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Shows various religious festivals in Mexico. Included is the festival at Amecameca where dancers climb the trail to Sacramente, re-enacting part of a passion play. Also pictures Lenten pilgrims visiting the one-time sacred grotto of Oztocteotl.
Provides a historic background for the collegiate-level debate and emphasizes the need for debate and reasoning skills for military officers as well as civilians. Exalts free speech and right to debate are inherent to democracy. Gives an overview and describes the process of the tournament. 1961's debate topic is "that the United States should adopt a program of compulsory health insurance for all citizens." Shows the awards ceremony before the final round of the tournament. Follows the final round of King's College (negative position), who are defeated by Harvard (affirmative position). Features Elvis J. Stahr acting as Secretary of the Army in the year before becoming IU's 12th president.
Brushy writes a prize-winning poem for the school safety contests:
“It isn’t enough just to know every rule,
You should practice them all, for real safety at school.”
Sharing and taking turns with others can be the best way to play and Brushy and Susie-Q show us what happens when you don’t play this way. They never had any fun because they fought over things they wanted to play with. But, mother taught them by sharing they could each have more fun.
Bash Kennett tells about the art of craving the figureheads which graced the prow of sailing vessels in the past. She shows figureheads of all types and sings “Pretty Kitty” and “Wanderin.”
Joan Jockwig Pearson presents the elements of good design and its application to everyday living in buildings, clothing, furniture, and automobiles as well as in actual objects d’art.
Dramatizes a situation in which four persons, faced with possible death, reexamine their personal philosophies. An intellectual whose god is pure reason begins to realize his basic loneliness. An American businessman who must rely on cold organization reveals himself as warmly human. His wife turns from agreement with the intellectual's original view to agreement with her husband's new attitude. A German guide, a former Nazi who has lost the collective, totalitarian world he understands, leaves apparently to seek death in the mountains.
In this last program Professor Woodworth summarizes the points he has made in the course of the series. Then, as a climax to the study of the symphonic form, Professor Woodworth conducts the Cambridge Festival Orchestra in a performance of the final movement of Mozart's Symphony Number 38, and then in a complete performance of Prokofiev's Classical Symphony, showing the transition from the 18th Century to modern music.
Presents a simple introduction to the study of earth materials. Shows in step-by-step sequences how the land evolved from the great mass of rock and water that was the early planet. Illustrates how the pounding action of the surf, freezing temperatures, shifting winds, and simple plants combined with the force of gravity to break up rocks into sand, and to form soil.
Opens with a picture of a boy fishing and quickly leads up to the fact that, in getting a job, the baits required are personality, training, and experience. Then follows a discussion of these points: know yourself, study vocations, learn of contributions your local school can make to your training, coordinate mind and body, build character on a firm foundation, and believe in opportunity.
Discusses the various instruments and methods used in gaining knowledge of stellar composition and in studying objects in space. Reviews the development of the telescope. Uses diagrams, photographs, and models to explain the importance of photography, the spectroscope, and radio-astronomy in unlocking the secrets of the universe. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum, Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses finishing techniques in ceramic sculpture. Explains how the finish must make the sculptured work permanent and at the same time enhance its feeling and form. Shows the method of firing ceramic pieces in the kiln. Demonstrates different methods of finishing the pieces including staining, waxing, and the application of different types of glazes. Concludes with a discussion of ancient and modern polychrome sculpture. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses and explains the zones of a candle flame. Shows the differences between a candle and a burner flame. Uses experiments to illustrate and define air density and convection currents. (KQED) Film.
Relates the story of the Auxiliary Fire Service in Great Britain during World War II and shows men and equipment combating a real fire. Then describes the improvements in equipment since the war, and stresses the need for adequate preparation against possible future enemy attack, especially through trained civilian volunteers.
Host Bash Kennett describes the danger of fire aboard the clipper ships. Visits the San Francisco Bay's "Phoenix" fire boat, which is shown docked next to the Hills Brothers Coffee Company, and presents a demonstration of how the boat pumps water. Explains fire control in modern ships and discusses the important role of firemen who work in this role. Includes a performance of the traditional "I Grieve My Lord".
Discusses the problems which confront the child, the parents, and the teacher when the six-year-old starts out to school. Explains what school can mean to the child and his parents, how former habits are dropped and new ones developed, how friendships are made, and the overall affect of school on the child's development. Tells what parents can and should do when problems concerning the school arise. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) hold a contest where children (puppets) have to guess the parts actors (also puppets) are playing based on their costumes. The children also have to guess what type of theater is being referenced in a number of tableaux.
Teaches the techniques of drawing fish. Demonstrates by painting fish swimming and jumping from water. Stresses the Japanese approach to composition using fish as an example. (KQED) Kinescope.
Bash tells of fishing in New England, where the fishermen fished close to the shore at first and then went all the way to the Grand Banks in their small craft. Examples of the ways in which various fish are caught includes the lobster trap, the use of lines or purse seine nets and the use of dredge nets. Songs include “Sarah,” “Hulla Baloo Belay” and “Crawdad.”
