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Visits Grand Teton National park near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Discusses the life of the early French beaver trappers. Explains their methods of survival, and how they lived, traded, and fought with the Indians. Shows traps used by the early mountain men and demonstrates how they were set. Illustrates with film footage, dioramas, and photographs.
In this program, Temianka explains the meaning and origin of the word, “scherzo,” which refers to a sprightly, humorous instrumental composition or movement commonly used in quick triple measure. Illustrative compositions are selected for Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Dvorak and Schumann.
Discusses and demonstrates theme and variations and traces the development of this musical form. Illustrations include variations of the Vintner's Daughter, and the "Trout-Quintet," played in its entirety by the Paganini Quartet, with piano. (USC) Film.
Visits Dinosaur National Monument in Utah and Colorado. Discusses the age of the dinosaur, how the dinosaur quarry was formed, and why the dinosaur became extinct. Illustrates with film footage of dinosaur quarry and photographs of dinosaurs and their enviroment as it existed 140,000,000 years ago.
Discusses the rondo and explains its construction. Illustrates with compositions played partially or in their entirety. Features the Paganini Quartet, including a brief history of the quartet's Stratavari instruments, all of which belonged to Paganini. Musical selections include Rondino (Kroisler), Turkish Rondo (Mozart), and the finale from both a sonata and a quartet by Beethoven. (USC) Film.
Visits Yellowstone National Park to explain the story of American buffalo and its destruction. Shows the Yellowstone herd and then explains the methods used by the Indians to capture the buffalo. Tells why the white man, after the Civil War, destroyed the buffalo herds. Illustrates with film footage, dioramas, and photographs.
Visits Mesa Verde National Park in Southwestern Colorado. Discusses the work of archaeologists and how they uncover ancient Indian cities. Shows an Indian burial ground, homes of early cliff dwellers, and workers excavating, mapping, and recording their discoveries. Explains how their work provides knowledge of early Indians.
Visits the national monument of Canyon de Chelly in Arizona. Describes the life of the Navajo Indians living in the canyon. Shows the ancient ruins of early Indian cliff dwellers. Tells how the Indians farm, raise sheep, cook, and build their homes. Concludes with scenes of a trading post and Indian rodeo. (KETC)
Uses a trip to a grocery store to explain who gets the money that is represented by the spread between farmers and consumers. Questions are answered by a store manager, businessmen at a civic club luncheon, and by a speaker at the luncheon. Points out reasons for and importance of the "marketing margin." (Agrafilms, Inc.) Kinescope.
Visits Carlsbad Caverns National Park near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Describes the discovery of the caverns by early settlers who observed a huge formation of bats leaving the entrance. Shows and explains how the huge caverns were formed over thousands of years of time. Provides close-ups of stalagmites, stalagtites, and limestone draperies.
Cities are growing, and people have to move about in them. How they do this can have a considerable effect on the development of the city itself. Many –perhaps most –of the inhabitants of a city own cars, and the temptation to use them is easy to understand. But often a private car is not the best way to get from here to there in a city; public transportation –buses, subways, streetcars, even helicopters for longer distance –is often the best way to move people. Yet too often even so simple a matter as intra-urban transportation resembles a jigsaw puzzle. Groups have grown up to handle different parts of the problem, with the results that these units may overlap, or do not cover the whole problem. The older geographical areas which they were established to serve are new sections within a larger unit, but the original group still exist while the transportation problems become more and more complicated, and increasingly in need of overall planning. Once again the program concludes with a plea to the citizen to learn more about the problems of urban transportation, and to help his community to resolve some of them.
Cities are growing at an explosive rate; more and more people come to cities to liv, to work, to raise their families where there are the greatest number of opportunities for jobs, education, and recreation. But these thousands of new inhabitants do not only increasethe population of the city; they also magnify the problems that any group of people face when they live together in large numbers. Where to live? How to move about? How to govern themselves and guide the development of the community in which they live? The first program of METROPLEX sets the stage for the others, explaining why people are attracted to the city, and what difficulties they and the community face when they move there. Photographs, film clips, diagrams, and sketches are used to good effect to make the picture clear.
Friction in the Old World led to war. The USA tried to maintain neutrality, but with each passing month the problems created became more and more thorny. Finally, the nation was drawn into the conflict. With amazing speed and efficiency the country mobilized. Its participation in World War I was the deciding factor in bringing victory to the Allies.
Because We Are follows the story of the African American Dance Company during their 50th season at their annual Kukusanya intensive workshop, a time of gathering together in community as the term kukusanya evokes. It also invites viewers into the world of the Dance Company, its members, and their practice of ubuntu, the essence of the Africanist
principle that “I am, because we are.”
Since I am because we are, this work cannot be completed without you. I ask that you allow yourself to be immersed: enjoy the film with all your being. I welcome you to learn how to view the art on screen from the perspective of the performers, and to learn alongside them. I invite you to sing along, repeat after them when asked, clap (on beat), follow the prompts in the film and within yourself to move your body out of your seat and to the beat of the drums... you are invited to share in community with us, to be free to enjoy a new sense of what community and art can be, as exhibited by the African American Dance Company.
The title, Kukusanya, is a self-synergy philosophy and kinesthetic art; in Swahili, it means both “assembling and assembler.” This film is a conversation with Ashley Hayes, a Ph.D. student at Indiana University Bloomington, dance performer, and cultural consultant making a film on the African American Dance Company (AADC) at their 50th anniversary at Indiana University Bloomington in 2024.
Reviews the progress of the Communist Party in Japan from pre-war days to the present. Includes film footage showing the release from prison of leading communist leaders just after World War II. Discusses the high degree of trained leadership, the party and the party's influence in politics.
Reports on the capture of Munda and Rendova in the Solomon Islands. The role of medical instruments and supplies as a kind of weapon in these battles is emphasized, as well as their primary role in the battle against death by wound and infection. Shows the "heroes" at home who donate blood plasma and prepare medical supplies for the front lines. "The camera record of the opening attack against Rendova and Munda, the Japanese counterattack, and the magnificent job done in evacuating American wounded and saving their lives. In these front-line scenes is vividly shown how medical supplies from America meant the difference between life and death of our fighters" (September 1945 Supplement to Indiana University Extension Division Visual Aids Catalog of October 1943, 44).
Introduces the subject of Japanese Brush Painting. Explains the use of the brush painting materials. Discusses the Japanese approach to art. Artist-host T. Mikami paints samples of the subjects to be covered in the series. (KQED) Kinescope.
Reviews U.S. history from its beginnings, with emphasis on the heritage of freedom and the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence which together account for the nation's greatness. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the dietary needs of the expectant mother and stresses the importance of proper diet for maintaining the mother's dental health and for developing the baby's teeth. A specialist in nutrition and a dentist serve as consultants. (WQED) Kinescope.