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Louis de Rochemont Associates, Karl Genus, Ann Dee, Barry Burns, Jill Scott, Louis de Rochemont III, Al Hinckley, Angie Ross, Ray Pierce, Jerome Alden, Gayne Rescher, Peter Ratkevich
A thought-provoking presentation on the dropout problem told through the story of a bright, ambitious boy who quits school to take a job with high hopes of independence and the luxuries money can buy. Stress is on the increasing requirements of education and skill to qualify for jobs.
Louis W. Kellman, Brian Cartoons, Inc., Young Productions, Inc., Hal Tunis, Frank Freda, Suzanne Turner, Joseph Bonaduce, Ron Ronszel, John Caracciolo
Baron Barracude and Trigger are alarmed by a mysterious repetitive sound. They follow the sound and discover a beatnik catfish, Gill Espy, playing the drums inside a cave, where the noise echoes.
Two billboard painters discuss the new Buick Convertible V-8. As the two painters are talking the painting of the billboard Buick gradually becomes real. The painters climb into the billboard Buick and drive away.
A Volkswagen goes through a carwash. A narrator states that no one can tell the difference between a new and old Volkswagen as long as you wash it occasionally.
An advertisement for the National Life and Accident Insurance Company in which a male narrator in an empty television studio addresses the camera about the company's dependability.
Relates the story of the Auxiliary Fire Service in Great Britain during World War II and shows men and equipment combating a real fire. Then describes the improvements in equipment since the war, and stresses the need for adequate preparation against possible future enemy attack, especially through trained civilian volunteers.
Shows Ivan Pavlov testing his theory of conditioned reflexes by observing the conditioned and unconditioned saliva flow in a dog, feeding fish conditioned to various hunger stimulants, educating a puppy to a meat diet, and observing a squirrel's response to danger. Distinguishes between blind instinct present in all animals from birth and reflex actions set up by conditioning to certain oft-repeated stimuli. Explains the process of checking reflexes and shows its application in the treatment of certain neuroses in human beings.
Tells the story of several children who build a snowman and give him a personality of his own. They use a carrot for his nose, but during the night someone steals the "carrot nose" and to discover the thief the children replace the carrot and watch the snowman through the night. They discover that hungry rabbits and deer are the culprits and then place food out for these animals.
Presents a factual summary of the basic United Nations Organization program for world security in 1945. Clarifies the structure, analyzes the plans, and shows how, by joint action to solve relief, food, and money problems, the world can be rid of conditions that breed war.
Surveys the development of blood transfusion in international medical history from Landsteiner's discovery of the four blood groups in 1901. Shows the setting up of various blood donor and blood bank systems in England and the United States. | Surveys the development of blood transfusion in international medical history from Landsteiner's discovery of the four blood groups in 1901. Shows the setting up of various blood donor and blood bank systems in England and the United States.
Shows the relation between the aftermath of war and the "pale horseman," epidemic disease. Discusses the plight of 100,000,000 displaced persons soon after World War II and the activities of UNRRA.
Contains scenes of the destitution left in the wake of World War II and of the famine and exposure from which so many thousands died. Discusses also the economic importance of food.
Shows a decontamination squad in England working to make the streets safe from blister gas. Demonstrates the use of anti-gas ointment, respirators, and clothing worn by crews, and explains precautionary measures.
Barbara Ann Scott demonstrates the fundamentals of figure-skating. Discusses edges and basic figures and analyzes a number of complex turns. The skater also demonstrates free skating.
Shows a Canadian farm family working together planning how to modernize their kitchen with new appliances and step-saving arrangements. Pictures the kitchen before and after their work on it.
Presents a comprehensive analysis of the paintings of Philip Evergood. Portrays a review of his paintings, as the artist himself comments on them. The film is accompanied by a piano musical score.
Erskine Caldwell, American novelist and reporter, interviewed before leaving Moscow, briefly tells of the civilian defense work he witnessed. Scenes showing how the Russians are carrying out their pledge of "All for Victory!" including efforts in huge metallurgical plants, the oil industry, the rapid harvest, nurses drilling, and Red Cross work.
A training film for the Dept. of Justice, showing how an escape from a maximum security penitentiary was made possible by the failure of custodial officers to carry out their orders consistently and thoroughly.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. Shows the seaside landscape and cliffs of Lanzarote. Bailey boards a plane leaving Lanzarote and films and view from the window, including shots of Mount Teide.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. Shows rock formations in Teide National Park, a local harbor, street scenes in an unknown town. More footage taken from inside a plane, now flying over the water and landing. Ends with views of the ocean taken from a hotel balcony.
