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An advertisement for Score men's hair gel in which a man and a woman are in a bathroom in the morning. The woman shows the man the difference between two different hair gels, one creamy and white the other clear and smooth. the commercial ends with a male narrator talking about the product's natural appearance. Dialogue and narration are in French.
An advertisement for a Ford Mercury Meteor in which a male narrator talks about the car as an old man at a gas station general store fills the car with gasoline and inspects the car. Western music plays in the background. Narration is in French.
An advertisement for BA automobile service station in which a mechanic inspects a can while a jingle plays. A male narrator can be heard speaking about the product. Jingle and narration are in French.
An advertisement for Westinghouse light bulbs in which a man and a woman are in bed at night. The woman asks the man to turn off the lamp. He tries to turn it off and unplugs the lamp but the light bulb stays lit. The woman tells "Henry" to turn it off again and again. The man hides the bulb in the in a box and in a closet. The bulb stays lit. Dialogue and narration are in French.
An advertisement for Crest toothpaste in which a boy is at a barber shop while a female narrator speaks. Then the commercial cuts to a man speaking with a woman in a living room about the health properties of Crest toothpaste. Dialogue and narration are in French.
An advertisement for Belvedere cigarettes in which a male narrator tells a man that Belvedere is including a coupon in some packs of cigarettes. The man is folding up his coupon into a paper airplane while talking to the narrator telling him he smokes the cigarettes because he likes them. At the end of the commercial the man throws his paper airplane out the window while yelling "...just look at the baby fly!"
An advertisement for Molson Beer in which a male narrator speaks in French Canadian about "La Force De L'Age" (translated The Strength of the Age) while music plays and images of construction are shown. Riders on a subway look out and see construction sites including building of the metro. The commercial ends with the Molson logo and slogan "La Bonne Biere de Chez Nous."
An advertisement for Molson Beer in which a male narrator speaks in French Canadian about "La Force De L'Age" (translated The Strength of the Age) while music plays and images of construction are shown. Images of electrical plant, hospital, stadium, and dam. The commercial ends with the Molson logo and slogan "La Bonne Biere de Chez Nous."
An advertisement for Coca Cola in which a man and woman frolic in the snow dressed in costumes for carnival as a female voice sings a jingle about Coca Cola. Buildings of Quebac City can be seen in the background as young people celebrate, dance, and drink soda. Jingle and narration are in French.
An advertisement for Colorforms Sleeping Beauty Story Kit book in which an animated boy and his talking dog take a break from play-acting scenes from Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" to discuss the product. The boy narrates over live-action footage of kids moving around the graphics within the book, and his dog sings a jingle. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for OTC Australia telephone services in which a narrator describes his gratitude about being able to use phone services to keep in touch with his father back in Italy, set to the tune of the song "The Way We Were." Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for OTC Australia telephone services in which expatriates use phone services to keep in touch with family members back in their home country, set to the tune of the song "The Way We Were." Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Peugeot's 104 car model in which the automobile races down a steep ski slope alongside a human skier. Narration and text in French. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Evergood Kaffee in which an English woman convinces her butler to serve the Norwegian coffee brand to her husband for his tea time. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Johnson & Johnson "Cotonetes" cotton swabs in which the product tickles and soothes an animated baby. Narration and text in Portuguese. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Hubley toy rifles in which an offscreen narrator describes features of a toy gun in close-up while repeatedly asking, "What is the secret of the secret rifle?" The compact gun is shown to lengthen into a rifle by pulling on the rear shoulder stock, and a boy models holding it. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Colorforms "Popeye the Weatherman" movable picture graphics book in which an animated boy and his talking dog discuss the product while looking out the window at a rainstorm. The boy narrates over live-action footage of kids moving around the graphics within the book and sings a jingle. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for the Hubley Panther Pistol in which an offscreen narrator describes the features of the toy gun in close-up shots, emphasizing the toy's feature of snapping into the user's hand from being concealed below the wrist. The narrator describes the stealth skills of a panther over close-ups of a panther figurine. Submitted for the Clio Awards/
An advertisement for Ideal's Monkey Stix game in which an offscreen narrator describes the product over shots of monkeys in a barrel and children using the toy to build various structures. The narrator notes that Monkey Stix games come in "Terry Toons," "Jewelry," and "Out West" varieties. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Ideal's Electric Food Center in which a young girl at a birthday party prepares milkshakes for her friends using the toy. An offscreen narrator describes the features of the product over close-up shots of the milkshake being prepared. Submitted for the Clio Awards.