Bash talks about the brave men who have sailed small boats into the open ocean in search of fish from earliest times. They risk their lives and gamble their fortunes in these ventures. Bash takes a film trip to Fisherman’s Wharf to watch the mending of nets, the bustle of preparation and to see the fishing boats return to unload their catch of fish and crabs. Songs include “Blow the Man Down” and “Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye.”
Defines movies as glorified shadow shows and traces the motion picture revolution from a simple shadow on a wall to modern movies. Presents a history of the development of the movie camera, film, and other photographic inventions. Includes Al Jolson, Lon Chaney, Laurel and Hardy, and sequences from The Great Train Robbery and a Conquest of Space.
Man seems to have surpassed nature as he can fly faster and higher than the natural flying creatures. But further study of the flying habits of birds and insects is still necessary. Dr. Lippisch presents a discussion on the wing motion of birds and insects and how the texture and shape of the wings differ with the various birds and insects. Not only airborne animals apply the laws of fluid motion; the program also presents the propulsive systems of fish and shows the action of the fishtail-propeller in the Smoke Tunnel.
Discusses high-altitude flying with particular attention to rocket craft. Relates this discussion to flight in space. Features Mr. William B. Bridgeman, test pilot, who presents an account of his own experiences with the pioneer Douglas "Skyrocket." (KUHT) Film.
Host Bash Kennett tells the story behind many of the sayings we use today. Explains the events and circumstances leading to use of such phrases as: to pull up stakes; in the knick of time; lock, stock and barrel; and to fly off the handle. Includes performances of the traditionals "When Cockleshells Turn Silver Bells", "Lord Lord Lord", "Big Rock Candy Mountain".
Highlights the dangers of following another vehicle too closely and demonstrates the proper amount of distance a driver should maintain in order to avoid an accident.
A detailed look at a centralized, integrated, food service which provides 50,000 meals each day on a large university campus. Includes information about scientific control of the storage environment, computer regulation of inventory, dietary planning, and food quality control.
Contains scenes of the destitution left in the wake of World War II and of the famine and exposure from which so many thousands died. Discusses also the economic importance of food.
Shows the source, purification process, and testing of the culinary water supply of Gary, Indiana. Explains the use of chlorine and dry chemicals in purification and shows the function of settling basins and filtering tanks. Points out that frequent tests are made to determine softness, chlorine content, and purity of the water. Concludes with water going to the city through the pressure pump, water mains, and water tower.
Video essay from IU Libraries Moving Image Archive Jorgensen Fellow, Noni Ford. Noni utilizes research conducted in IULMIA's Clio Advertisement Collection, to present a video essay on the use of youth in Pepsi ad campaigns over time.
For more information, see the IU Libraries Blog Post :
Ford Galaxie "Galaxie Styling" : An advertisement for the Pontiac Galaxie in which a woman who likes modern art takes her reluctant husband to a gallery, where they discover the car and come to agree on it as a piece of art.
Pontiac "Jazz" : An advertisement for the 1960 Ford Ranch Wagon in which a narrator describes how wagons and jazz have changed since the 1920s, and a jazz band packs the car with themselves and their instruments to demonstrate the space capabilities of the car.
Bash describes the value and beauty of the timber of our country, and how it helps hold the soil, gives cover for the animals, and is a valuable crop. Then she goes on a film expedition to an actual forest fire, showing the fire racing up the hillsides, destroying a forest, being fought by bucket, shovel, and even by planes bombing with chemicals before the fire is put out. Songs include “Mr. Rabbitt” and “Frog Went a Courtin’.”
Illustrates and discusses the chief causes of forgetting. Compares the theories of disuse and interference. Explains the part of retroactive inhibition and motivation in forgetting. Uses charts, diagrams, and examples to illustrate major points. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Mr. Albert Ravenholt, correspondent of the American Universities Field Staff and staff correspondent for the Chicago Daily News, and Dr. George A. Peek, Jr., assistant professor of political science at the University of Michigan and coordinator for the series, focus their first discussion of the "tension areas" in the Far East on Formosa. Mr. Ravenholt, considered one of the nation's best-informed men on the Far East, comments on the important strategic position of Formosa, the complicated internal "police state" condition of the Island, and how the situation affects the United States. He explains that the Chinese communists are building up their forces along the China coastline. They may be planning to attach Formosa directly, to capture the Chinese Nationalist held islands closer to the mainland, or to force a diplomatic settlement concerning the possession of Formosa. The latter would then involve the issues of recognition of Red China and admission of that country into the United Nations. The United States is sending to Formosa economic and military aid totaling three to four million dollars per year, Mr. Ravenholt points out. This aid not only consists of building up the defenses of the Island, but also improving the diet of the Nationalists soldiers, improving their uniforms, constructing air fields and bridges, and making agricultural improvements. Finally, Mr. Ravenholt stresses the need for the U.S. to begin thinking of what kind of support we are willing to extend to the Chinese Nationalists in the event of war, and the need for thinking about the kind of non-communist Chinese leadership which we would like to have evolve in the future.