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Since 2001, the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis and the Indiana University Digital Library Program have partnered to create the Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) - a gateway to the international literature on the commons. The DLC provides free and open access to full-text articles, papers, and dissertations. In this talk, we will discuss the new infrastructure that has been developed to preserve and make available the world's only dedicated collection on the study of the commons.
Recently, the Indiana University Libraries implemented Blacklight, an open source discovery layer, as the new public interface for IUCAT, the statewide shared online catalog. Blacklight was chosen as the solution to improve the usability and accessibility of the catalog in response to user and staff dissatisfaction with the traditional ILS OPAC interface and in preparation for IU's upcoming move to the Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE). A successful discovery implementation requires buy-in from library staff as well as the approval and acceptance of users; this presentation will highlight the numerous challenges in achieving success in a complex environment of diverse stakeholders with divergent needs and goals. Courtney will give a brief overview of the project thus far, discuss the impact of the new interface on user and staff workflows, and share hopes for further enhancements and plans for the transition to OLE.
This February was the third year anniversary of the Open Access Policy, authored to ensure the accessibility and availability of university scholarship to the public for future generations. When the policy was passed, the Scholarly Communication Department was tasked with encouraging several thousand faculty to annually deposit their work into a new institutional repository, IUScholarWorks Open. To facilitate the deposit process, developers in Library Technologies developed the Bloomington Research Information Tracking Engine, also known as BRITE. The BRITE application is able to check the open access and copyright status of articles, compile emails to faculty, and prepare metadata for batch deposit into IUScholarWorks Open. While some manual intervention is still necessary, BRITE has helped our team automate a normally extensive and time-consuming process. This session will walk through the process of development for the BRITE application, as well as the documentation that allows users and employees with little to no subject knowledge on copyright, metadata, or automation to successfully navigate the application. We will also discuss some of our plans for the BRITE application in the future, and look for insight into what development our users may need moving forward.
Humans are remarkably similar to other apes. Like us, chimpanzees and orangutans are extremely clever, use tools and exhibit rudimentary understanding of causality and what others intend. However, other apes are not nearly as good at understanding the intentions of others nor nearly so eager to accommodate or help them. By contrast, right from an early age, humans are eager to help and share. It was this combination of understanding what others intend along with impulses to help and please them that enabled our ancestors to coordinate behavior in pursuit of common goals—with spectacular consequences later on. So how and why did such other-regarding capacities emerge in creatures as self-serving as non-human apes are? And why did they emerge in the line leading to the genus Homo, but not in other apes?
In her lecture, Sarah Hrdy explains why she became convinced that the psychological and emotional underpinnings for these "other-regarding" impulses emerged very early in hominin evolution, as byproducts of shared parental and alloparental care and provisioning of young. According to widely accepted chronology, large-brained, anatomically modern humans evolved by 200,000 years ago, while behaviorally modern humans, capable of symbolic thought and language, evolved more recently still, in the last 150,000 or so years. But Hrdy hypothesizes that emotionally modern humans, interested in the mental and subjective states of others emerged far earlier, perhaps by the beginning of the Pleistocene 1.8 million years ago.
Some songs pertaining to the “música tropical” genre, or music exhibiting tropical rhythms from both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, feature Afro-mestizo protagonists in their lyrics. My study explores the imaginaries constructing the subjectivities of Afro-mestizo men and women and posits that these gender constructions are different between the two sexes. Men tend to be depicted more harshly than women. Both, however, are depicted in a stereotypical and racist manner. My study incorporates feminist and critical race theories as well as postcolonial theories in the analy- sis and hermeneutics of the representation of Afro-mestizos in the lyrics of these songs.
In “The Political Economy of Patriarchal Systems”, Folbre examines feminist efforts to theorize the emergence and evolution of gender inequality no longer invoke some abstract, a-historical “patriarchy.” Rather, they explore the co-evolution of many distinct patriarchies with other hierarchical structures of constraint, emphasizing intersecting forms of inequality based, for instance, on class, race/ethnicity, citizenship, and hetero-normativity. In this presentation, I argue that economic theory offers some important analytical tools for this exploration, providing a framework for analyzing the interplay of social structure and individual choice. In particular, I explain how game theory, bargaining models, and concepts of exploitation can enrich the emerging interdisciplinary paradigm of feminist theory.
