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Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil
Home movie of a cruise on the Cuyahoga River. Eddie, Kenny, and friends lean against the rail of the ship and admire the industrial landscape of the shore.
Travelogue documenting Ed Feil's trip to Denmark in 1963. The film focuses on the intricate architecture and decorative interiors of many historic buildings, including Frederiksborg Castle, Kronborg Castle, Egeskov Castle, Rosenholm Castle, and the Hans Christian Andersen home in Odense. Also shows local markets, fishermen at work, men building a thatched roof, and a man carving wood.
Edward R. Feil, Naomi Feil, Beth Rubin, Ellen Feil, Vicki Rubin, Jonathan Hellerstein
Home movie of Ed and Naomi Feil on a plane. Footage is similar to the plane ride to the Bahamas from their honeymoon (possibly a trim). The couple kisses and cuddles in their seats. The film then shows Vicki, Beth, Ellen, Jonathan, and friends playing in the Feil backyard. Naomi, seen in the background, is pregnant.
Home movie of Ed and George in New York. Extensive footage taken while riding the New York Central Railroad. Scenes of a park and the Chrysler building.
Travelogue documenting Ed Feil's trip to Denmark in 1963. The majority of this film takes place in Copenhagen and Tivoli Gardens, a pleasure garden and amusement park. Feil also captures the crowd around the Little Mermaid statue, Amaleinborg Castle, and the Danish Royal Guard. At Tivoli Gardens, the film shows the Pantomime Theatre and a ballet performance, a dance hall, children riding ponies, fireworks, and rides including a carousel.
Black and white home movie showing Ed Feil's first place trophy in the Health category for "They Learn to Live" at the 1956 Cleveland Film Festival. Also shows certificates of merit for that film and "The Winged Bequest". Features footage taken from a car driving through a city in the rain (possibly Washington state).
Edward R. Feil, Betsy Feil, Maren Mansberger Feil, Ellen Feil, Naomi Feil, Nellie Feil, Beth Hellerstein, Mary Feil Hellerstein, George Feil, Herman Hellerstein, Ken Feil, Harold S. Feil, Julius Weil, Amy Feil, Susan Hellerstein, Beth Rubin, George H. Feil, Edward G. Feil
A birthday celebration for Betsy Feil and Ed Feil at the Ed Feil home. Begins with Maren, Naomi, and others in the kitchen preparing food for the party. Beth presents birthday cakes to Betsy and Ed, who blow out the candles while the family watches. Betsy and Ed then open gifts.
Edward R. Feil, Edward G. Feil, Ken Feil, Beth Rubin, Vicki Rubin, Naomi Feil
Home movie of the Feils at Cedar Point amusement park. Shows Naomi and the children riding rides. Offers views of the park from the sky gondola. Also shows the neon lights of the arcade and attractions at nighttime.
Ed visiting someone in Newport Beach, California (possibly a relative of Ed's). Shows the group at a marina, seeing the World's largest wind chimes outside the Robinson's department store, and children playing at a shopping center. Ends with footage of people playing shuffleboard.
This film presents the anatomy, symptomatology, and clinical picture of disorders of nerves. Shots include: unilateral paralysis of masticatory nerve, paralysis of right masticatory nerve, disorders of the spinal accessory nerve, motor fibers supplying sternomastoid muscle, atrophy of the upper portion of the trapezius muscle, scapula alata in paralysis of serratus anticus muscle, motor fibers leaving medulla between olive and pyramid, bilateral paralysis of hypoglossal nerves, scars of gunshot injury bilateraly, slow response to galvanic stimulation, severe atrophy and immobility of tongue, and bilateral paralysis of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
Presents all the trials and events of the 1971 state track meet. Portrays the individual performers in action. Shows the awarding of medals and the trophy by the Board of Control and the Commissioner.
Shows in detail how a plane is directed to landing by the ground controlled approach team. Illustrates the principles of operation of the system, and shows the members of the GCA team in action.
Piatigorsky plays "Bourees #1 and #2" from Suite in C Major, by Bach; "Slow Movement" from Cello Sonata, by Chopin; "Masques" from Romeo and Juliet, by Prokofief; "Romance," by Anton Rubinstein; "Waltz," by Tschaikowsky; and "Introduction, Theme and Variations," by Schubert-Piatigorsky.
The methods of directing and using aggression in children are demonstrated in studies of the Americans of the continental United States, the Kwoma of New Guinea, and the Alorese of the Dutch East Indies. We move from the creation of frustration in children through the expression of aggressive responses to the various ways the aggressive responses are directed and utilized. Dr. Bullock’s narration is closely linked to dance action and original musical effects. The types of stimuli that frustrate children are explained. As each example is followed to its logical end of aggressive behavior, one can understand the hit-and-run tactics of the Kwoma, the competitive spirit of the American, and the inferior and helpless feeling of the Alorese. The battle scenes presented at the end of the Kwoma and Alorese groups throw our concept of war into a new mental perspective.
Explains the nature and importance of population genetics. Derives the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle for Mendelian (cross-breeding) populations. Points out that though the Hardy-Weinberg law produces a static gene pool when it applies, mutation, selection, random genetic drift, and migration upset this equilibrium and cause gene frequencies to shift-these factors being, therefore, the principal causes of evolution.