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Home movie of the main street and businesses of Noble, Illinois, including the Noble Milling Company. Shows Bernadine Bailey peeks into a silo, oils wells, and men at work. A man opens a valve and oil pours out as the well pumps.
Paul Freeman Wilkinson's birthday party. Wilkinson is the nephew of Bernadine Bailey through her sister, Joy. A group of young boys sits around a table eating cake and blowing balloons before going outside to play in the yard. The film also features footage of Air Force and commercial planes taking off in an airfield.
Similar content to [Paul's birthday and planes #1--Wilkinson family]. The film begins with footage of Air Force planes and men marching in an airfield. Next the camera captures scenes of a waterway taken from a boat. Cut to Paul Freeman Wilkinson's birthday party. Wilkinson is the nephew of Bernadine Bailey through her sister, Joy. Paul and 3 friends enjoy a picnic. The same larger group of boys from [Paul's birthday and planes #1] is seen playing games in the yard and gathering around the Wilkinson's chicken coop.
Begins with a very brief scene of a child's birthday party. Primarily a home movie of the 1938 Northwestern-University of Illinois football game taken from the stands. Also shows marching bands from both schools and a man performing as Chief Illiniwek, the former University of Illinois mascot.
The first half of the reel depicts random scenes capturing Japanese life, followed by US soldiers leaving Japan and arriving at the Army Transportation Corps Port of Embarkation in Seattle, Washington in the USA. The second half of the reel consists of people at a wedding and relaxing. This film was shot circa 1939.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Street scenes of Reykjavik, Iceland in the public square Austurvöllur. Also shows the British and American embassies.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Street scenes of Reykjavik, Iceland (appear to be taken from hotel balcony). Features exterior shots of Neskirkja and Hotel Saga.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. Shows Bailey and Carson Ritchie riding a camel with a two-seater saddle. Lots of footage of other tourists on camels and along the beach.
Two men dual with flintlock pistols. The dual ends in a draw as both bullets are stopped by a sheet of plexiglass. The commercial then shows plexiglass being used in commercial products and construction.
Footage of two towns in Illinois, with focus on the town's high schools: Salem Community High School and Vandalia Community High School. Also shows Vandalia State House.
Shows a Scottish terrier playing in a yard and fetching a toy throughout the seasons. In the winter, the dog chases snowballs thrown by members of the Wilkinson family.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. This film shows a visit to Seljalandsfoss and the surrounding landscape. Brief shot of a small bubbling geyser. In Reykjavik, the camera captures the public square Austurvöllur taken from the balcony of the Hotel Borg.
Depicted here is a family road trip with the family dog through the alpines and Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming in the USA. Some highlights include the changing leaves of deciduous forests, heavy snow at Six Mile Cabin Camp, and the flora and fauna of this area.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. This film shows a visit to Skálholt featuring its rural landscape and historic cathedral. Brief shot of girls in traditional Icelandic dress. Next, Bailey and Carson Ritchie visit Gullfoss and pose together in front of the falls.
Bernadine Bailey's sister, Joy, and her nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson emerge from the Wilkinson family home in Western Springs, Illinois. Paul is wearing roller skates. He roller skates down the sidewalk with an unknown girl as a collie plays alongside them. Bailey joins her sister, nephew, mother (Nellie Voigt Freeman), and an unknown man (possibly her husband, John Hays Bailey) as the group poses in front of the house. Brief shots of Paul Freeman Wilkinson riding a tricycle and a couple (possibly the Wilkinsons) working in the yard.
Begins with exterior and garden of Valencia Apartments, Bailey's residence in St. Augustine with her second husband, George W. McCord. Bailey and McCord kiss for the camera, then she and her friends walk around the garden.