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Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television episode, "The Great Gamble" (season 3, episode 1), which first aired October 12th, 1954 on ABC-TV. Presents the work of Cyrus W. Field in organizing and directing the project to establish a system of rapid communications between Europe and America by means of the Trans Atlantic Cable, and his courageous perseverance to succeed in spite of several unsuccessful attempts.
An advertisement for Dupont Telar Anti-freeze in which a male narrator talks about the product while an animation of a car drives around and gets filled up with Telar. A jingle is heard announcing, "never, never, never again drain anti-freeze from your car again!"
An advertisement for Telar anti-freeze in which an animated couple drive their car around while trying to remember a slogan for Dupont Telar anti-freeze. They drive past various signs advertising Telar before finally remembering the slogan. Finally, a male narrator speak about the product.
Cartoon characters inform the viewer of the benefits commercials provide to the consumer. A narrator state how if a viewer sees a commercial with a National Association of Broadcaster seal it means that the television station follows the National Association of Broadcaster principal guidelines for commercials.
Tennessee Valley Authority, National Defense Advisory Committee
Narration introduces this report as "the story of the development of the Tennessee River," showing ongoing construction of major public works projects conducted under the Tennessee Valley Authority, including dams and hydroelectric plants. Touts the harnessing of waterpower to generate electricity for industry and farmers. Lists the improvements to quality of life in the region brought by electricity, including home amenities, pumped water for irrigation, and community refrigeration for food storage. Emphasizes the development of fertilizer manufacturing, as well as munitions and aluminum for defense industries. Includes footage of Wilson dam, Norris dam, Wheeler dam, Pickwick Landing dam, Guntersville dam, Chickamauga dam, and Watts Bar dam and generating station.
An advertisement for Tetley tea bags in which an animated man stands on a live-action table and describes the perforations in each tea bag. A group of other animated men perform a folk dance around a kettle while holding bags of tea. One of the winners of the 1976 Clio Awards.
A man with a broken-down car is barraged with automotive suggestions of how to fix his car from the gathered crowd. The man ends up fixing his card by taking it to a Texaco service station.
An advertisement for Texaco Service petroleum products in which a narrator describes a historical shift in demand from kerosene to gas and how the company adapted to this change. Submitted for Clio Awards category Corporate.
This short nonfiction film depicts the intensive testing that goes into developing and producing aircraft propellers. It opens with the whirring or propeller blades. Animated diagrams show how the bite of the propeller moves it through the air and how the pitch determines the size of the bite. A trip through an airplane factory shows the manufacture of a satisfactory alloy. The rest of the process is painstaking hand work interspersed with dozens of careful inspections. The operation of the variable pitch mechanism and its use in taking off and cruising is shown. Then the propeller is assembled the complete job is tested for balance.
A small woman struggles to find clothing in her size that is also fashionable. Her problems are solved when she went to the 5-7-9 store which had fashionable clothes in her size
The Conservation Foundation, New York Zoological Society, John H. Storer, George Brewer, John C. Gibbs, Presentation Incorporated, George Bryan
The second in the "Web of Life" series. Discusses the competition for survival among all living things and the causes and effects of an unbalance in nature. Shows how a whole community may be destroyed by a single element's getting out of hand. Pictures the results of over-grazing and over-hunting as they threaten man's continued nurture via the soil.
The Conservation Foundation, New York Zoological Society, John H. Storer, John C. Gibbs, George E. Brewer, Jr.
The fourth in the "Living Earth" series. Shows what happens when nature's balance is upset by exploitation of natural resources. Suggests that organized planning and conservation can arrest the dangerous destruction of the topsoil on which all life depends.
The Conservation Foundation, The New York Zoological Society, George Bryan, Tempo, Inc., John C. Gibbs, George Brewer, John H. Storer
Presents nature's plan for the use and control of water. Explains the water cycle through animation and actual photography, and shows the effect of interaction between clouds and air currents through time-lapse photography. Describes the nature and function of watersheds, and indicates how nature has provided for the storing of this life-giving substance.
A French woman states how her husband thinks she is a good cook because she comes from France but it is actually because she uses Escoffier Sauce. She then shows how to make a baked fish recipe with Escoffier Sauce.
People wearing Gap jeans perform various tasks in late 1970s America such as dancing, painting, and moving furniture. A song about Gap is sung in the background.
