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Tells and illustrates the Japanese legend of a beautiful princess and the part she plays in making Mt. Fuji a volcano. Demonstrates the brush painting techniques used to paint Mt. Fuji.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Ship That Shook the World" (season 3, episode 19), which first aired March 29th, 1955 on ABC-TV. When news is received that the Confederacy is converting the captured Union ship, Merrimac into an iron-armored ship to break the Union blockade of Southern ports, Captain John Ericsson, a naturalized citizen of Swiss birth, convinces a Navy Board to accept his specifications for a warship of revolutionary design, compared to a "cheesebox on a raft" by president Lincoln. On March 8, 1862, the Merrimac demolishes three conventional Union warships in Chesapeake Bay. The Monitor's shakedown cruise was interrupted for the history-making encounter with the Merrimac at Hampton Roads on March 9, 1862. The Monitor disables the Southern ironclad, forces it to withdraw never to fight again, and saves the blockade. The success of the Monitor revolutionizes naval warfare throughout the world.
Made as a warning to the English people, this film re-enacts, in a Welsh mining town, the events that took place in the Czechoslovakian mining town of Lidice, which resisted the Nazis in subversive ways and was eventually wiped out. Jennings gives a romantic portrait of town life which is interrupted by the arrival of the Nazis who remain anonymous enemies.
Shows examples of each class of the phylum Protozoa through microcinematography and illustrates the theory of protozoan evolution from unicellular plants. Views the uses of the various structures in moving and in gathering food. Pictures the reaction of protozoa to temperature, acid, light, and obstructions. Explains the digestive process and asexual and sexual reproduction in protozoa. | Demonstrates theory of protozoan evolution from ancient single-celled plants. Digestion, sensitivity, movement, food gathering, and reproduction revealed through photomicrography.
discusses the analysis, tabulation, and charting of music. Proposes six categories and undertakes to show that nearly all music fits into this pattern. Uses numerous illustrative musical selections. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses and explains the size and arrangement of the universe. Defines and illustrates light minutes, light hours, and light years. Uses photography to chart the universe of galaxies and plot the size of the universe. Features Dr. Bart J. Bok, Professor od Astronomy, National University of Australia. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Karl E. Mason, Milan Herzog
Analyzes the human skeleton, and examines the function and structure of bones. Uses X-ray photography to show various kinds of movable joints in action, explains, with the help of animated drawings, the growth process and structure of bones, and identifies their chemical properties by means of laboratory experiments. Emphasizes the importance of correct posture, good diet, and exercise to sound skeletal growth.
Discusses the national party convention as a nominating device. Considers control of the convention, the convention as a "sane" method for choosing candidates, and the nomination of the vice-presidential candidates. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the national party convention as a nominating device. Considers control of the convention, the convention as a "sane" method for choosing candidates, and the nomination of the vice-presidential candidates. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents the life story of the snapping turtle in its natural habitat. Observes the snapping turtle's features, its encounters with other animal life, the laying and protection of its eggs, its hatching, and developmental conditioning. Its appearance is compared with that of the painted turtle. Digging in for and emergence from the winter's hibernation conclude the presentation.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Investigates some of the ways in which man is influenced and changed by society. Demonstrates the effect of group pressure to conform and shows the consequences of publicly stating ideas contrary to one's private beliefs.
Discusses the problems of the socially maladjusted child and explains the causes and factors in society related to the development of social maladjustments.
Presents an introductory study of the planets--their evolution, motions, sizes, and satellites. Shows, through animated drawings, the evolution of the solar system according to planetesimal hypothesis, and traces the real and apparent motions of the planets. Reveals special phenomena pertaining to certain planets, and describes the planetoids, Halley's comet, and the movement of the solar system in space.
Discusses the five smallest planets of the solar system, describing their appearance, position, motions and physical properties. Illustrates with models, diagrams, charts, and photographs. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum & Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses the origin and development of the sonata form and explains its construction. Includes musical illustrations by Schumann, Haydn, Schubert, and Franck.
discusses the movements which comprise the whole sonata. Explains the sonata as : (1) an instrumental form; (2) variable in length; (3) comprising either three or four distinct movements, related tonally but contrasting in tempo and internal structure; and (4) having at least one movement in sonata form. Illustrates the character-sequence of the movements of a four-movement sonata. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
Defines and discusses "song-form" in music. Illustrative works include B Major Sonatina (Schubert), Norwegian Dance (Grieg), Sonata in D Major (Brahms), and Trio (Beethoven). (USC) Film.
