- Date:
- 2020-11-20
- Main contributors:
- Girmaye Misgna
- Summary:
- Based on experience at the Penn Libraries, my talk will explore the landscape of Mapping and GIS services at higher education institutions, and the role and core competency of the GIS librarian in promoting spatial literacy on campus through presentation of several examples: 1) The Penn MapRoom/MapTable as a collaborative mapping method that have been successfully integrated as a course curriculum into an Urban History class; 2) Penn COVID-19 Twitter sentiment mapping; 3) crowdsourced accessbility mapping application; 4) deep mapping in an ancient history project; and 5) miscellaneous research project consultations. The examples cover applications in various disciplines from the Social sciences, humanities, and health sciences, to physical sciences.
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Search Results
- Date:
- 2020-11-10
- Main contributors:
- Christy Hyman, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Erik Nelson, Indiana University Bloomington, Arrianna Planey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , Heidi Rae Cooley, University of Texas at Dallas, Girmaye Misgna, University of Pennsylvania
- Summary:
- Experts explore the disenfranchisement and disruptions of 2020, and examine how mapping can help us make sense of crucial issues both during this historic year and beyond. Five guests across a range of disciplines—including public health, media studies, digital humanities, and library science—came together for a moderated panel discussion to discuss issues related to political ecologies of health and disease, relationships between bodies and technology, data access and geospatial methodology as applied to humanities and social sciences.
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- Spaeth, Elizabeth
- Summary:
- Current scholarship on international students is sparse and tends to focus on contemporary crises and possibilities, but that limited scope neglects the long chronological impact of international students and the importance of the U.S. Empire in the development of international education. My dissertation will use digital humanities tools and historical methods to analyze the significance of international students to American universities, especially those students from the U.S. Empire such as Filipinos and Puerto Ricans, from the Antebellum Period to the onset of COVID-19. This sweeping chronological timeframe will allow me to contextualize the growth of the international student movement in temporal and geographic perspective. I will use case studies of specific students to balance the long durée and broad geographic scope of my work with the intimate details and everyday struggles of individuals. My dissertation will center the agency of colonial nationals, the development of anti-colonialism, the interpenetration of nongovernmental and state organizations, and the creation of the modern higher education system in the United States with ties to both state and corporate bodies. In this HASTAC project, I have focused on visually representing the data of the Institute of International Education and the 1917 and 1921 cohorts of Filipino students in the United States through mapping on ArcGIS to demonstrate the geographic scope of the international student movement and the change over time in the early to mid-twentieth century.
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- Heiderscheidt, Drew
- Summary:
- Since emerging in the 1970s, the prison industrial complex (PIC)—roughly defined as the constellation of governments, corporations, and others that employ policing, incarceration, surveillance, and more to manage social and political problems—has expanded rapidly. Today, the U.S. incarcerates more people (both in raw numbers and per capita) and spends more on policing than any other country in the world. In response, the political project of abolition argues for the dismantlement of the PIC and its constitutive elements, and their replacement with meaningful alternatives to punishment and imprisonment. But, while the PIC itself emerged in the mid-to-late 20th century, its historical roots stretch back further, to the 19th century, if not earlier. This story map seeks to expand the geographical focus of the PIC’s history by briefly illuminating the PIC’s historical development in Colorado’s Front Range region, with a particular emphasis on policing, starting in the mid-1850s and concluding in the early 21st century. As such, it adopts an abolitionist perspective to show how protecting property, punishing deviation from social norms, controlling local populations (especially minorities and poor people), and facilitating the accumulation of wealth drove the PIC’s growth in the Front Range. In doing so, it traces the settlement of the region during the Gold Rush in the late 1850s, Denver’s construction by chain gang labor, the infiltration of the Denver Police Department (DPD) by the Ku Klux Klan, suppression of the Denver Black Panther Party, and a number of other topics.
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- López López, Amelia
- Summary:
- How can the curation of a digital exhibit amplify the voices of underrepresented scholars? With my research I aim to unbury, understand, and amplify the voices of Afro-Colombian artists, activists, and scholars, Delia and Manuel Zapata Olivella. For this, I focus on the collaborations between these Afro-Colombian siblings and U.S. ethnomusicologist George List - former faculty and director of the Archives of Traditional Music at Indiana University. This exhibit is the starting point of my dissertation project which examines how hemispheric dialogues contributed to the construction of the discipline of ethnomusicology. A field was formalized in the United States, but that was (and continues to be) constructed from reverberations, resonances, and echoes of intellectual thinking from the hemisphere (and the globe). Indiana University houses two collections from George List: one resides at the Indiana University Archives and the other at the Archives of Traditional Music. In them, multiple field notes, sound recordings, photographs, video recordings, and correspondence reside. The memories, histories, and voices contained in these repositories can shed light on how the ideas and work of Delia and Manuel Zapata Olivella were key in the construction of List’s scholarship on Colombian music. In this short presentation, I will explain my process for unburying, understanding (or making sense), and amplifying the voices of these two Afro-Colombian scholars.I aim to reflect on the “behind the scenes” of the construction of the first prototype of a digital exhibit that showcases materials living in the physical archives.