An advertisement for The Hartford insurance in which an insurance agent talks about compensation with a business owner after a fire damages his bakery. The ad concludes with the bakery reopening for business one week later, with an offscreen narrator explaining how Hartford helped the baker cover repairs and profit losses. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for The Hartford insurance group in which an insurance agent talks to a woman following a burglary in her house. The ad concludes with an offscreen narrator describing how the homeowner was able to purchase replacements of her stolen items with her insurance compensation. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for The Hartford insurance group in which an offscreen male narrator describes the benefits of various insurance plans over scenes of a family spending time together outdoors in their yard. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for The Hartford insurance group in which a man narrates how Hartford's home, car, health, and life insurance plans make him feel protected. Footage plays of the man talking with his insurance agent about a tree branch that damaged his home awning. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Mutual of New York (MONY) life insurance in which a woman describes needing to sell her cabin following her husband's death. An offscreen male narrator talks about the importance of discussing life insurance options as the woman wanders around the emptied cabin. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Phoenix Companies life insurance policies in which a man at a desk tries to resist the temptation to smoke a cigarette. An offscreen male narrator describes how the Phoenix Companies offer discounts on life insurance plans for clients who stop smoking or never smoke. One of the winners of the 1971 Clio Awards.
Reports on the capture of Munda and Rendova in the Solomon Islands. The role of medical instruments and supplies as a kind of weapon in these battles is emphasized, as well as their primary role in the battle against death by wound and infection. Shows the "heroes" at home who donate blood plasma and prepare medical supplies for the front lines. "The camera record of the opening attack against Rendova and Munda, the Japanese counterattack, and the magnificent job done in evacuating American wounded and saving their lives. In these front-line scenes is vividly shown how medical supplies from America meant the difference between life and death of our fighters" (September 1945 Supplement to Indiana University Extension Division Visual Aids Catalog of October 1943, 44).
The Signal Corps : produced by ; Combat film units of Army Airforces, United States Navy
Third issue of the Film Communique series. Composed of five short segments:
Hitting the Beach features the LST tank landing craft, shows the unloading of supplies on a captured beachhead. Concludes with footage of LST under attack by enemy bombers.
Dog Fight shows U.S. P-47 fighter planes accompanying bombing runs over Europe. Preparation and takeoff from British airfields, footage captured by wing-mounted cameras of dogfight with German aircraft.
Sunday Morning a religious service given on a tropical beach on Guadalcanal Island, without commentary.
Casey Jones Goes G.I. Depicts the destruction of Axis railroad trains, stations and road beds. Explains that occupying Allied forces must repair the railroads for their own use. Recognizes the role of Army railroad men, depicting the assembly of a steam locomotive that had been shipped to Europe in pieces.
Hitting The Silk Shows General MacArthur preparing for the invasion of Lei Island by paratroops. Details preparation of large invasion force, footage of parachuting over Japanese-held island. Narration concludes: "one of these days they'll be landing in a field just outside Tokyo."
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Army Airforces, United States Navy
Second issue of the Film Communique series. Includes two short segments:
A Day With the A-36's Follows through a day with the A-36 a lightweight attack bomber - adapted from the P-51 Mustang. Shows glimpses of the ground life of the men who service and fly the planes. Footage shot from plane-mounted cameras on a bombing mission against Nazi targets in Sicily.
Report From Berlin Excerpts of a captured German newsreel, showing Nazi rallies and government ceremonies. Reports on war industry exceeding production goals, with scenes from factories, shipyards and munitions production. Narrated commentary presents the film to U.S. war workers in order that they see the face and production capabilities of the enemy, spoken English translation follows German newsreel narration.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of four short segments:
Has Anybody Seen Kelly? Reports on the return of decorated war hero Chuck Kelly to his home in Pittsburgh. Follows Chuck around his neighborhood, visiting with old acquaintances and giving his account of the war, narration concludes "two years of war changed Kelly, two years of war changed Pittsburgh."
Task Force 58 tells of the secret naval task force sent to attack Saipan. Combat footage of the naval fleet attacked by Japanese fighter planes states that 428 enemy planes were shot down in a single day.
Treasure Hunt depicts salvage operations going on behind front lines in Italy, showing the reclamation of any material that can be restored or reused, the repairing of uniforms and equipment.
