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Produced for an American audience, the film explores the role of women in the war effort and thanks America for sending relief bundles to the victims of the London Blitz. Shows British women caring for evacuee children, working in the land army, as ambulance drivers and auto mechanics, in defense factories, ferrying planes for the R.A.F., and operating rest centers.
Laurence Olivier's reading of passages from Milton, William Blake, Robert Browning, Rudyard Kipling and Abraham Lincoln accompany scenes of daily life in wartime Britain. The texts selected emphasize national identity and heritage, patriotism, and the justness of the Allied cause.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Rural Electrification Administration, Kendall Foss
Worst of Farm Disasters was produced alongside the USDA's Rural Electrification Administration (REA) films Power and the Land and Bip Goes To Town. All three films document the life of an Ohio farm family, the Parkinson's, as they promote REA loans for modernization of small farms with electric service. Portrays the ever-present danger of fires on the farm resulting from reliance on kitchen cook stoves, kerosene lanterns and other traditional ways of farm life that would be improved through electrification. Narration conveys the message that "farms with electricity are more protected against fire loss than ever before, they are safer places to live for men and women."
Sergei M. Eisenstein, William F. Kruse, Egon Mauthner
Documentary film by Sergei M. Eisenstein, famous Russian movie producer, about the Zapotec Village in Mexico. Made by special arrangement with Upton Sinclair, American author and politician.
Paul Freeman Wilkinson's birthday party. Wilkinson is the nephew of Bernadine Bailey through her sister, Joy. A group of young boys sits around a table eating cake and blowing balloons before going outside to play in the yard. The film also features footage of Air Force and commercial planes taking off in an airfield.
Similar content to [Paul's birthday and planes #1--Wilkinson family]. The film begins with footage of Air Force planes and men marching in an airfield. Next the camera captures scenes of a waterway taken from a boat. Cut to Paul Freeman Wilkinson's birthday party. Wilkinson is the nephew of Bernadine Bailey through her sister, Joy. Paul and 3 friends enjoy a picnic. The same larger group of boys from [Paul's birthday and planes #1] is seen playing games in the yard and gathering around the Wilkinson's chicken coop.
Shows a Scottish terrier playing in a yard and fetching a toy throughout the seasons. In the winter, the dog chases snowballs thrown by members of the Wilkinson family.
This short nonfiction film depicts the intensive testing that goes into developing and producing aircraft propellers. It opens with the whirring or propeller blades. Animated diagrams show how the bite of the propeller moves it through the air and how the pitch determines the size of the bite. A trip through an airplane factory shows the manufacture of a satisfactory alloy. The rest of the process is painstaking hand work interspersed with dozens of careful inspections. The operation of the variable pitch mechanism and its use in taking off and cruising is shown. Then the propeller is assembled the complete job is tested for balance.
Buenos Aires, the commercial, financial, and industrial hub of predominantly agricultural Argentina. A grain broker and a packing plant employee, with the family of the latter, are introduced as representative city-dwellers. The vast pampas regions, the source of Argentina's agricultural wealth; the dependence of the city on the rural hinterland. Spanish dialogue is periodically incorporated into the film story. An instructional sound film.