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No longer wanted by their masters, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster set out for Bremen to become musicians. They prove clever enough to outwit some robbers.
Uses animation to describe the economic principles underlying our private, competitive economy. Identifies the major forces that threaten its efficient operation and shows the close interrelationship between the freedoms enjoyed by the citizen and the continued functioning of a free economic system.
Short promotional video highlighting the various attributes of IU Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA). To learn more about IULMIA, check out our website:
The plot focuses on a murderer whose increasing guilt leads him to believe he can hear his victim's heart still beating beneath the floorboards where he buried him. Seen through the eyes of the nameless narrator, the surrealistic images in the film help convey his descent into madness.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Gift of Dr. Minot" (season 3, episode 20), which originally aired on April 12th, 1955 on ABC-TV. This film re-enacts the research of Boston physician and Nobel Prize winner Dr. George Minot, who disregarded his own diabetic condition to develop a cure for pernicious anemia in 1922. Concurrently, Canadian Dr. Frederick Banting (also a Nobel Prize winner) perfected insulin as a cure for diabetes, enabling Minot to conclude his experiment.
Dramatized incidents including a discussion between a disgruntled son and his parents over the boy's plans for a college education are used in explaining that discussion brings information to the individual, leads to a broader and richer life, and expedites cooperative achievement.
Illustrates and explains the use of role playing in analyzing problems of human relationships. Shows a mothers' club and a group at the 1947 National Training Laboratory in Group Development as they enact simple incidents involving various techniques of role playing.
Evolution of inherited patterns: adaptation; the means of evolution –mutation and recombination; retention of variability; results of evolution –specific selected examples such as drug resistance, melanism, mimicry; ecological aspects.
Vice-President Henry A. Wallace narrates a patriotic, propaganda short designed to boost morale in the the early days of World War II. This film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1943.
Illustrates and explains the chief properties of the important quadrilaterals such as the parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, and trapezium.
Examines four different approaches to working with clay and ceramics. Shows scenes of ceramists at work to illustrate that the current approach to ceramics is characterized by change and creativity, allowing the ceramist to create pieces that are traditional and functional or purely artistic. Notes that the stimulus for shaping clay upon the wheel or molding clay with slabs can come from the artist's environment or his imagination. Explains that designs applied to ceramic pieces prior to firing can alter their basic forms and that experimenting with the ingredients in glazes and methods of glaze application allow for varying results.
Discusses and illustrates the size, shape, composition, and organization of a living cell, and, with the use of a model and a simplified drawing, shows the different parts. Points out a few of the differences between a plant and an animal cell. (KUHT) Film.
All organisms tend to maintain their organization in spite of changing environmental conditions. Dr. Roney describes the different types of responses which organisms make to stimuli. Using the micro-projector, he shows a number of simple organism responses. He also shows the beating heart muscle in a live chick embryo.
This film outlines the convalescent training program for hospitalized U.S. airmen in World War II. It is designed to acquaint the convalescent with the program in which he will take part. Patients are shown in their beds, doing light calisthenics in the wards, exercising specific muscles using specially designed equipment, exercising and playing games out-of-doors, and engaging in hobbies and crafts. Other aspects of the program involve convalescents sharing wartime experiences with their fellow patients, teaching them new material and new skills, brushing up on their old skills acquired on duty, taking courses, and even earning degrees. The program also includes updates and discussions on the war, watching duty-related films, and engaging in purely social activities. The circulation and blood supply to various parts of the body are shown in animation.
United States Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy, Division of Personnel Supervision and Management
U.S. Navy training film intended to improve dictation technique through humorous demonstration of common faults. After a series of vignettes where inept and ineffective styles of dictation to a stenographer are dramatized, a model businessman demonstrates a well prepared and organized method of dictating letters. The demonstration includes detailed instruction in the use of Dictaphone and Ediphone cylinder recording machines.
Using maps and animated diagrams, the importance of the Middle East in the world strategy of the Allied nations during World War II is shown. Austere images and narration inform the viewer of the strategic issues at stake: control of oil production, the region's role as a wall obstructing supply lines between Japan and Europe, the distance Allied supplies must travel to reach Egypt, Palestine, Iraq and Iran. Narration states "The Middle East stands between our enemies. While we hold it our enemies cannot win, and it will become a vital instrument in their defeat."