Quiet Cities shows the bombed cities of Normandy, France, quiet after fighting has ended - then returning to combat footage of the battles at the same sites, using gun sight camera footage and images of captured and surrendering German soldiers.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
Aerial Techniques details the U.S. bombing of Japanese targets in Hansa Bay, Wewak and Rabaul. Explains the parachute fragmentation or "ParaFrag" bombing techniques used. Footage of fighter-plane combat in the Pacific theater taken from gun sight aiming point cameras (titled GSAP cameras). Narration gives tallies of Japanese planes, ships and soldiers destroyed.
Roll of Honor praises the work of an African-American unit, the "men of Munda," using heavy machinery to repair an airfield at Point Munda in the Solomon Islands.
Fifth Army shows General Mark Clark leading the Fifth Army advance from Salerno, Italy, across the Volturno River, toward Rome.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of six short segments:
This Isn't War … It's Murder! Reports on the island conquering campaigns in the Pacific theater, using combat footage to illustrate the contributions of "the silent partners in this combined operation" - those of the industrial workforce at home.
General Mud gives an account of the struggle against severely muddy conditions in Italy; shows the necessity to construct new roads before armies can advance.
Grasshopper profiles the super-lightweight reconnaissance airplanes used to direct artillery fire to enemy targets. The narrator states "they're the controlling might that gives precision for our war weapons equal to the precision with which our workers forge them at home, they're the grasshoppers that make the American eagle free."
Yankee Rope Trick profiles the resourcefulness of American soldiers in the successful rescue of a grounded transport ship.
Pipes Of War shows the construction of oil pipelines across Italy to bring fuel from tanker ships to the front lines quickly and efficiently. Documents the vast consumption of fuel to keep the invasion of Europe advancing.
Stella tells the story of an American bomber that lost 3 of its 4 engines on its mission but still managed to limp back to England. After the bomber has undergone complete repair, commentary states "every month 500 other battle damaged planes like Stella climb back into the air."
An advertisement for the British newspaper The Sunday Times in which residents of an elder care facility begin partying and dancing after visitors leave. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Travelers home insurance in which an offscreen male narrator describes homeowner insurance options over scenes of a home engulfed in a fire and a family rebuilding their house afterward. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Travelers insurance in which an offscreen male narrator describes the benefits of a family protection plan over scenes of a family on a fishing trip. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Travelers insurance in which an onscreen narrator describes the benefits of Travelers services at a Masters golf tournament. An animated umbrella hangs over people as they walk, symbolizing how they are protected under Travelers policies. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for the Union Central Life Insurance Company in which a male narrator talks about the dangers of procrastinating too long on buying insurance policies. The narrator describes the role of risk in beginning insurance over scenes of a busy city street and a couple discussing insurance options with a Union Central agent. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today saves his money at this organization. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to finance home improvement. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank's checking accounts to manage business transactions. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to keep his money safe. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank to finance home improvement. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
An advertisement for the United States National Bank of Omaha in which a narrator compares a bank user to early pioneers, and says that the pioneer of today uses the bank's checking accounts to manage business transactions. Submitted for Clio Awards category Banks.
A public service announcement from the Wilderness Society in which a scene of forest wildlife is overlaid with audio of developers clearing trees. An offscreen male narrator reminds the viewer that "man does not live by development alone," while onscreen text provides information on how to order a free booklet on "the American wilderness." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Theodore Kautzky demonstrates techniques in drawing a scene with pencil. Emphasizes the following points: general design, thumbnail sketching, preparation of the pencil point, drawing sharp lines, making broad masses, and achieving textures of wood, brick, shingles, stone, and foliage.
Five men are waiting for a late bus. The four men who bought Thom McAn affordable shoes are able to get a taxi instead. The fifth man who bought more expensive shoes couldn't afford a taxi and had to wait for the bus.
An advertisement for Thom McAn's Cha Cha boots in which people wearing the shoes dance as an offscreen male vocalist sings a jingle. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Thom McAn's line of The Duke and The Duchess footwear, in which two sets of feet (one wearing Duke shoes and the other wearing Duchess shoes) flirt with one another. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Thomas F. Barton, Daisy M. Jones, Roger Niemeyer, James W. Taylor, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Compares two dairy farms--one in Southeastern Wisconsin and the other in Central New York State. Shows the land use and cultural practices which reflect adaptation to such elements of the physical environment as topography, soil, precipitation, temperature, and length of growing season. Describes such man-made conditions that influence the marketing of milk as the proximity of farms to urban areas, sanitation requirements, and transportation and refrigeration facilities.