Portrays conditions leading to the establishment of the Social Security System and explains the subsequent changes in the law that have extended coverage to nearly all persons in the United States. Early conditions in the U.S. permitted persons to move westward during a depression, thereby caring for themselves, their families, and their own aged. Urbanization and industrialization eliminated most of these opportunities and as a result Congress met this need by establishing social security. The eligibility requirements are summarized through presenting a number of cases of persons receiving benefits. Shows the necessity of continued welfare aid to those not eligible for Social Security.
George K. Arthur, David Oistrakh, Aleksander Zarzycki
Presents the world-famous violinist David Oistrakh on concert stage as he plays Zarzycki's Mazurka. Uses close up photography to show the musician's techniques.
Shows a typical day in the life of a model American teen-age boy. His health habits, diet, hobbies, and correct attitude toward work, study and play are all stressed.
Jos Limon and his troupe perform a suite of dances based on Shakespeare's "Othello" with lines spoken by Bram Nossem. Using the structure of a court dance, this interpretation captures the tragedy and passion of the play. Dancers: Jos Limon (Othello), Lucas Hoving, Betty Jones, Ruth Currier.
Shows Sydenham Hospital, in Harlem, the first interracial hospital in the United States. Pictures the work of white and Negro doctors and nurses in helping their patients to become healthy, useful citizens.
A public service announcement from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in which the song "America the Beautiful" plays ironically over still images of trash, poverty, and destitution in an inner city ghetto. An offscreen male narrator says that if the viewer does not think the song and pictures go together, they need to "change the pictures." The narrator states that the AIA is "trying to" enact this change. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Belvedere cigarettes in which a blindfolded prisoner is marched to a firing squad. The male narrator asks the man if he smokes Belvedere because of the instant-gift coupon in the pack and he responds, "I smoke em' because I like em." Then a general ask for the instant-gift coupon and sounds of gun shots are heard; cut to the pack of cigarettes with the narrator saying, "...please smoke Belvedere. He would have wanted it that way."
An advertisement for Polaroid's Square Shooter camera in which a woman reminisces about a visit with her family after they board a bus to leave at the end of their stay. The woman bittersweetly looks through Polaroid photos from the visit as her significant other drives her home from the bus stop. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
From the series Ripples. It's wintertime in the U.S. and Canada, and children are playing everywhere. While children in the north streak down snowy hills on sleds and skis, youngsters along the Southern Atlantic Coast play on a hot sandy beach.The flat lands of the Great Plains provide miles of room for bicycle tag. but the con-fined spaces of a crowded city demand games like alley dodge ball. A snake is likely to become a pet for the child born near theEverglades. but not for a child who lives where snakes are not part of the environment. In these and other ways the program relates children's play to the places in which they live.
Episode 2 from Bread and Butterflies, a project in career development for nine-to-twelve-year-olds. Based on two years of planning by educators and broadcasters, the project included 15-minute color television programs, a comprehensive Curriculum Guide, and in-service teacher's program, and international program, and workshop materials. Bread and Butterflies was created under the supervision of the Agency for Instructional Television, through the resources of a consortium of thirty-four educational and broadcasting agencies with assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Episode 51 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 4 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Lesson 2 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Amigos. The goals of this series, in order of priority, are: To expose children to basic Spanish ; to introduce children to Hispanic culture ; to create an interest in the geography of countries where Spanish is the primary language ; to reinforce skills and concepts taught in the regular elementary school curricula.
An advertisement for Kodak in which singer Paul Anka performs his song "Times of Your Life" in a sound studio while his partner and children watch outside, interspersed with still photographic images of the family together. Anka's daughter enters the booth to greet him and an offscreen narrator plugs Kodak film "for the times of your life." One of the winners of the 1976 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Martini Bianco in which a jingle plays over various scenes of the Old West, a wedding, and beachgoers lounging and swimming. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Wembley ties in which a jingle plays as a man tries on the product and a woman stands intrigued next to him. A male narrator addresses the camera about Wembley's new "muted hues" product line. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Explains the role of fuel gas as a source of energy. Begins with the history of gas lighting. The cleanliness, efficiency and versatility of gas is investigated. Describes the production of various types of manufactured gas, using natural photography and animated drawings. Details the production of coke oven gas and carborated water gas, including the collection of raw materials, heating, cooling and purification. Examines how the by-products of the production of gas are used. Shows how natural gas is obtained from wells and distributed through pipelines to population centers. Discusses the importance of research and education in gas conservation. Discusses future technological developments being made in gas manufacture through testing fuel burning equipment and studying new chemicals.
Shows life in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the topography, rainfall, and other characteristic features, including the imprint of Spanish and Indian cultures. Irrigation, stock raising, mining, agriculture, and oil extracting and refining are among the occupational activities shown. The exchange of goods and services with other sections of the country is depicted by animation.
Animated drawings review man's dependence upon water for life. Describes the sources of city water supply--wells, rivers, lakes, and watersheds; water-borne diseases; and methods of water distribution. Specifically traces New York City's water supply. Also depicts water tunnels, aqueducts, and modern methods of filtration and chlorination to insure purity.