36. Automatically Dating Classical Chinese Texts: Preliminary Study on Biji and Buddhist Texts (03:32)
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- Tian, Zuoyu
- Summary:
- In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on using computational methods to study language change. These studies demonstrate good performance in automatically identifying the time of text writing (Popescu and Strapparava, 2015), tracing semantic change (Schlechtweg et al, 2020), and even discovering rules underlying language change (Hamilton et al., 2016). However, such studies are questioned for taking at face value (Hengchen et al., 2021), and models' performance in varieties of languages or genres remains unclear. Regarding Classical Chinese, we realize that there is a clear lack of open-access diachronic data, and the lexical change among different genres is seldom addressed in a computational way with large data. In this study, we approach the issue of how language changes across time and across genres by using classification tasks. Two types of texts: Chinese Biji and Buddhist texts are included. We firstly aim to examine how well language models (such as ngram, word2vec, transformers) can predict the written time of historical texts. Then, we are interested in what we can learn from the language models' prediction. We analyze the results we obtained and discuss the future direction.
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- Suárez Morales, José Luis
- Summary:
- My project maps the monuments erected during the Salvadoran Civil War (1979-1992) and especially after the peace process in San Salvador (1992-1993) related to this conflict. The Salvadoran Civil War, fought between the guerrillas unified under the FMLN and the US-backed Salvadoran army, was one of the fiercest conflicts in Latin America during the 20thcentury and one of the last to be produced in the context of the Cold War. In addition to the intensity of the armed struggle and the high number of civilian casualties, this conflict is notorious because it had no clear winner and was the first peace process mediated by United Nations. Furthermore, one of the recommendations of the UN’s Commission on the Truth for El Salvador was the erection of a monument for the civilian casualties of the conflict. Although Salvadoran governments ignored this recommendation for years until The Monumento a la Memoria y la Verdad was inaugurated in 2003, many more monuments have continued to populate San Salvador’s landscape. My project tracks the patterns of memorialization that emerged during the transition to democracy in this country and aims to document information that is not easily accessible on the internet about these sites of memorialization. Furthermore, I argue that both sides of the armed struggle, now institutionalized political actors, have continued to memorialize and monumentalize their perspective of the conflict up until a point of saturation, which, in turn, coincides with the current crisis of Salvadoran democracy.
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- Ferguson, Kane
- Summary:
- This project investigates the origins of the Cuban cuisine memorialized in the recent nostalgic writing of Cuban exiles. Playwright Eduardo Machado’s 2007 memoir, Tastes Like Cuba: An Exile’s Hunger for Home, for example, includes 30 replicable and relevant family recipes. While my dissertation research argues that these recipes serve as an alternative means of return to a remembered pre-revolutionary Cuba that is otherwise inaccessible, this project delves much deeper into the culinary archive of that remembered Cuba. Tastes Like Cuba takes its name from Machado’s grandfather’s quest to recreate the flavors of the arroz con pollo (rice with chicken) that he made in Cuba before the family left in the wake of the Revolution. In the memoir, the dish illustrates the ways in which exile transforms everyday things. Inspired by Machado’s attention to arroz con pollo, my interest in Cuban cookbooks begins with the challenge to find the original recipe, which was left out of the memoir. Therefore, I take Machado’s arroz con pollo as my anchor for comparison with the recipes included in Eugenio de Coloma y Garcés’ 1856 Manual del cocinero cubano, which is widely accepted as the first collection of recipes described as culturally Cuban. By tracing the origins of this dish—archetypal of 1950s Havana cuisine—this project dialogues with historical and political Cuban food scholarship while challenging popular understandings of iconic foods, homogenous national cuisine, and (national) culinary symbolism.
- Date:
- 2022-04-22
- Main contributors:
- Stokes, Brandon
- Summary:
- This project will examine the interviews conducted in my research on housing and the making of Black Chicago. Through oral interviews with former residents of different neighborhoods in Chicago, oral histories allow researchers to gain an understanding on how blackness seen through the eyes of everyday black people.These interviews and oral histories are a crucial component to understanding the culture of Black Chicago and assist a wider audience greatly in a compelling and original research on housing for African Americans in Chicago and contribute to the greater conversation regarding intersections of race, class, and policy. In this presentation, I will illustrate how oral histories give voice to everyday people and key pieces into gaining insight on Black people and the joys of everyday blackness. This project contributes to wider conversations surrounding Black Chicago and the future of Black people in the city and how the local history contributes to the present realities. The current crisis in many urban areas across the United States and looks at how issues such as community and housing have been addressed for the African American middle class and the urban poor. Through this conversation, I add how the oral histories of residents can contribute to current the policy discussions had within the urban Black communities concerning the intersection of race and class.
- Date:
- 2020-11-16
- Main contributors:
- Erik Nelson
- Summary:
- Lead is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant that causes numerous adverse health effects in children, particularly neurological and neurobehavioral deficits, lower IQ, slowed growth, and anemia. Childhood lead exposure has also been linked to impulsive behaviors, which, in turn, are associated with a host of negative health outcomes and behaviors. Those at highest risk for elevated blood lead levels are persons living in substandard housing, which are often inhabited by racial minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged persons. This talk will discuss findings of the interplay of lead, concentrated disadvantage and public health outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections and instances of crime. In addition, we will address the power of geospatial modeling techniques to estimate lead exposure risk for communities.