IU NewsNet weekly newscasts
This clip contains content generated for IU News Net, a student run news organization from Indiana University. The tape features students reporting on COVID-19, sports, and events happening in Bloomington, Indiana.
0:46 Preshow Teases
0:47 Student anchor Meredith Struewing tosses the story to her co-anchor
0:59 Student Gage Griffin reads the lead-in for a story about an out-of-state shooting of an IU
*1:17 Student Noelle Friel tells the story about the shooting IU Media School student Ethan
Williams who was shot during a trip to New York
*3:27 Noelle switches to another story about an IU Student, Skylar Bradley, who was shot in
Alabama while breaking up a fight
3:52 Meredith reads the lead-in for a package on mental health (IU Care Referral)
6:31 Gage Griffin reads a lead-in for a package about IU Health Center
6:46 Student reporter Tamar Sher talks about virtual counseling sessions at the IU Health Center
7:46 Meredith reads a voiceover about IU 2000th positive mitigation test
8:57 Meredith reads a voiceover about IU’s testing stations.
9:21 Gage Griffin reads a voiceover about the amount of people who have voted early in the
2020 election
10:42 Meredith reads the teases about Halloween costumes and the Great Glass Pumpkin Patch
11:00 The tease wipe plays
11:08 Gage Griffin tells the story of how the pandemic has taken its toll of costume sales
13:06 Meredith reads a voiceover about Bloomington’s trick-or-treat hours
14:00 Meredith tosses a package about the Great Glass Pumpkin patch to student reporter Holden
14:23 Holden Abshire tells the story about the Great Glass Pumpkin Patch, an art sale on
Kirkwood Avenue
15:58 Gage Griffin teases the upcoming stories from the sports news
16:23 Sports wipe runs
16:31 Meredith introduces the sports news after the break
16:43 Student reporter Connor Hines talks about Indiana Quarterback Michael Penix Jr. in a
game against Penn State
18:18 Connor Hines tells how IU Football won against Penn State 36 to 35 after a legendary
touchdown from Penix Jr.
18:55 Student reporter Griffin Gonzalez is on the Kirkwood Avenue interviewing fans right after
the victory at the football game
20:45 Connor Hines tells the audience about the upcoming IU Football game against Rutgers
20:53 Meredith ends the newscast by encouraging the audience to follow them on Facebook
21:14 Credits roll with the names Noelle Friel, Gage Griffin, Alex Harrison, Connor Hines,
Meredith Struweing, Lexi Vennetti, Jordan Gould, Tamar Sher, Holden Abshire, Griffin
Gonzalez, Drew Frey, and Andrew Lamparski
Describes the vast telephone network, equipment and personnel involved in the completion of a long distance call. Shows how telephone lines and cables run all over the United States, through deserts and underneath mountains. Telephone employees can be found in similarly diverse places, laying cable, restoring service, conducting experiments and delivering supplies. The plan to make service available to everyone splits the country into eight regions with regional centers in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, St. Louis, Dallas, Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles. An animated map demonstrates how each regional center is linked to each of the others with a direct line and then to scores of other cities. Coordination and efficiency are required to get each call through. Dramatizes the longest call possible in the continental United States, from Eastport, Maine to Bay, California, and the connections the call goes through.
Presents a 1948 report on the School Camp experiment authorized by the Board of Education of the City of New York and conducted in cooperation with Life Camps, Inc. Shows numerous examples of children enjoying a variety of camping experiences. Stresses the importance of the children's interactions with each other and with nature.
Presents a number of family situations to show that behavior of a child depends on his age and how the development of an individual's personality is affected by many family factors. Portrays examples of children as their behavior is influenced by such factors as the age of the child, illness of a parent, proximity of ages between children, native differences, and attitude of grandparents.
"The story of the Lancaster airplane, the first large bomber built in Canada. Shown are the workers involved in its construction, and the crew who ferried it overseas, as well as the combat crew who took it on its first flight over Berlin."--National Film Board of Canada website.
A story of land economy and one man, Bill Bailey of Clarksville, Tennessee, through whose foresight and untiring effort the Four Pillars of Income were established in Montgomery County, Tennessee (adapted from the Reader's Digest story of the same name by J. P. McEvoy).