Episode 11 from the AIT series Teletales. Storyteller Paul Lally tells a Russian tale about a sorcerer who misrepresents himself as a teacher and turns Peter into a toad, a dove, and a horse. Includes music and sound effects combined with illustrations by Rae Owings.
Discusses and demonstrates the Stradivarius violin, the viola, and the cello. Explains the distinguishing features of the Stradivarius instruments being used and presents musical selections featuring each of the instruments in turn. Music includes: Beethoven, Serenade from Trio, Paganini, Caprice; Dohnanyi, Serenade from Trio; and Bach, Bourree from C Major Suite. (Arts and Audiences, Inc.) Film.
One in a series of twelve, one-reel films designed to present behind-the scenes activities of the motion picture industry. This film traces the use of sound in motion pictures as it progressed from simple piano accompaniment to the multitudinous effects of today. Shows a major studio's sound effects library; then demonstrates the steps involved and the equipment used to bring alive the sounds in a movie on horseracing.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., explains how linguists analyze and classify significant sounds of language. He discusses phonetics and phonemics, the science of speech sounds and the study of varying distinctive sounds which distinguish the words and phrases of a language.
Dr. Gould briefly reviews the history of South Pole explorations prior to IGY and Mr. Benson explains the seasonal differences between the North and South Poles and the scientific reason for the six-month-long day and night phenomena. Together, Dr. Gould and Benson describe the building and supplying of the South Pole Stations and Dr. Gould explains the significance of the film of the South Pole Dedication Ceremony which he conducted in Antarctica in January 1957. Dr. Paul Siple (seen on film taken at the base) describes the actual operation of the South Pole Station and it various scientific explorations. In conclusion, Benson and Dr. Gould discuss the living conditions and the general reactions to the accomplishments of the South Pole Base.
Interviews members of the black community in York, South Carolina. Questions are answered concerning the equality, method of achieving equality, education, and voting rights. Opinions are also offered on improvements in relations in the immediate future.
Continuing the interview in York, South Carolina, with members of the black community, Mr. Hartzell and Dr. Patrick inquire about the employment or professional ambitions of African-Americans in the South. What jobs do they have, and what would they like to have? Has the general situation improved? To what specific differences can they point which constitute an improvement of the their position? Are conditions better in the North? If so, why do African-Americans continue to live in the South? How much of a role can the churches play in improving the situation? Is there a difference in attitude between the generations? As questions like these are discussed, Mr. Hartzell and Dr. Patrick uncover a vivid picture of one of the nation’s most pressing problems.
Shows life in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the topography, rainfall, and other characteristic features, including the imprint of Spanish and Indian cultures. Irrigation, stock raising, mining, agriculture, and oil extracting and refining are among the occupational activities shown. The exchange of goods and services with other sections of the country is depicted by animation.
Portrays life, topography, rainfall and other characteristic features, including the imprint of Spanish and Indian cultures of the Southwestern United States, including Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. Emphasizes the extent of the Southwest's resources and the implications of its industrial and commercial progress. Animated maps trace population trends and geographical features. Shows irrigation, stock raising, agriculture, mining and oil extracting and refining and points out the Southwest's interdependence with other regions. Explains that this region is growing.
British Ministry of Information, Soviet War News Film Agency, Central News Reel Studios, Moscow
A Soviet-British co-production reporting to the Allied nations on the lives of children in the Soviet Union, providing "a glimpse of the Soviet child from infancy to high school." Portrays an idyllic and well organized system for educating and caring for the 35 million Soviet children of the day. The scholastic, athletic, and creative accomplishments of Soviet youth are shown.
Reviews early sixteenth century efforts to cross or circumvent the American land masses. Reveals the change in attitude towards the Americas after the exploits of Cortes and Pizarro among the Aztecs and Incas. Discusses later Spanish attempts to find "another Mexico" and their plans to hold both continents for themselves. (KETC) Kinescope.
Traces the movements of the Spanish in the Americas. Stresses their efforts to find "another Mexico" after Cortez had conquered the Aztec empire. Explains the role of such men as Cabeza de Vaca, Coronado, and De Soto in these later movements. (KETC) Kinescope.
Demonstrates materials which aid in teaching speech relative to voiced-voiceless-nasal distinction, tongue shape, lip shape, self-monitoring, cleanliness, and stimulus and motivation. Suggests how to procure the aids shown in the Speech Kit films.
