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A narrator explains how the United States Navy has been utilizing Westinghouse’s nuclear engines in all their nuclear powered ships. The narrator concludes the commercial by reassuring the audience that they can sleep peacefully knowing that their shores are protected with Westinghouse products.
An advertisement for Westinghouse light bulbs in which Westinghouse spokesperson, Betty Furness, stands in a living room and describes the newly shaped light bulb and ends by saying, "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse."
An advertisement for Westinghouse Empress Laundromat and Dryer in which spokesperson, Betty Furness, gives a through description of the compact 25-inch washer machine and dryer. Advertisement starts with an image of the New York City skyline with test reading, "BIG NEWS FOR NEW YORK.". The spokesperson discusses the challenges of living in a small apartment but the new Westinghouse machines are smaller and can stack. She ends by saying, "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse."
An advertisement for a Westinghouse dishwasher in which Fred, from the cast of the TV show "I Love Lucy," washes dishes with Little Ricky. Little Ricky asks Fred why he doesn't use a dishwasher. Fred complains. Then Westinghouse spokesperson, Betty Furness, speaks about the portable dishwasher and ends by saying, "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse."
An advertisement for Westinghouse in which spokesperson, Betty Furness, starts by interviewing a woman with children outside of a grocery store in Pearl River, NY. The woman says she does not have enough space to keep her groceries and meat cold for more than a few days. Then the spokesperson in a kitchen demonstrates then large storage capacity of the Westinghouse refrigerator, including the meat keeper which keeps meat fresh for 7 days and ends by saying, "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse."
An advertisement for a Westinghouse refrigerator in which Fred and Ethel, from the cast of the TV show "I Love Lucy," discuss the frost in their freezer. Then they go to a sound stage to check out the new Westinghouse refrigerator with spokesperson Betty Furness. Fred inspects the new freezer with a magnifying glass then waits and waits before inspecting it again revealing it's frost free. Betty Furness ends by saying, "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse."
Discusses current theories on the origin of the Semitic alphabet. Illustrates the acrophonic principle of alphabetization by the development of several letters from the Semitic through the Greek and finally to their Latin forms. Explains the emergence of the Greek letters into Eastern and Western systems. Features Dr. Frank Baxter.
[motion picture] Explains the advantages of wet mounting paper materials on cloth, and then demonstrates the wet-mounting process in detail. Also shows methods of displaying wet-mounted posters, charts, and maps.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service
A USDA production conveying the department's policy recommendations for the development of unusable wetlands into productive agricultural land. Narration explains that, for much of the year, land with "too much water with nowhere to go" is rendered unsuitable for farming. Engineering the draining of 31 million acres for the creation of productive agricultural land represents "one of the last great frontiers of America." Various drainage techniques are explained in detail: ditches, tile systems, and the creation of mole channels. "Shows where our 120 million acres of wet land are located. Points out that 78 million of these acres will serve us best if left in their natural state for the production of timber and the preservation of wildlife. Thirty-one million acres are shown to be suited to farming if properly drained. A section of the film illustrates briefly the principal types of water control and methods of land drainage. Through the use of these methods, farmers, working together, can improve drainage on land now being farmed, and bring into production land that is now too wet for any production at all. Recommended audiences: Farmers in Atlantic Seaboard and Gulf States; Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri Valleys" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 46).
This week, we’ll hear from Nancy Wexler, a leading geneticist and neuropsychologist whose research led to the identification of the Huntington’s disease gene. Her research has also led to the discovery of the genes responsible for familial Alzheimer’s disease, kidney cancer, two types of neurofibromatosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and dwarfism.
In spring 2016, Wexler received the inaugural Hermann J. Muller Award, which is named for a renowned geneticist, a Nobel Laureate, a social activist and an esteemed IU Bloomington faculty member (1945-67). The Muller award and lecture series recognizes luminary international geneticists whose discoveries, like Muller’s, have or are making a significant impact on the field of genetics and society.
Depicts a whale hunt in the Indian Ocean off the coast of South Africa. Shows life on board the whaler and events preparatory to the finding and killing of these mammals. Explains that whaling is an important industry centered at the port of Durban in South Africa.
Host Bash Kennett tells the story of whales and whaling, describes the harpooning of this mammal, and explains the uses of whale oil. Songs performed include "The Whale" by Burl Ives, and"The Greenland Fishery" (Roud 347).