Presents in detail step-by-step techniques used in gravimetric analysis and the preparation and use of both the Gooch crucible filter and regular filter paper in this type of chemical analysis. Part I gives an overview of the operation in determining the chloride concentration in a silver chloride sample. Shows in detail the weighing of the sample, dissolution, precipitation, filtration, drying, and weighing of precipitate.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.
Shows how Canada's northwest airlines have conquered the almost impenetrable natural barriers of rivers and mountains on the Pacific coast. Reveals how air bases were built, supplied, and serviced during World War II. Shows the city of Edmonton as a gateway to the new North, to Russia, India, China, and the Orient.
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1950 20th Century-Fox feature film, "The Big Lift". Incorporating newsreel and Air Force film footage, this film illustrates the results of the post WWII Berlin blockade by the Russians in 1948. The organization and operation of the Allied Airlift to bring food, fuel, clothing, and medicines to the city is highlighted. The effectiveness of the Airlift in forcing the Russians to abandon the blockade in 1949 is examined.
Presents two excerpts from Maxim Gorki's play The Lower Depths, as played by the Moscow Art Theater. One scene shows a group of social outcasts telling stories of former wealth and grandeur and an actor soliloquizing on "What is Man?" The second scene, taking place at a drinking party, shows the group's reaction to the actor's suicide.
Explains and illustrates in detail simple stunts for strength, stunts for skill, and stunts with sticks. Demonstrates the techniques and benefits of stunt variations, and emphasizes safety precautions.
Pictures a northern English farm around haymaking time, stressing the interdependence of city and country life. Vegetables and milk go to the city markets and wool goes to the factories. From the city the farmers get manufactured products. As a World War II service, the townsfolk are shown forming voluntary land clubs to help the farmers with their work.
Shows camera highlights of the Indiana state basketball tournament and the state track meet. Should be of interest from the point of view of studying accomplishments and techniques as demonstrated.
A small boy retrieves a discarded trumpet and loses himself in a jazz fantasy of his own imagining. Musical background is a Duke Ellington composition interpreted by Jonah Jones. No narrative is used.
Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her. | Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her.
Presents methods of determining and keeping time and the uses of time. Traces the development, adoption, and designation of time zones and demonstrates the need for an International Date Line. Contrasts the use of Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time in the winter and summer. Portrays the role of the U.S. Naval Observatory in determining the time of day and the role of the National Bureau of Standards stations WWV and WWVH in disseminating time signals. Presents specialized uses of time in determining rate and frequency.
Discusses causes of the spread of tuberculosis in the United States and stresses the need for community action in combatting the disease. Dramatizes the case history of a young woman patient, showing how infection takes place and how poor health habits weaken the body and permit the disease to develop. Shows the work of a mobile X-ray unit. Includes animated sequeces.
Illustrates how a third grade teacher utilizes the interests of her pupils to develop an arithmetic unit on money and banking. Shows how she introduces other fundamental skills into the unit on number work including language and social skills writing, and construction activities. Indicates that the conventional type of problems also has its place in unit work.
The Phillips "66" championship team demonstrates basketball fundamentals. Slow motion and stop motion photography are used frequently to show techniques as follow-through, pivoting, passing drill, tipping drill, defensive, offensive breaks, and the various shots.
Studies the progress of Sao Paulo and the factors that have contributed toward the phenomenal growth in population of this second-largest Brazilian city. Presents a cross section of modern South America with its busy industry, its growing commerce, its beauty of art and architecture, and its up-to-date trends in education.
In mid-December 1961, the Council of Ministers, the highest authority in the Common Market, gathered in Brussels for the most momentous of its periodic meetings. Four years had elapsed since the activation of the Common Market treaty, January 1, 1958. According to the treaty, midnight of December 31, 1961, was the deadline for the end of the first and passage into the second of three transitional phases in Europe's economic unification process. Passage into this second phase required a unanimous Council statement that the first stage had been completed in accordance with the Treaty provisions. When it became evident that no final agreement could be reached by the deadline, the Ministers decided that, for them, 1961 would continue to the bitter end of the session. Although it took the entire first half of January, 1962 to reach an agreement, all minutes and official documents were dated December, 1961. This program outlines the salient problems that confronted the Council, and presents statements on one impact of the Common Market in various areas of commerce and politics. Animated graphics illustrate the present organization of the European Communities.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.