary resource for teaching and research. Maps help us translate a three-dimensional experience into a simpler to use two-dimensional representation. Once created, maps do not serve only a single purpose, rather they can easily take on a life of their own. The context in which they were created does not limit their uses in the future. However, maps are also complex in their creation and use. Often, what a mapmaker chooses to leave off of a map can be as substantial as what they choose to include. This is particularly true of historical maps that were created under potentially different contexts than the contexts in which they are currently used. The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps are an excellent example of this.
The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps were made for the interests of fire insurance companies across the United States, but because they are detailed, building-by-building descriptions of urban areas, they are useful for many kinds of research. For the last several decades, these maps were carefully updated to demonstrate changes in space and building materials. They help researchers understand many aspects of urban development over time beyond the purpose for which they were created. During this online event, we will hear from GIMMS librarians, the Craig Preservation Lab paper conservator, and faculty who use the maps in the classroom.
Opening keynote talk by Kaitlin Thaney, Director of the Mozilla Science Lab, at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana. Note that due to flight cancellations and delays, Kaitlin Thaney was unable to make it to Indianapolis, so her keynote talk was presented via Skype.