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Edward R. Feil, Betsy Feil, David Hellerstein, Ellen Feil, Amy Feil, Leslie Feil, Kathryn Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Herman Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Harold S. Feil, Beth Hellerstein
Home movie of a birthday celebration for Betsy Feil at the Harold Feil home. The children sit at a separate table to eat dinner before Betsy is presented with a birthday cake. Harold holds baby Beth (Hellerstein) in his lap. The Feil children (now in different outfits) climb trees in the yard.
Edward R. Feil, Beth Rubin, Naomi Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil
Home movie taken at Weehawkin Day Camp in Aurora, Ohio. Shows Beth Rubin swimming with other children as Naomi, Eddie, and Kenny watch from a small dock. Also shows horses in a stable at the camp. At her cabin, Beth puts on a costume of a fur coat and makeshift mask made of a paper bag. She and other costumed children participate in a skit.
Edward R. Feil, Beth Hellerstein, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Ellen Feil, Amy Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Nellie Feil, Harold S. Feil, Kathryn Hellerstein
Home movie of Beth Hellerstein's 2nd birthday at the Harold Feil home, January 1965. Shows Beth opening gifts with the assistance of her older cousins and siblings. Kathy and Mary then help Beth blow out the candles on her birthday cake.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin
The family goes to a carnival in Chardon, Ohio with Gusty, their housekeeper. A pregnant Naomi makes faces at the camera. The group plays games and goes on carnival rides. Also features the Chardon Rube Band playing.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Vicki Rubin, Beth Rubin, Edward G. Feil
Home movie of Vicki and Beth watching horses in a pasture and drawing them. Vicki poses with baby Eddie. Ends with footage of Vicki studying in a group, looks like it is from a Feil production being used as leader.
Just as the local movie theater is about to begin showing a picture, the star of the film arrives and comes to see the movie himself. On screen, the star must rescue his girl from danger. In the theater, the star finds that not all of the audience admires his acting as much as he does.
Bailey and other classmates of the Class of 1922 celebrating their 40th reunion at Wellesley College. The women mingle and enjoy refreshments outside. Shows Tower Court, Lake Waban, and other buildings around the Wellesley campus. The women then arrive with dressed in purple aprons and bonnets (their class color) and a sign in a shape of a cow (class mascot) reading "Bellesley". The alumnae classes celebrating reunions then march in a parade with flags and class colors. The film then documents a trip to Marblehead, Massachusetts with Wellesley friends and a visit to the home of classmate Esther B. Card.
Shows the Catholic tradition of the Blessing of the Fleet. Priests stand on a dock and bless a fleet of shrimp boats as they sail by while surrounded by a crowd of locals and parishoners. Unknown location, possibly Gulf Coast, South Carolina, or Georgia.
Edward Feil Productions, Robert M. Bilenker, Samuel Gorovitz, Michael J. Kindred, Jane W. Kessler, Carl Santoiemmo
Describes Down's syndrome and some of the moral problems it raises. Presents three infants and three children, ranging in age from five to twenty one years, with their families. Includes information about the physical and psychological characteristics and the range of variation in a population with Down's syndrome.
Edward R. Feil, Harold S. Feil, Nellie Feil, Naomi Feil, Mary Feil Hellerstein, Beth Hellerstein, Susan Hellerstein, Daniel Hellerstein, Jonathan Hellerstein, George Feil, Helen Kahn Weil, Julius Weil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil
Home movie of an anniversary party for Harold and Nellie Feil at their home. Friends and family mingle and enjoy refreshments.
Recreates the excitement of the gold rush by showing the prospector's trails, their campsites and the gold rush cities. Illustrates with prints of the settlers, miners, and dance hall girls. Visits an old gold mining town and saloons. Interviews an old prospector about gold mining days.
Home movie of Ed, Eddie, and Kenny participating in Indian Guides, an outdoor adventure group for boys through the YMCA. Shows a group of boys and fathers sledding, riding horses, and walking through the woods outside of Cleveland in the wintertime. In the spring, they travel to Hale Farm and Village, where they see women working looms, woodworkers, and farm animals.
Edited travelogue documenting Ed Feil's trip to Italy in 1959 with long-time friend Charles Long. Shows the pair travelling from Milan to Venice, Rome, Florence, Pompeii, and Capri. Primarily shows landmarks and street scenes in each city. Shares footage with [Venice and Florence 1959] (barcode 40000003363985).