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A story of land economy and one man, Bill Bailey of Clarksville, Tennessee, through whose foresight and untiring effort the Four Pillars of Income were established in Montgomery County, Tennessee (adapted from the Reader's Digest story of the same name by J. P. McEvoy).
Presents in detail step-by-step techniques used in gravimetric analysis and the preparation and use of both the Gooch crucible filter and regular filter paper in this type of chemical analysis. Part I gives an overview of the operation in determining the chloride concentration in a silver chloride sample. Shows in detail the weighing of the sample, dissolution, precipitation, filtration, drying, and weighing of precipitate.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.
Shows how Canada's northwest airlines have conquered the almost impenetrable natural barriers of rivers and mountains on the Pacific coast. Reveals how air bases were built, supplied, and serviced during World War II. Shows the city of Edmonton as a gateway to the new North, to Russia, India, China, and the Orient.
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1950 20th Century-Fox feature film, "The Big Lift". Incorporating newsreel and Air Force film footage, this film illustrates the results of the post WWII Berlin blockade by the Russians in 1948. The organization and operation of the Allied Airlift to bring food, fuel, clothing, and medicines to the city is highlighted. The effectiveness of the Airlift in forcing the Russians to abandon the blockade in 1949 is examined.
Presents two excerpts from Maxim Gorki's play The Lower Depths, as played by the Moscow Art Theater. One scene shows a group of social outcasts telling stories of former wealth and grandeur and an actor soliloquizing on "What is Man?" The second scene, taking place at a drinking party, shows the group's reaction to the actor's suicide.
Explains and illustrates in detail simple stunts for strength, stunts for skill, and stunts with sticks. Demonstrates the techniques and benefits of stunt variations, and emphasizes safety precautions.
Pictures a northern English farm around haymaking time, stressing the interdependence of city and country life. Vegetables and milk go to the city markets and wool goes to the factories. From the city the farmers get manufactured products. As a World War II service, the townsfolk are shown forming voluntary land clubs to help the farmers with their work.
Shows camera highlights of the Indiana state basketball tournament and the state track meet. Should be of interest from the point of view of studying accomplishments and techniques as demonstrated.
A small boy retrieves a discarded trumpet and loses himself in a jazz fantasy of his own imagining. Musical background is a Duke Ellington composition interpreted by Jonah Jones. No narrative is used.
Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her. | Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her.
Presents methods of determining and keeping time and the uses of time. Traces the development, adoption, and designation of time zones and demonstrates the need for an International Date Line. Contrasts the use of Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time in the winter and summer. Portrays the role of the U.S. Naval Observatory in determining the time of day and the role of the National Bureau of Standards stations WWV and WWVH in disseminating time signals. Presents specialized uses of time in determining rate and frequency.
Discusses causes of the spread of tuberculosis in the United States and stresses the need for community action in combatting the disease. Dramatizes the case history of a young woman patient, showing how infection takes place and how poor health habits weaken the body and permit the disease to develop. Shows the work of a mobile X-ray unit. Includes animated sequeces.
Illustrates how a third grade teacher utilizes the interests of her pupils to develop an arithmetic unit on money and banking. Shows how she introduces other fundamental skills into the unit on number work including language and social skills writing, and construction activities. Indicates that the conventional type of problems also has its place in unit work.
The Phillips "66" championship team demonstrates basketball fundamentals. Slow motion and stop motion photography are used frequently to show techniques as follow-through, pivoting, passing drill, tipping drill, defensive, offensive breaks, and the various shots.
Studies the progress of Sao Paulo and the factors that have contributed toward the phenomenal growth in population of this second-largest Brazilian city. Presents a cross section of modern South America with its busy industry, its growing commerce, its beauty of art and architecture, and its up-to-date trends in education.