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.)
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.) Film.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Karl E. Mason, Robert Longini
Describes in detail the structure, function, and movement of the spinal column in man. Uses X-ray photography and animated drawings to indicate the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions and shows how the individual vertebrae are joined together to form a strong but flexible backbone. Points out the relationship between the spine, other bones, and muscles of the body and stresses good posture. | Details the movement, structure, and function of the spinal column through X-ray, stop-motion, and close-up photography, as well as by means of animated drawings. Emphasizes the importance of good posture and illustrates typical posture faults.
Introduces the age of Romanticism by dramatizing major personalities and events that contributed to the spirit of this period in the history and culture of Western civilization. | Introduces the age of Romanticism by dramatizing major personalities and events that contributed to the spirit of this period in the history and culture of Western civilization.
Uses newsreel footage to outline the important events preceding the Second World War. Explains Stalin's efforts to build his personal image. Reviews the non-aggression pact signed with the German Reich. Discusses the German invasion of Russia and the joining of the Allies by the U.S.S.R. Tells how Stalin maneuvered at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam to make the best possible terms for the Communists. Concludes with Russia's continued build-up of strength and influence throughout the world.
Explains and illustrates the use of the Stanford-Binet test in the context of a school guidance program; indicates its accuracy of measurement; and how the results may be properly used. Gives the advantages and disadvantages of group and individual testing and emphasizes the basis of intelligence testing as a relative standing in relationship to standardized norms. The case of one child is followed, showing his classroom problems, the administration and scoring of his test, and the relating of his test scores to other data on him in a meeting of the various members of the school guidance staff, where a procedure is outlined for adjusting the curriculum and the individual to achieve educational and personal adjustment.
This program begins before there were any schools in this country. Families taught their children at night after the chores were finished and in some cases a master craftsman taught young apprentices to read and write after work. The one room school house is recreated and the difficulties of supplies for classes are discussed. The Lillian Patterson dancers intersperse dances showing the play and games of early days. Songs include “Pretty Saro,” “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” “I Got Wings,” “Did You Ever See a Lassie,” “Little Sally Waters” and “As We Have done Before.”
A Tom Tichenor original story. Marionettes tell the story of a little bunny who never wants to stay home. When her mother leaves her to attend a meeting, Bunny throws a tantrum. Bunny has a dragon friend named Nogard, who comes to visit her when she has to stay at home. Nogard suggests that Bunny touch his wings so that she can fly, and they fly out of the window together. They visit a castle, and Bunny meets a Princess; they fly on to the Wild Wild Woods where they meet a skunk. Mr. Skunk tells Bunny that he would invite her to his home for dinner but he has nothing to eat. A wolf appears and frightens the skunk away and Bunny terrified hides in a tree trunk. She flies home after the wolf leaves, having learned her lesson… and resolves to always want to stay home.
Surveys Chinese art from its unknown beginning to modern times, and shows how it was affected by Asiatic and European influences. Uses art objects, animated maps, and graphs to show China's contribution to world civilization.
Bash Kennett tells of the early American glassmakers, showing rare pieces made by Baron Stiegel, Caspar Wistar, Amelung and others. She describes the method of glassmaking, uses the glass throughout our history, the invention of the mass-produced bottle and the modern use of glass. Songs include “Devil’s Nine Questions” and “Ghost of Bisal.”
In this program Bash describes how the Indians in our country learned to tan the hides of deer and buffalo into soft wearable skins, and how, later, the white settlers adapted their methods, using bark, ashes and knives to produce very serviceable leather. From here Bash shows the process in a modern factory and traces the many uses of leather. Songs include “Bye Baby Bunting,” “The Fox,” and “The Tailor and the Mouse.
Sidney Zipser, Edison R. Hoge, Walter S. Arnold, Hoge-Zipser Productions
Describes the story of the giant 200-inch telescope on Palomar Mountain, photographed over the period of years during which the giant telescope was planned and designed. Shows the grinding of the huge mirror, the tedious journey of the mirror up the mountainside, and finally the giant instrument in operation.
The Finder shows us how basic printing is in our lives by bringing before the camera a variety of things which are printed—stamps, billboards, toys, milk bottles, tin cans and plastic curtains. He goes on to investigate letterpress, the oldest printing method invented by Gutenberg 500 years ago. It is still one of the widely used printing methods.
