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Unedited production footage from Good Practice Today (Refusal Skills), episode 6 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from Thanks But No Thanks (Peer Pressure), episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Unedited production footage from Thanks But No Thanks (Peer Pressure), episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Episode 9 in the sub series "Essential Elements" from the program Every Child Can Succeed. Working together, administrators, principals, and teachers can give priority to the essential skills children must develop in order to succeed. This program presents the value of a no-nonsense approach to teaching. By maximizing learning time, by structuring curriculums so that mastery of academic content is required to proceed, and by quickly providing extra assistance for students having difficulty, the processes of both teaching and learning can be greatly enhanced.
Unedited production footage from Thanks But No Thanks (Peer Pressure), episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Technology program Your Choice Our Chance.
Episode 1 in the sub series "Successful Schools" from the program Every Child Can Succeed, a series of video programs with facilitators' guides that are designed to show schools how to help disadvantaged students achieve academic success.
Episode 2 in the sub series "Successful Schools" from the program Every Child Can Succeed, a series of video programs with facilitators' guides that are designed to show schools how to help disadvantaged students achieve academic success.
Episode 12 of the Agency for Instructional Television series Across Cultures. Cultural change is the outcome of dramatic shifts in a society's way of living. In Mexico, people resist change and their culture remains stable; in Japan, change is rapid. African change is slow but sure, most evident in their occupations. Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.
Episode 4 of the Agency for Instructional Television series Across Cultures. Shows that most human activity in the cultures of the Japanese, Tarahumara Indians, and the Baoule' of Africa is spent either growing food for the family, growing crops for sale, and /or working for the money to buy goods and services. Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.
Episode 9 of the Agency for Instructional Television series Across Cultures. Games are played and watched in every culture. The Tarahumara are endurance runners; Japanese physical training is rooted in martial arts; the Baoule' enjoy a game of mental skill called Awele. Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.