Studies of risk perception examine the judgments people make when they are asked to characterize and evaluate hazardous activities and technologies. This research aims to aid risk analysis and policymaking by (i) providing a basis for understanding and anticipating public responses to hazards and (ii) improving the communication of risk information among lay people, technical experts, and decision makers. This work assumes that those who promote and regulate health and safety need to understand how people think about and respond to risk. Without such understanding, well-intended policies may be ineffective. Among the questions the lecturer will address are: How do people think about risk? What factors determine the perception of risk and the acceptance of risk? What role do emotion and reason play in risk perception? What are some of the social and economic implications of risk perceptions? Along the way, he will address such topics as the subjective and value-laden nature of risk assessment; the multidimensionality of risk; sex, politics, and emotion in risk judgments; risk and trust; and risk perception and terrorism.
Generations of Alan Richards’ family has lived in Brown County, where log houses and split-rail fences have remained part of the landscape. Once his grandchildren were old enough, he recruited them to help him split rails at the local Antique Tractor and Gas Engine Show in Nashville. This video was shot of Alan and his grandson Porter splitting rails at an Arts in the Parks event at TC Steele State Historic Site. From straight grain red and black oak trees, Alan starts to split the log with an ax; once the log cracks, Porter uses a set of wooden wedges and splitting maul to cleanly split the length of the log. They repeat this until the log is split into quarters. They can spend all day transforming a pile of logs into a length of fence.
This presentation discusses likely futures in a world where governments make their own rules about emissions reduction. It examines whether there is a future for the UNFCCC, and looks at the role of the IPCC in supporting the work of the UNFCCC.
Special collections libraries have long been repositories for collecting and preserving the history of the book. However, general collecting parameters have not yet encompassed what is, arguably, the most recent manifestation of the book: eBooks. Although scholars of book history have spent the last decade or so including eBooks in their historical overviews, their importance in the overall timeline of book evolution has not yet made an impact beyond historical contemplation. However, there might be a reason institutions are not overly eager to be the first to create a collection of early eBooks. Not only do eBook files come with the same long-term preservation problems as any born-digital materials, they also have added complications such as a lack of standardized file format, a lack of permanence in licensing agreements, and the constant threat of content changes from the seller, just to name a few. Therefore, while this presentation aims to develop an awareness of the need for special collections libraries to begin collecting eBooks, it also seeks to lay out the complications that currently stand in the way of a successful eBook collection to start a conversation around possible solutions for long-term preservation and patron use.
IU has developed a number of strategies for dealing with the digital scholarly output of IU faculty. In this session, information managers will outline these strategies and discuss plans for the future. Laherty will discuss the IUScholarWorks program which aims to make the digital output of IU scholars available and to ensure that these resources are archived, preserved and organized for the future. In this presentation, Laherty will briefly demonstrate IUScholarWorks services and explain its benefits, including the strategies for preserving records. Porter will examine the various ways that the Digital Library Program supports the preservation of faculty scholarship in the broad sense and will examine in more detail a few specific faculty-led projects the DLP has supported in the past. In addition, she will review DLP's participation in initiatives throughout the Libraries and across campus that support preservation of digital work through shared file formats, best practices, and shared infrastructure and technologies. Finally, McDonald will review IU's plans for research data curation and management.
As the pandemic continues, so has life and work. We know things are different than before, but in which ways? In-person versus remote work is one area of life and work where we have been experiencing changes in the Libraries. Most IU Libraries staff worked remotely from late March 2020 through May/June 2021. Since summer 2021 library staff are increasingly working in the office, but the rapidly changing nature of the pandemic may alter this further. The reasons for working in-person versus working remotely are not necessarily clear in messaging from administrative areas of the university and the interpretation of that messaging varies by unit or department. In one office area of Herman B Wells Library, we sent out weekly surveys through the Fall 2021 semester to ask how work was happening and see if we could track any patterns or see any clear changes in how we do our work now. Join us for this topical conversation impacting libraries and other academic units across campuses throughout the country.