Girls have skipping ropes, and boys use ropes to swing on, but they seldom know the story of the importance of rope, says Bash in this program. Bash takes children through the story from the early twisting of plants and vines into lengths, to the modern heavy duty ropes made from Abaca and hemp. She shows pictures of cutting and harvesting the Abaca plant in the Philippines Islands and tours a modern rope factory. She describes the famous rope walk of early rope makers, and the uses of rope by fishermen, sailors, farmers and construction workers. Songs include “Foggy Dew” and “Old Paint.”
From the early struggles of the settlers to get salt from “salt licks” and pack trains through the use of salt as money and for preserving food, Bash takes viewers on a tour of a place where salt is recovered from the sea and where it is mined in the earth. She sings “Henry Martin,” “Mr. Rabbit,” and “Night Herding Song.”
Traces in detail the production of cane sugar. Shows the ground-breaking operations in the spring, the planting and cultivation during the summer, and the cutting and the preparation of the stalks for delivery to the refinery in the fall. Illustrates the mechanized nature of these operations and depicts the numerous refining processes that ultimately produce white sugar crystals.
Defines a vortex and explains its structure. Shows several types of vortex including the ring, tip and thermal vortex. Uses the smoke box, water tank, and motion pictures of tornadoes to illustrate how a vortex behaves. (State University of Iowa) Kinescope.
Much of the history of our country followed the great rivers, the ocean bays and the small streams which brought water to plants and animals. Bash takes a film trip to show how rivers are formed and where the rain originates and drops. Song selections include “So Long, It’s Been Good to Know You” and “Lazy River.”
This is the story of a king who offered a reward to anyone who could tell a story that never ends. Many try, but all fail. The King's herald, who is in love with the Princess, disguises himself as an old man and goes to the King to tell him a story that has no end hoping that his reward will be the hand of the Princess in marriage. His story lasts for over a month and finally the King decides that he doesn't like such long stories and grants him his wish to marry the Princess.
Discusses the possible inflation and unemployment to come after World War II as happened after World War I. Emphasizes rationing and thrift as weapons to combat inflation before it occurs.
The first in the "Web of Life" series. Uses fossils and other prehistoric relics to trace the competitive struggle for survival among plants and animals. Still pictures show the trilobite, the dinosaur, and the sabre-toothed tiger--all of whom became extinct because they did not adapt themselves to their changing environment. Concludes with a diagram showing that all living things are units in a vast web of life powered by the sun and fed by plants which draw elements from water, air, and soil.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Ralph E. Rush, Milan Herzog, Erpi Classroom Films Inc., Peter W. Dykema, M.L., Teachers College, Columbia University, Howard Barlow
Describes the appearance, functions, and timbre of each stringed instrument of the symphony orchestra. Illustrates bowing, pizzicato, and finger techniques used in playing instruments of the string choir. Explains characteristic tonal qualities of the violin, viola, cello, and bass viol, with excerpts from Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, Schubert's Unfinished Symphony, and Rossini's William Tell Overture. An instructional sound film.
The unit of life –the cell: history of the concept; validity of the concept; variations of size, form and function; limitations of a cell; details of structure and function; special features of plant cells, nuclear control of cellular activity, particularly reproduction (mitosis)
Dr. Ray Koppelman discusses the nucleus of the cell, explaining it's structural makeup, its function, and the ways in which it gives directives to the rest of the cell to carry out growth and reproductive functions.
Dr. C. Arthur Knight, featured on this program, introduces his topic with a brief description of properties which characterize living things, and then explains to what degree viruses do or do not have these properties. What is significant, he points out, is that viruses are like other living things to the extent that they are capable of reproducing themselves. Because viruses have a chemical content, similar to that of chromosomes — the cells which determine heredity — and because they can be more easily isolated and fragmented than chromosomes, they are a source of much information for scientists who study life's creation and formation. In addition to his general points, Dr. Knight shows, through a remarkable series of micro-motion pictures, how mutations within viruses can be formed and identified.
Despite its microscopic size, a cell may contain several thousand highly complex chemicals. Nonetheless, molecules of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids consistently form part of the structure of living cells. These combine in various ways to make the cells which cause a tree to grow, an eye to see, or the brain to think. In this program, each kind of cell is analyzed through a combination of lecture and chemical demonstrations, together with a use of the models developed and used by Dr. Linus Pauling to study cellular structure.