Episode 28 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
The problem of co-existence between rival nations is pin-pointed as a student from Israel takes issue with his counterpart from Egypt on the situation in the Middle East. The two appear with students from Iceland and Norway on the panel. The solution of the Israel-Arab problem, according to Per Friis Rusten of Norway, lies in education that will provide the peoples of the world with an international mind and spirit. "That's the hardest part - understanding another point of view, " adds Icelander Miss Gudrun Erlendsdottir.
Episode 35 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episodes 1-4 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 8 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Hardin, Boniface, 1933-2012, Schilling, Jane Edward, 1930-2017, Johnson, Paul, Hill, Anita Louise
Father Boniface Hardin hosts a discussion with a panel of guests including Sister Jane, Sister Anita and Paul Johnson on the Black man in Indiana’s perspective on Africa. They begin by discussing misconceptions of savage Africa and talk about rejecting one’s African ancestry. They discuss pan-Africanism, tracing one’s ancestry, and knowledge about African customs and locations.
Hardin, Boniface, 1933-2012, Johnson, Paul, Hill, Anita Louise, Schilling, Jane Edward, 1930-2017
Father Boniface Hardin hosts a discussion with a panel of guests including Sister Jane, Sister Anita, and Paul Johnson on the Black man in Indiana’s perspective on Africa. They begin by discussing misconceptions of savage Africa and talk about rejecting one’s African ancestry. They discuss pan-Africanism, tracing one’s ancestry, and knowledge about African customs and locations.
In the case of mammals, bones can tell us a lot. Form the extinct mastodon and mammoth, or the ancient horse, one can learn lessons about the development of the mammals by merely examining the teeth and bone structures these early creatures left behind. You will meet the mammals and learn about their classification and development by examining skulls and live animals. Six orders of mammals will be considered: the Marsupialor opossums; the chiroptera or bats; the Carnivora or carnivores; the Artiodactyl or even-toed (like the horse); the Rodentia or rodents; and the Lagamorpha or rabbits.
Digital mapping offers a variety of options that range in complexity from dropping a point on your smartphone's mapping application to analyzing statistical differences in different geographies to warping geography for historical or artistic purposes. In addition to learning digital mapping methodology for humanist and social sciences research, and adapting mapping tools for artistic practice, we will discuss the critical application of these tools and how they can be used effectively in the classroom.
Network analysis provides a data-driven analysis and visualization exploration of relationships in digital arts & humanities, but within that umbrella is a variety of approaches to understanding interaction between elements of a system. We'll use your research question to help you think through how these relationships might work in a network analysis of your own and demonstrate how an in-classroom network-analysis activity can also help your students see relationships unfold in your discipline.
Examines, through narration by newswoman Joan Murray, the "open classroom," an alternative method being used in schools in England and the United States. Interviews Lady Bridget Plowden, whose report on education altered many English classrooms, and visits North Dakota, a state changing entirely to the "open classroom;" the Grape School in Watts, Los Angeles; and a teacher-training workshop in Connecticut. Focuses upon the idea of "satellite" or "mini" high schools in order to show changes going on in suburban schools.
Episode 16 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
"I want to tell American students how lucky they are," states Nakchung Paik of Korea. "Education is a privilege in my country. Here, it is a right." The other three participants, from Brazil, Britain, and Japan, agree in the panel discussion that American students have many advantages not equaled by students in their homelands. Choice in selecting subjects and sports are cited by the panel as beneficial factors in education here.
Explains the ways in which rumors develop, and presents typical errors people make when telling their experiences to others. Illustrates the transmission of information by using a verbal chain demonstration in reporting a familiar situation and a pantomine demonstration in reporting an unfamiliar situation. Outlines the ways in which the reporting of an incident is accomplished from person to person and the changes that take place during the transmission.
There is a definite reason for most of your likes and dislikes, says Prof. Boring. He shows how measurements of them can be taken themselves, examples of preferred experiences which are largely results of learning; for example, pleasant pains, dissonance in musical intervals, and cultivated smells. He reminds us that man is a behaving organism that tries to get what he likes and likes what he tries to get, and that his preferences are established by heredity and learning.
The panelists discuss what the word "American," in reference to a citizen of the United States, means in different parts of the world. Race problems and prejudices as viewed in different parts of the world also are dealt with by these four high school delegates.