An advertisement for Tic Tac mints in which a series of people (young ballerinas, men on a jog, and women at a gym) sing a jingle to the camera about how the product gives one a "bang out of life." An offscreen narrator notes how the mints are also available in cinnamon variety. One of the winners of the 1976 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for a Timex wrist watch in which a male narrator, standing on a mountain in Banff, describes a 'torture test' while another man attaches a Timex Marlin watch to the side of a ski and films himself with a movie camera while skiing down a slope. The watch swing around and gets banged up but survives the 'test.'
An advertisement for Tip Top packaged cakes in which an animated boy talks to his grandmother about the product while she gets trapped in a metal cage with a person in a gorilla costume. Submitted for Clio Awards category Baked Goods.
An advertisement for Deep Magic Dry Skin Conditioner by Toni in which singer Jane Morgan extols the product on the set of a musical advertisement rehearsal. Morgan addresses the camera and speaks about how the product helps "prevent aging dry skin lines," and a male narrator describes the qualities of the product as she applies it to herself. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tonka toy trucks in which the toys are arranged to resemble an overhead helicopter shot of a factory parking lot. A narrator describes the Tonka factory in Mound, MN as the "trucking capital of the world" before walking into the lot holding a toy firetruck. One of the winners of the 1976 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tonka toys in which a male narrator holding a toy truck addresses the camera about a previous Tonka commercial in which a child claimed their toy was broken by an elephant stepping on it. The narrator places the toy truck on the floor and has an elephant stand on it without breaking it. An ending title card boasts, "A toy shouldn't break just because a child plays with it." One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tonka toy trucks in which two identical twin boys look over the toys in a shop and daydream about using them in an outdoor construction field. A jingle plays about how much boys like Tonka toys. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Totes stretch boots in which a man struggles to move through a large water puddle at a street corner without getting wet. An offscreen male narrator describes the flexibility and protective qualities of Totes boots as the man is shown wearing the product as he effortlessly walks through the puddle. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Transogram's Flintstones Window Whacker game in which a young boy teaches a caveman and a talking ape to play the game by throwing balls at the toy's fake windows. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Transogram's Seven-Up strategy board game in which a jingle set to the tune of the song "Shortnin' Bread" plays over shots of a family playing the game. An offscreen narrator describes some of the gameplay, and the Transogram logo on the game box becomes animated and speaks to the viewer. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Poor children ask in their native language for help. Footage is shown of people’s plight around the world. The commercial concludes with the narrator asking the viewers to donate to their respective religious charity.
A husband and wife stand back-to-back as the announcer says that they think they have the perfect marriage but they now have another love. She walks outside to see the car in front of the house, the announcer describes the car as her new child. She’s wearing winter clothes and there’s snow on the ground. In the driver’s seat she’s smiling happily at the dashboard, then she maneuvers the car into a tight parking space. We see her husband look around a corner sneakily. We see him happily in the car with his winter clothes on and a hat. He drives the car around snowy streets in the neighborhood. The announcer mentions that the car isn’t a “gold-digger” in that it saves on gas. The husband and wife are together outside and she holds the top to a trash can as he throws away a greasing pan and she closes the lid on the trash can once its done. They both smile at each other and lock arms as they walk away. They stand in front of the house back-to-back with each other next to the car before turning around, smiling, and embracing each other. The price of $1845 for the car is listed in the ad.
Asserts that although World War II is over, Americans still have responsibility for their government and veterans of the war. Features appearances by President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of the Treasury Fred M. Vinson, and Ted R. Gamble, national director of the War Finance Division.
An advertisement for Trushay lotion in which a male narrator extols the moisturizing qualities of the product for women sensitive to cold, sun, or detergents. Slow-motion shots of oil droplets are shown dropping into a body of water, representing the special moisturizing oils used in the product. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A British advertisement for Tuf work boots in which a group of blue-collar working men perform a mock fashion show runway displaying various boots under the brand. An offscreen male narrator states that Tuf is for men who wouldn't be seen dead in ordinary work boots. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tupperware that is narrated by a man. It begins by showing various produce absurdly outfitted with mechanical locks to express that "You can't put a lock on freshness, without Tupperware." The advertisement then displays that only Tupperware containers are able to lock in freshness and ends with a close-up of the Tupperware logo.
