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This brief (15 min.), webinar provides a refresher on ideas to promote the NSSE survey on your campus. Presenter Jillian Kinzie, Associate Director, NSSE Institute, has compiled tips to consider during the 2013 NSSE survey administration, and offers reminders about what the updated NSSE 2013 survey and new modules suggest for new partners and stakeholders to involve in your survey promotion plan, and ways to maximize technology and social media to reach the most students.
This session provides a refresher on ideas to promote the NSSE survey administration on your campus. Presenters Cindy Ahonen and Katherine Wheatle, NSSE Project Associates, have compiled tips and creative examples to consider during the 2014 NSSE survey administration, offer reminders and strategies for new partners and stakeholders to involve in your survey promotion plan, and provide ways to maximize technology and social media to reach the most students.
This succinct, 15-minute session details strategies for promoting NSSE and provides tips on encouraging faculty, administrators, and students to get involved in raising awareness of NSSE on campus. Specific promotions from past NSSE participants are highlighted, and useful resources from NSSE's website are shared.
Making sense of all the data that comes from surveys and assessments is difficult. Student affairs professionals engage with students as educators contributing to student learning and development. This presentation will use NSSE as an example of a survey student affairs educator can use as an assessment tool to create impactful learning experiences. The webinar will follow the case of one institution's data to inform the creation of a new program that can be applied to other campuses.
Opening keynote talk by Kaitlin Thaney, Director of the Mozilla Science Lab, at Open Repositories 2015 (OR2015), the 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana. Note that due to flight cancellations and delays, Kaitlin Thaney was unable to make it to Indianapolis, so her keynote talk was presented via Skype.
This webinar discusses why NSSE data should be linked to other institutional data, what are the key NSSE variables to understand, using multiple years of NSSE results, sample research questions that may be answered by linking NSSE and institutional data, and a step-by-step guide to merging data.