Contrary to what its name might suggest GLAM, which is a fairly new wikiproject on Wikipedia, stands for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums. The goal of the project is to improve Wikipedia's content related to cultural topics. The Wikipedia GLAM project is one of Wikipedia's most popular and successful projects. This presentation will provide an overview of the project and discuss some of the institutions that have been involved in the project such as the Indianapolis Children's Museum, the Smithsonian and the National Archives.
Provides a general overview of the following components of therapeutic communication: listening responses, nonverbal communication, potential blocks to communication, and stages of an interview. Includes vignettes to provide discussion opportunities for viewers.
Explores the early years of recreation therapy (late 1940's to mid 1960s). Examines the evolution of the profession, professional organizations of the past, and individuals involved in the professionalization of TR. Panel participants include two founding members of the National Association of Recreation Therapists; the former Executive Secretary, Allen Grubb; and TR historian, Jerry Dickason.
Utilizes an interview format to examine the history of therapeutic recreation from the middle 1960s to the present. Examines the recent developments in the profession, professional organizations, and individuals involved in the continuing advocacy of TR.
Librarians are working to counterbalance collections decisions and priorities that have historically marginalized the histories and experiences of people of color. Critical digital scholars have also highlighted the need to disrupt the replication of this marginalization in the digital sphere. Meanwhile concerns about diversity, cultural competence, and the marginalization of students of color in STEM and librarianship continue. Libraries can use critical digital collections in response. This presentation will focus on an open access digital resource built at Indiana University Bloomington Libraries - Land, Wealth, Liberation: The Making & Unmaking of Black Wealth in the United States - which has seen significant uptake from the campus and community and attracted diverse student workers. Librarians and students built this resource on a Libraries-hosted digital exhibition service based on Omeka S, which allowed for rapid, collaborative and distributed development, and integration of embedded audiovisual content and interactive timelines. The primary timeline spanning 1820-2020 offers an alternate construction of significant historical periods, tying them to events that directly affected black communities, such as the 1921 destruction of Greenwood, Tulsa, and the federal urban renewal policies initiated by the 1949 Housing Act. Librarians actively engaged students in developing their skills in scholarly communication, open access, and digital methods. The success of this project opens new doors for collaborative digital scholarship projects between the Libraries, the campus, and the community, and illustrates that digital collections focusing on the stories of historically marginalized groups can be an important means of addressing multiple concerns.
Describes the uses of recreation therapy in various settings and in fields such as oncology, pediatrics, drug rehabilitation, psychiatry, gerontology, and physical therapy. Details the processes of recreation therapy.
Many researchers in a wide variety of disciplines outside of computer science are developing software tools as part of their research agenda. The current academic-publishing climate often then requires researchers to publish separate articles on their software tools, treating the tools as byproducts rather than primary research outputs. This presentation introduces Design Based History Research (DBHR) as a methodological bridge between the practices of digital-history tool design, the use of digital methods to create historical argumentation, and social-science-inspired methodological innovation. Design Based Research (DBR) is an approach to studying learning theory that asks researchers to integrate a theory into a design, implement the design, and then study the design as a way of modifying both the theory and the design that aims to reify it. DBHR is an adaptation of the DBR approach that seeks to center software tools as a primary research product by offering a template for research that is rooted in the concurrent and intertwined development of historical theory, digital-history tools, and collaborative historical methods.
Aby Warburg’s last and most ambitious project, the Atlas Mnemosyne – conceived in 1926 and truncated three years later by Warburg’s sudden death – consists of a series of large black panels, on which are attached black-and-white photographs of paintings, sculptures, tarot cards, stamps, coins, and other types of images. Its thousand images are unified by Warburg’s greatest conceptual creation: the idea of the Pathosformel, or formula for the expression of extreme passion. In this talk, the reflection on the Pathosformel will take the unusual form of an attempt at “operationalizing” the concept, transforming it into a series of quantitative operations. The resulting model is then used to analyze the evidence assembled by Warburg in Mnemosyne, and to gain a new understanding of how extreme emotional states are represented in painting.
The process of converting the digitized MDPI media into something that can be used for web delivery is conceptually simple: transcode each one into derivatives and transfer them to the delivery system. However, like most things, the devil is in the details. Data corruption, tape latency, and managing large amounts of data are just a few of the problems which must be overcome.
This session will follow the steps that MDPI digital objects take during processing and explore the solutions used to create a system which must reliably process hundreds of hours of audio and video content daily.