Indicates that a suicide attempt is a cry for help, sympathy, and understanding--all of which can be handled by the suicide clinic. Indicates that most suicide attempts are the result of a crisis which passes leaving the person fully recovered. Shows that suicides cross all socioeconomic levels and that these individuals are not necessarily emotionally unstable. Links most suicides with long-term depression involving love, work, or physical illness. Looks at the need for recognition and therapy of persons with suicidal tendencies.
Plants need sunlight, and this story tells what happened when sunbeam lost interest in his work. Dora Velleman tells the story and Fignewton Frog helps illustrate it at the felt boards.
Presents the conclusions arrived at during the conference. Uses film clips of statements made by the various conferees to strengthen and point up the conference's conclusions. (KETC) Kinescope.
The controlling body of the solar system is the Sun – an average star and the only star whose surface we can see. James S. Pickering, in this program, treats the Sun as a star, studying its surface and composition and the manner in which its energy is produced.
Discusses the influence of the sun upon space travel. Describes how over ninety per cent of interplanetary travel will be made in the sun's gravitational field and only small portions of each journey will be close enough to planets for their gravitation to predominate. Shows solar prominences and flares, and discusses their influence on us. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
An advertisement for the British newspaper The Sunday Times in which residents of an elder care facility begin partying and dancing after visitors leave. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
Presents the life of the sunfish from the preparation of the nest, the laying and fertilizing of the eggs, the hatching of the eggs, and the development of the fish to maturity.
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids , United States. Federal Security Agency, Caravel Films, Inc.
Narration asks, and answers, the question: "what does a man need to have, outside of experience, to be a good leader?" Experienced supervisors discuss the qualities of good leadership with dramatized workplace scenes to illustrate. A machine operator promoted to group leader undergoes a change in personality with his newly gained status, causing resentment by his displays of authority. Shows that "a real leader never hesitates to praise a man for a job well done."
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell the story of "The Surpise Party" using felt cut-outs. In the story, flowers host a surprise party where they and all of their guests (others flowers and plants) will be surprised by having a family picture taken, as they are all related. Teaches flower and plant names. Dora and Fignewton recommend flower books that can be found at the library.
Uses underwater photography to show how fish and other marine animals are adapted to move in varying environments. Illustrates how body shapes and fin types vary. Includes scenes of the giant tuna, hound fish, nurse shark, porpoise, sea turtle, Portuguese man-o'-war, angel fish and others.
Tells the Japanese legend about a cedar tree which stands in front of the temple in Nara, Japan. The tree is said to be the spot where an old and grieving mother found her grow son who had been carried away by a hawk while he was still an infant. Illustrates the story using Japanese brush painting techniques. Shows how to paint a hawk.
Episode 2 of the Agency for Instructional Television series Across Cultures. Examines the society and culture of the Tarahumara Indians in Chihuahua, Mexico. Shows how their isolation in mountain valleys and canyons has caused them to become self-sufficient and has at the same time contributed to the stability of their culture. Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.
Discusses the relationship between personality and communication. Explains human behavior in terms of the self-concept. Defines self and shows how it differs from the self-concept. Illustrates the way in which the self-concept controls acceptance or rejection of a message. Stresses the importance of non-evaluative listening.
Episode 3 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series You, Me, and Technology. Describes with humorous results what would happen if transistors, vacuum tubes, Thomas Edison, wheels, petroleum, and the industrial and agricultural revolutions were taken away. Viewers see how things worked in the age of the first toolmakers and learn about the effect of today's technology on their lives.
Presents a question and answer session with three teen-age boys. Opinions are expressed concerning their education, ambitions, personal development, and hopes for the future.
Presents a question and answer session with three teenage girls. Opinions are expressed concerning their education, ambitions, marriage plans, and the problem of integration in their schools.
The plot focuses on a murderer whose increasing guilt leads him to believe he can hear his victim's heart still beating beneath the floorboards where he buried him. Seen through the eyes of the nameless narrator, the surrealistic images in the film help convey his descent into madness.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Tenderfoot" (season 1, episode 20), which first aired June 24th, 1953 on NBC-TV. 27-year-old Theodore Roosevelt, dejected by the near simultaneous deaths of his mother and his wife, and by political reversals, retires from public life in 1886 to his ranch in North Dakota. He is shaken from his lethargy when some of his property is stolen by outlaws. Undaunted by blizzard conditions, young Roosevelt leads his ranch hands in the pursuit and capture of the outlaws. This action restores Roosevelt's will to fight for law and order, characteristic of his later career.
Episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg reviews the history of the Tennessee Valley through short scenes from the past: Cherokee land, the British at Fort Loudoun, early pioneers at Rocky Mount, a flatboat trip down the river, and the slow deterioration of the valley's resources. Gives a first-hand look at how the Tennessee Valley Authority helped reclaim the region.
Episode 6 provides viewers with an insight into modern-day wheat farming on both irrigated and dry land in the Great Plains. Shows cultivating the soil, planting seed, harvesting the kernels, and marketing the crop. Highlights the history of the area by showing a sod house and shed, prairie grass, a one-room school, a windmill, and other aspects of prairie life.
Episode 7 shows the mass production of bicycles and automobiles in order to foster an understanding of the importance of the assembly line in American manufacturing. Highlights the ingredients and techniques of making iron and steel. Discusses the innovations of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.
Episode 8 discusses the history of American rail transport, including the first transcontinental railroad, the gradual shift from passengers to freight, and the role of commuter and subway trains today. Also highlights air travel, showing the control tower, departure lounges, and an air cargo terminal at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Recreates important moments in the lives of the Wright brothers through a historical vignette.
Discusses three major aspects of expression in the fine arts: medium, subject, and form. Studies these aspects of theater as a fine art. Compares theater art with other art forms. Presents specialists in art, music, and theater. (KUON-TV) Film.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Presents the story of the rise of totalitarianism and the failure of the democracies to produce effective answers to world problems. Discusses the American attitudes towards Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. Appraises the validity of these attitudes. (KETC) Kinescope.
There was an overwhelming decision in November 1932 to change leadership. Early New Deal legislation sought to accomplish the first two R’s, Relief and Recovery. The later years of the New Deal were pointed toward the third, Reform. An English historian of the modern American scene has offered a sound theme for this part of the story: “One many not agree with the answers which he gave, but one must admit that FDR asked the right questions.”
This is the story of a young girl who didn't want to spin. Her mother beats her and when the Queen asks why, tells her that Maria will not stop spinning.The Queen takes Maria to her castle and promises her son's hand in marriage when she has spun all the straw in the castle. Three Fairies appear and agree to help Maria if she will invite them to her wedding and introduce them as her Aunts. At the wedding everyone is shocked at the appearance of the three "aunts." One has an enlarged lip, the second a huge thumb, the third an enormous foot, all from spinning straw...all the time. The Prince and the Queen tell Maria she shall never spin again so that she might always be beautiful.
Hand puppets are used to tell the story of husband and wife who are visited by the Fairy Princess, disguised as an old woman. The husband and wife refuse to feed the Old Woman because their cupboard is bare and they are selfish. The Old Woman visits another peasant cottage, where a kinder husband and wife, beset by misfortune, offer to share their meager meal with the Old Woman.
Describes the child in his second and third years. Stresses importance of play, vocabulary development, the nap and bed-time ritual, and the development of possessiveness and self-assertion. Shows some of the activities of children in this age group. (WQED) Kinescope.
Poindexter and his friends tells the story of the hare who boasts he can run faster than anyone. The tortoise, who is slow but sure, takes the challenge. Certain he can win, the hare takes a nap during the race and the tortoise wins.
Traces the manufacture, distribution, and final sale of a toy truck; and illustrates how many people contribute to make the things that we enjoy. Shows Skipper's mother buying the toy truck for her son's birthday, and emphasizes the need for proper care of toys. Encourages children to tell stories about their own toys.
Discusses the training of the men who represent the U.S. overseas. Describes the embassies and the men we have abroad, the history of our diplomatic service, and its present organization and budget. Considers the adequacy of the present program, with suggestions for the future. (WTTW) Kinescope.
One of the most exciting figures in our history was the trapper and Bash tells of his life and visits some animals who were his forest companions. She sings “Three Jolly Huntsmen” and “Wooly Boogie Bee.”
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1962 Allied Artists release feature film, “Billy Budd”, based on the novella "Billy Budd Foretopman" written by Herman Melville. Billy Budd, pressed into service aboard a man-of-war in the Royal Navy in 1787, becomes an object of hatred for the master-at-arms, John Claggert. When unjustly accused by Claggert of being part of a planned mutiny, Billy strikes him, causing a fall which unintentionally kills him. Believing that Billy is innocent, Captain Vere and the officers face a moral dilemna due to Admiralty regulations, which demand a court martial to sentence to death by hanging the innocent seaman who was provoked to strike the villainous master-at-arms.