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This advertisement depicts a young woman walking through an office as men take notice of her. The advertisement contains music and a man narrating the action and speaking to how Diet Pepsi has helped this young woman to be noticed.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Julius Weil, Helen Kahn Weil
Shows Ed, Naomi, and the Weils at an outdoor dedication ceremony for a memorial in honor of Cornelia Schnurmann. Shows several people addressing a crowd, including Julius Weil. Schunurman was a colleague of the Weils at Montefiore who helped them develop innovative programs for the treatment of the elderly. After her death in 1960, Julius Weil served as executor and administrator of her estate.
Travelogue documenting Bailey's trip to Denmark circa 1971. Primarily shows a harbor with glaciers, local flora, and village life. Shots of men working on boats and doing construction.
Film opens with footage from a trip to Ontario (possibly a fishing trip). Footage taken while sailing in a motorboat with several unidentified men. The group later toasts food over a fire. A car drives past a building reading "Town of Fort Frances Public Utilities". The filmmaker boards a plane at Einarson Bros. Flying Service in Minnesota and films the flight from the window.
Cut to the Bixler home at 8235 Washington Boulevard in Indianapolis. Shows Lynn and Nelle at home ; Lynn playing the piano ; the family decorating a Christmas tree. The camera then takes a tour of the interior of the Bixler home, showing the decor ; the entire family poses in front of the camera.
Lynn and Donald in the backyard during the springtime ; the family takes a scenic picnic ; Lynn riding a pony, led by Nelle. Ends with more footage taken through the clouds aboard an airplane.
Shows the Bixler family touring various attractions around Washington DC, including: the White House, Jefferson Memorial, Mount Vernon, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Capitol Building, and the Supreme Court Building. The family then visits Colonial Williamsburg.
Opens with a shot of Nelle and Lynn ; footage of Ft. Lauderdale beach with a pier ; small boats in a harbor taken from the water ; views of palm trees and waterfront homes as the camera sails by.
Cut to the Bixler's home in Indianapolis during wintertime ; scenes of snow covered streets ; Nelle shoveling the walk while Lynn plays.
Cut to Nelle with Lynn, holding a dog, posing for the camera along a riverbank and walking through the woods at Clifty Falls State Park (Madison, IN) ; Lynn and friend on a jungle gym ; views of Washington Boulevard (their street) with spring flowers blooming.
Nelle and Donald and a younger man riding in the back of a boat with a confederate flag ; people at a busy swimming pool and a girl (probably Lynn) receiving a swimming lesson ; the Bixlers attending a large picnic ; more scenes in the yard ; children getting on a schoolbus.
Opens with footage of an unidentified dam. Briefly shows exterior of Chrysler transmission plant in Kokomo.
Film mostly shows construction projects in various stages filmed across the seasons. Lots of footage of men working and close-ups of machinery. One site is Eastgate Shopping Center in Indianapolis. Another appears to be a stadium or racetrack.
Harold S. Feil, Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Nellie Feil, Jonathan Hellerstein, Kathryn Hellerstein, Beth Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein, George Feil
A biographical film made by Edward Feil for his father, Harold's 90th birthday. The audio is an oral history recording of Harold speaking. Dr. Harold Feil was born in Bay Shore, Long Island, New York on June 26, 1889. He served in World War I and later went on to become a prominent cardiologist based in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a pioneer in the field of electrocardiography and in 1947, Dr. Feil, along with Dr. Claude Beck and Dr. Walter Pritchard, performed the first successful defibrillation of the human heart with long-term survival.