Describes basic principles for assisting individuals with disabilities to transfer from a wheelchair to another location, factors to assess before the transfer, and the essential principle of protecting the individual's dignity. Demonstrates the use of these principles with three types of transfers: one-person seat carry, two-person chest-leg lift, and two-person pivot transfer. Includes an initial summary of objectives and review at the end of the program.
Sarah Hare, Julie Marie Frye, Beth Lewis Samuelson
The seventh chalk talk in the series, this video describes new models that broaden information access. The video also explains how students can actively make the information ecosystem more equitable.
The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries' Digital Collections Services department has offered Digital Project Planning consultation services twice a week since the opening of the Scholars' Commons in September 2014. Data collected from these consultation sessions provides insight into the individuals engaged in digital scholarship projects and initiatives at Indiana University. Building upon analysis performed by Meridith Beck Sayre, Council on Library and Information Resources Data Curation Postdoctoral Fellow for Data Curation in the Humanities, Dalmau and Homenda will provide an overview of emerging digital project planning and data curation trends and needs demonstrated by Indiana University Bloomington faculty, students and staff as well as recommendations for ongoing support of digital scholarship projects and initiatives on the Bloomington campus and beyond.
What should history be "about"? The long-term movement of DNA-carrying peoples and their economic development, or the crises of a given president or prime minister. Ancient history and its narratives shaped much of what we think of as history, so this lecture will use Greco-Roman examples to think through these issues and show that the title of the lecture, though seemingly an obvious fact, is actually a daring proposition for a historian to utter.
UITS Research Technologies develops, delivers, and supports advanced technology to improve the productivity of and enable new possibilities in research, scholarly endeavors, and creative activity at IU. Join Robert Ping, RT Manager of Education and Outreach, as he introduces the nine service areas available to all IU faculty, staff, and students: Science Gateways, Computation, Data Storage, Visualization, Analysis and Software delivery and support, Services for biomedical biological and health-related research, Campus birding: connecting to local and national cyberinfrastructure, Education and outreach, and Grant support and custom for-fee services.
As the role of academic libraries evolves to include research data curation and management services, librarians on Indiana University campuses have developed a university-wide suite of data services. We will provide a brief overview of the drivers for these services, discuss general best practices for research data management, provide an overview of our consultation services (for metadata, data preservation, and funding agency data management plans), and describe campus-specific resources. Faculty from regional campuses are especially encouraged to attend this event.
The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) provides research support for the growing corpus of over fourteen million volumes in the HathiTrust Digital Library (HTDL) through a suite of tools for text analysis. This session will introduce attendees to the research services developed by the HTRC. Nicholae Cline and Leanne Nay will also demonstrate HathiTrust+Bookworm and the HTRC Portal, two web-based tools that are ideal for introducing students and scholars to text analysis.
In preparation for the opening of the Indiana University Libraries' Scholars' Commons, staff from across the libraries including, Collection Development & Scholarly Communication, Library Technologies, Reference Services, and Arts & Humanities, will engage in an extended, hands-on learning project known as Research Now: Cross Training for Digital Scholarship. Our project team will develop a digital archive tentatively called The History of the Indiana University Libraries, which is conceived as a comprehensive, multimedia, and perpetual digital archive documenting the earliest days of the Indiana University (IU) Libraries through present times. The archive will serve as an engaged learning opportunity for first-year, front line Scholars' Commons staff as we retool our skills and knowledge in preparation for the opening of the Scholars' Commons.
The project aims to:
consolidate two parallel web sites that cover the history of the IU Libraries by migrating the existing content into services such as Archives Online, Image Collections Online, and other services for long-term digital preservation and access
digitize and describe existing content (35 mm slides, photographs, manuscripts, newspaper clippings and other ephemeral materials and objects) held by Lou Malcomb, Head of Social Sciences, Gov Docs and GeoSciences
cross-reference existing digital content about the libraries' history from related resources and repositories
identify, digitize, and describe additional materials in existing repositories across campus
create and compile original primary and secondary source contextual information by way of oral histories, essays, timelines and chronologies, biographical sketches, bibliographies, and other related information
Above all, this is a learning project for frontline Scholars' Commons staff with three broad goals:
to understand the multi-faceted dimensions, iterations and phases involved in designing and developing a curated digital archive
to contribute to this project as researchers
to cultivate ad-hoc learning strategies
Cross-training began in mid-November 2013, and we would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an overview of our praxis-based cross-training initiative, and an update several months into our program. For more on the Research Now: Cross-Training for Digital Scholarship initiative, visit our blog.