An advertisement for Tussy Wash & Care beauty treatment in which a male narrator describes the product over images of a woman applying it and splashing water on her face in slow motion. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy Filpstick in which a male narrator, accompanied by music, describes how the product contains lipstick at one end and eye shadow at the other end. An animated sequence shows the product illustrating pictures of eyes and lips. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy in which a female narrator describes different cosmetic products. The scene depicts a statue of a female head as a pair of hands exhibit Tussy's compact, lipstick, Flipstick (lipstick and complimentary eye shadow in one stick), and Enchante perfume. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Tussy Midnight perfume in which a male voice sings a jingle as we see a bottle of Midnight perfume and a woman's hand putting out candles. The advertisement ends with a male and female voice expressing the seductive powers of Midnight Perfume. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A klutzy nervous best man spills coffee on his tuxedo moments before the wedding. Tuxedo Junction was able to bring a replacement tuxedo before the wedding started.
Tyrus Wong, Chiura Obata, John Bessor, William Thomas, Jr., John Paul Miller, Eliot O'Hara
Uses a variety of oriental paintings from the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., to depict the characteristics of oriental art and shows a Chinese and a Japanese artist demonstrating oriental brushwork. Points out that Chinese art is the ancestor of Japanese art and indicates that art and music have unique similarities. Features Mr. Tyrus Wong, a Chinese painter, and Mr. Chiura Obata of Japan. Narrated by Eliot O'Hara.
A public service announcement from the U.S. Department of the Interior in which audio of children singing about going to the beach overlays a scene of a deserted beach covered with trash, dead fish, and rats. An offscreen male narrator warns that "beaches should be for people," not rats. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Source material used for the Agency for Instructional Technology series Geography in U.S. history : illuminating the geographic dimensions of our nation's development.
An advertisement for US Royal tires in which an athlete does deep knee bends in a split screen with a tire flexing. A male narrator explains how tires get worn out and build up heat when they flex. Then explains how new US Royal Low Profile tires flex less.
An advertisement for US Royal tires in which two animated wrestlers are in a ring. They take turns putting each other in holds while one wrestler tells the other about the durability of US Royal tires. A car is seen driving over large potholes.
An advertisement for U.S. Steel products in which a narrator describes how the company uses coal byproducts to create chemicals used in other industrial products. Submitted for Clio Awards category Corporate.
An advertisement for U.S. Steel in which a narrator describes how company profits are used to improve the automobile and to further develop American industry. Submitted for Clio Awards category Corporate.
An advertisement for U.S. Steel in which a narrator describes how steel has changed work and life on the ranch land of San Mateo, New Mexico, and laborers who are indigenous peoples of the U.S. build a fence and other equipment. Submitted for Clio Awards category Corporate.
An advertisement for Uncle Ben's Rice packaged foods in which a woman opens her competing brand rice to find the "ghost of vanished flavor" and a narrator describes Uncle Ben's process of sealing in flavor. Submitted for Clio Awards category Packaged Foods.
An advertisement for Uncle Sam toothpaste in which a man dressed as Uncle Sam sings a jingle over various absurdist scenes that feature a rock climber, oversized mouth and toothbrush props, a vampire, an inflatable shark, and an executioner. One of the winners of the 1976 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Underwood Chicken Spread in which a small boy tells his siblings sitting around a table that he has convinced their mother to liven up their lunches by using the spread on their sandwiches and salads. The boy mispronounces the product's tagline "smorgasbord in a can," prompting his siblings to begin laughing. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
Two girls have a bragging contest between each other. When one girl brags about all the diseases she had the other girl respond by stating she has cerebral palsy.
Two sisters are having a tea party when their mother calls them for lunch. The older sister has to help her younger sister to the table due to her cerebral palsy. At the end of the commercial a narrator asks the viewer to give to United Cerebral Palsy.
A boy acts as a street policeman for other children. He stops traffic to allow a girl with cerebral palsy to pass. Robert Preston then walks on camera and explains to the viewer the medical hurdles cerebral palsy patients have to overcome. Preston ends the commercial by asking the viewers to donate to United Cerebral Palsy.
A narrator list all of the services United Way provides such as daycare for children and the elderly, family counseling, health services, recreation services, and keeping kids off the street. The narrator concludes by asking for a donation.