Participants are Miss Mirka Misic, Yugoslavia; Miss Susan Rennie, Union of South Africa; Mr. Norbert Scholz, Germany; Mr. Young-Koo Lee, Korea; and Mrs. Waller. The debate on the nature of communism is enlivened by the young Yugoslavian delegate who attempts to defend her country's brand of communism under questioning by representatives of Germany, Korea and the Union of South Africa. Mirka insists that Russia borders on imperialism while her country has communism at its best. She asserts that co-existence between communism and capitalism is necessary "if we want a peaceful world." The Korean panel member, however, vigorously replied that communism "by its very nature" denies co-existence with the capitalist countries. Speaking from his firsthand experience of communism during three months in North Korea after that area was captured by the Communists during the Korean war, he is violently in disagreement with anything communistic. He is joined in his views by the remaining two members of the panel.
"My most recent book argued that Americans--and other peoples--have much to learn from Germany about historical reckoning. Historically, nations cultivate heroic narratives; failing that, they seek narratives of victimhood. Germany was the first nation to confront its vast crimes during World War II, and acknowledge that it had been neither hero nor victim but perpetrator.
This may seem obvious to outside observers, but this process was a long and hard one; in the first four decades after the war, West Germany considered itself the war’s worst victim. Dedicated grassroots work, along with foreign policy considerations, forced far-reaching changes in attitude. In the past two years, however, German historical reckoning has gone awry in many ways. I will discuss this, along with parallels to current developments in the U.S."
The delegates discuss Britain's reaction to "the United States' humiliation in its satellite rivalry with the USSR" and what America is famous for in each of the representatives' countries.
Defines art by discussing its distinguishing qualities. Differentiates between art and artifact. Shows a variety of art objects and paintings and contrasts art and artifact by playing two musical selections. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Defines language as a series of self-contained systems. Shows how words have different meanings within linguistic systems. Provides illustrations of linguistic subsystems. Points out the hazard of "premature presumption of understanding.
Briefly explores the history of soccer and basic rules such as the field of play, the equipment, the duration of play, etc. Fans, parents, NASL and Junior League players tell about their positions in the game, why they enjoy them and their involvement in the teams.
Larry Yust, Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation, Albert V. Baez, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics, Harvey Mudd College, I. Mankofsky
Establishes a simple concept of space and answers various questions concerning space. Broadens the concept of space through the use of demonstrations and explanations of outer space and the amount of space (light years) between our planet and others. Points out that as yet no end to space is known.
This is the second of two presentations on time series analysis. The morning workshop introduced time series methods and their utility for examining social science data. This afternoon workshop will discuss research that employs time series methods to answer a substantive question of interest to social science scholars, namely the connection between theories of crime rate change and observable characteristics of US crime rate trends. It focuses in particular on theoretical efforts to explain how the levels or means of serious crimes fluctuate over time. Although not always formulated in a way consistent with time series concepts, existing explanations generally yield clear predictions about how rates should behave. Empirical methods can then help adjudicate between theories, and the talk presents results from recent analyses of major national crime rates. More generally, the talk argues for a strategy that exploits broad stylized facts about crime rate variations to help guide and discipline theoretical development.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiett Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1955, students from Australia, Singapore, Italy, and India discuss the proper purpose of a high school education.
Episode 18 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Discusses the characteristics of a "good" candidate in terms of age, religion, and home state. Points out that men from populous states stand the best chance of receiving the nomination. Also discusses favorite sons, dark horse candidates, and the nomination of candidates previously defeated.
Warning: contains graphic footage. Shows the planning and execution of the invasion of the Marshall Islands by the combined U.S. armed forces during World War II. Starts with praise for the American people for their efforts at building military machinery to be used in the war in the Pacific. Includes combat footage from the American assault on the Marshall Islands.
Discusses and reviews the basic elements that are combined to produce design. Explains the importance of individual interpretation. Concentrates on the place of shape in designing a picture.
Episode 11 from the AIT series On the Level. The series is designed to help young people understand what is happening to them as they grow up and to encourage their active participation in the hard work of adolescence-reaching maturity through social and personal growth. The twelve programs dramatize common teenage concerns like love, stress, conflict. and changing relationships with family and friends. The problem situations stimulate reflection and discussion about alternative courses of action for different individuals: the many approaches to problems, the many solutions.
Episode 18 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.