This talk will discuss the context, methods and early results of a few of the projects underway at the HathiTrust Research Center, including: using machine learning to detect and classify English-language fiction and Black Fantastic literature, exploratory computational study of Native American-authored literature, and updates on the production of new datasets to further cultural analytics research. The HathiTrust Research Center is the research branch of the HathiTrust, with the mission of facilitating research use of the 17.6 million-item HathiTrust Digital Library. HTRC is co-hosted by PTI and the iSchool at University of Illinois.
This presentation is co-sponsored by the Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI) Seminar Series.
How can the arts of memory counteract the inertial effects of what psychologist Peter Kahn, Jr. has called “intergenerational environmental amnesia”? The lecture seeks to offer a series of general reflections in response to key questions such as: How much reliance is to be placed on memory as carrier of environmental understanding and thereby as stimulus to environmentalist intervention? To what extent can memory–variously defined–be seen as a resource for reinvisioning (and renegotiating) the relation between human and otherthan-human realms in an era of environmental crisis?
Datasets that underlie research findings are increasingly in demand. Funding agencies and publishers require that research data be discoverable, accessible, and preserved for future use. Beyond this, data preservation and sharing are essential for the advancement of science. While research articles and monographs have persisted through time the original data mostly has not. Data repositories are essential scientific and university infrastructure that help solve this problem. Without this infrastructure it is difficult for researchers to share their intellectual output broadly and securely while getting the proper credit. Data repositories provide a centralized hub for data and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration which leads to the generation of new theories and cutting-edge science. DataCORE is IU Library’s new institutional data repository and provides the infrastructure to address these issues. In this presentation DataCORE’s development team and IU’s Data Services Librarian talk about the technology underlying DataCORE, its capacity and future as well as a demonstration on how to use it.
This presentation will showcase video segmentation and annotation functionality developed as a plugin to be used with Omeka, an open-source, exhibition software package. The plugin was made possible by a start up grant from the NEH Office of Digital Humanities. I will discuss two of the many potential functions this plugin provides for video in Omeka. First, it is able to represent interactive data on a timeline as videos play. This functionality makes it possible to use this tool in the classroom in a variety of ways, from presentation of data to students to the creation of videos and annotations by the students. In addition, this functionality is ideal for presenting video segments and annotation on an Omeka website so that you don't have to present entire videos but just important segments. Second, it is a tool that can be used for research, especially if it involves the representation of several streams of video. In their book The Maltese Touch of Evil: Film Noir and Potential Criticism, Richard Edwards and Shannon Scott Klute present the idea of an MTOE database, a collection of films noir that have been segmented and annotated and could be used to form the basis of new analyzes of the genre. How frequently and where do closeups occur in film noir? How dark is film noir, really? Do all men with guns wear hats in film noir? By segmenting the video and setting up side by side displays, this type of analysis becomes possible and provides a means to address questions that are often based on a few specially chosen films as opposed to many films across the genre. I will demo a preliminary version of this database using 20 public domain films noir and show how such an analysis could be done.
In recent years, Omeka has become an important tool for the exhibit of digital object collections. As with many technologies, Omeka can present some issues with setup and configuration, but overall, Omeka is easy to use for managing digital content. A few of the recent projects to use Omeka are the Lilly Library's War of 1812 ( and Indiana University Library Moving Image Archive's World War II Propaganda Films ( The two projects discussed at this session are the Don C. Belton memorial site by the English Department, presented by Erika Jenns, and the ‰ÛÃRegeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film‰Û conference and workshop site presented by the Black Film Center/Archive graduate assistant Ardea Smith.