Reviews Alaska's geographical features, locates its three great climatic regions, and indicates the major factors that make Alaska a true reservoir of resources. Depicts activities in the seven great industries contributing to Alaska's economy--lumbering, fishing, mining, transportation, agriculture, fur farming, and the tourist trade. Includes many scenes characterizing Alaska's natural scenic beauty.
Follows the newspaper story of a little girl rescued by some Boy Scouts from the time the reporter learns of it until the completed paper is sold on the street. Explains the work of the staff members and the mechanical devices involved. Suggests the importance of the daily newspaper to society.
Shows from the point-of-view of a bus driver on the job what happens during a day's run in a well-equipped city bus. Covers all aspects of the driver's job, including his preparations of the trip, his driving skills, his courtesy in dealing with passengers, and his responsibility for their comfort and safety. Uses scenes in the garage and the office of the bus company to illustrate problems involved in maintaining an efficient transportation system.
Shows the raising and harvesting of a crop of wheat by a family in Kansas. Pictures plowing, harrowing, and planting in the late summer along with a variety of activities in which the wheat farmer engages. Dramatizes the struggle to get the crop in before an impending hail storm and reveals the risks involved in wheat farming.
A city boy visits a real western ranch for the first time and sees cowboys rounding up, roping, and riding horses; watches cowmen roping and branding calves; meets a fence rider at work; helps to shoe and feed horses; and attends a rodeo. For primary and middle grades.
An advertisement for World Book Encyclopedia that is narrated by a man. The scene depicts eleven eggs that have the faces of historical figures painted on them, such as Ludwig van Beethoven and Joe Louis, with corresponding audio clips. The final egg represents Earth and the narrator says, "The sum of man kinds knowledge, unscrambled to make an encyclopedia children want to read..." The scene ends with a close-up of World Book Encyclopedias.
An advertisement for sugar-free 7 Up in which an offscreen narrator explains how the product is the latest stage in soft drink evolution. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for Pillsbury cake mixes in which close-ups of cake being baked and served are interspersed with split-screen shots of a happy family smiling and eating desserts. An offscreen choir sings a jingle about how "nothing says lovin' like something from the oven." Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A British advertisement for Tuf work boots in which a group of blue-collar working men perform a mock fashion show runway displaying various boots under the brand. An offscreen male narrator states that Tuf is for men who wouldn't be seen dead in ordinary work boots. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Zest soap in which a stream of thick lather flows out of a box of the product as a jingle plays. An offscreen male narrator describes the shampoo-like lather and deodorizing qualities of the product over shots of a woman using it in the shower. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Laura Scudders Potato Chips in which a young boy makes "The Laura Scudder's Pledge." The scene depicts a young boy repeating a pledge, with difficulty, about not making noise, as directed by a man off-screen. The young boy does this as compensation for the noise he makes when eating the product. The scene ends with the boy crunching into a potato chip and a close-up of the product.
An advertisement for Crayola crayons in which children's television show host Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan) creates a family of stick figures by drawing around crayons taped to a piece of paper. Captain Kangaroo shows off Crayola's 64-color varieties and a crayon sharpener built into the crayon box. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
As multicolored plastic abstractions swing and revolve, lights create changing, fantastic patterns of colored shadow. Has an original piano score. Made by the American artist in plastics, Jim Davis.
A public service announcement for the American Cancer Society in which a doctor walks down a hospital corridor while addressing the camera about how money raised for cancer research is being spent. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Home movie footage of a voyage from Cincinnati to New Orleans that Bailey took aboard the steamboat Delta Queen in early 1968. An article about her experience, "Last Call for the Delta Queen River Cruise," was published in the New York Times in May 1968. The film primarily shows the scenery as the boat cruises down the river and members of the crew working on the ship (including the captain manning the bridge). Features the Delta Queen's calliope as passengers gather to listen. Bailey herself takes a turn at the instrument. On shore, the film documents stops at historic antebellum homes, including McRaven and Oak Alley Plantation. The footage is not edited in chronological order.
Brief travelogue taken in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, 1954. Primarily focuses on costumed people on a crowded street. Includes traditional Mardi Gras costumes of clowns, Native Americans, and men in drag. A woman on a balcony holds a large snake.
Footage of people celebrating Mardi Gras in the streets of New Orleans. Primarily shows people in costumes dancing in a crowded street. Early 1950's era.
Outlines the advantages of the overhead projector as a visual aid to learning in classrooms, in business, and in industry. Shows the great variety of uses of the equipment, with opaque, translucent, and transparent materials, both in contrasting colors and in monochrome. Stresses the ease with which effective presentations can be improvised through the use of movable graphic components, overlays, polaroid filters, transparent working models, and even chemical reactions in a test tube.