Using Omeka to Represent the Library of Professor Don C. Belton ( presented by Erika Jenns
Using my experiences cataloguing the collection of Professor Don Belton, the late novelist, book collector, and English professor at Indiana University Bloomington, I will address the benefits of using Omeka to create a dynamic access point for users. After Belton's death in 2009, the bulk of his collection was transferred to branch libraries on campus. Remaining books were kept by IU's English Department, which does not have a formal library. To make the collection more visible, I created an Omeka website, meant to function as a precursor to a visit to the collection. The site uses tags, rendering it more searchable. It also includes scans of book covers, digitized videos of Belton lecturing and reading, and posts by students who have worked with the collection. The site represents Belton's books both physically and electronically. Coupled with biographical information, it highlights Belton's research interests, sources of inspiration, and some of the works he produced.
The Proceedings of Regeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film ( presented by Ardea Smith
In 2013, the Black Film Center/Archive received a National Endowment for the Humanities Level I Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant to convene an interdisciplinary group of scholars, archivists, curators, and digital humanities technology specialists for a two-day conference and workshop, ‰ÛÃRegeneration in Digital Contexts: Early Black Film.‰Û The conference and workshop proceedings were documented on video and fully transcribed. To enhance public access to these proceedings, I oversaw the creation of a website utilizing the open-source Omeka platform and VideoStream 2 plugin designed by project advisor Will Cowan at Indiana University. The website anchors streaming video content to keyword-searchable transcripts of the event proceedings. Drawing on the development process for the ‰ÛÃRegeneration‰Û website, my presentation will discuss the practical issues of building of an Omeka-based site using IU's webserve system with an aim to help individuals new to digital archival creation.
R is a statistical package used by many digital textual analysts to explore aspects of styelometry. Here at IU, we have an instance of the popular Rstudio running on Karst to facilitate work on large corpora. However, it is often helpful to begin work with a small test set (sometimes even a single text) and scale up. The CyberDH group has put together code packages and annotated RNotebooks that are available on GitHub to serve as a friendly introduction to how the process of scaling up might work. This talk will step through the basics of these exercises and the visualizations that result.
The Indiana University Libraries, in partnership with Northwestern University Library, recently received a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to create an open source software system for academic libraries and archives to easily provide online access to video and audio collections. This project builds on IU's success in developing the open source Variations digital music library system and on Northwestern's long history of expertise in video digitization and delivery. The speakers will describe the project objectives and organization, explaining how the project ties in with such strategic IU initiatives as Empowering People, the IU Bloomington Media Preservation Initiative, and the Libraries' own strategic directions work. The expected product architecture will also be described, including how other open source community projects such as Fedora, Hydra, and Opencast Matterhorn are involved. Finally, some requirements for the system gleaned from user research will be described.
The Victorian Women Writers Project started at Indiana University in 1995, under the leadership of Perry Willett, and had as its stated goal "to produce highly accurate transcriptions of works by British women writers of the 19th century." In 2007, encouraged by interest among the English department's faculty and graduate students, the Libraries and the English Department began exploring how to best reinvigorate this project, and over the summer of 2009 work has begun to upgrade the current contents of the VWWP and to add new texts. Currently plans are underway to involve English graduate student in the encoding process. This brown-bag conversation will share the changes to date and look ahead to the plans we are making to incorporate the VWWP in English graduate courses thereby establishing an ongoing dedication to this scholarly encoding project.
The Vietnam War: Stories from All Sides began as an oral history project telling stories from American & Vietnamese veterans, refugees and others impacted by the war. Ron Osgood initiated the project through an Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities (IDAH) Fellowship and a New Frontiers Grant. Over the past 10 years, more than 150 oral history interviews have been recorded, a prototype website for educational use created and a documentary film produced.
Currently, Osgood is working with Jon Cameron to upload the 150 oral history interviews to the IU Libraries’ Media Collections Online service. In addition to providing long-term preservation for the media and an institutionally owned platform for hosting, website embeds are also being migrated from YouTube to Media Collections Online.
2021 IAH Annual Business Meeting
President’s Report
Amendment of the IAH By-Laws
Election of New IAH Board Members and Officers
Awards Ceremony
Bennett-Tinsley Award for Undergraduate History Research and Writing
Walter K. Nugent Best Graduate Student Paper Award
James H. Madison Best Indiana Magazine of History Article (2020) Award
We will talk about what VIVO is and how it can help researchers and institutions take advantage of research opportunities that have gone unnoticed in the past. We will also address some misconceptions about this $12.2 million NIH-funded project, and note a few specifics about the implementation at Indiana University.