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Today beneath our feet we find dwarf plants which once were green giants of the Coal Age. We may hold a fossil in our hands of a plant that live 250,000,000 years ago, yet looked very much like a fern of today. The club mosses, horsetails and ferns, mostly miniature plants in northern forests, once grew to be 60-1000 feet tall in the warm, damp climate of the Carboniferous Period. Out of a terrarium, which you might set up in your living room, will unfold this story of a past age of plant life. You will find out how these simple plants reproduce by spores, and you’ll learn how to keep them in a miniature world.
Discusses the revolutionary reign of King Akhnaton in Egypt, 1400 B.C. Emphasizes his attempt to establish monotheism and to direct Egyptian death. Considers, also, the change in painting and sculpture from ritualistic forms to realism. (NYU) Kinescope.
Uses pictures, models, art objects, and discussion to describe ancient Delphi and the structures on MT. Parnassus. Explains the uses and unusual features of Apollo's temple, the amphitheater, and the treasuries. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the world from which the conquistadors came. Describes their lands of origin on the Iberian Peninsula and traces their ancestral antecedents. Appraises these Europeans who first established American empires. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the collaboration between authors and illustrators in illustrating a text. Describes the problems involved and stresses the importance of the illustrator and the author working together. Defines an illustration as successful when it conveys accurately the ideas in the text. Uses examples from John Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, George Cruikshank's etchings for The Old Curiosity Shop, Rockwell Kent's woodcuts for Moby Dick, and others. (KETC) Kinescope.
Reviews the evidence on both sides and discusses the importance of the issue of accepting or rejecting Darwin's theory. Discusses the evidence in support of the conception that man is different in kind from other animals because he is rational. Stresses the significance of the entire issue. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Defines "justice of law," and discusses the relation of natural to just and unjust law. Explains the equality of justice, and illustrates how man-made laws have been evolving toward natural laws. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Describes various kinds of art and their distinct differences. Distinguishes between the productive and the cooperative arts, and states that the latter consists only of farming, healing, and teaching. Explains and illustrates the differences between useful arts and fine arts. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Divides laws into three categories--human, natural (moral), and divine--and discusses the nature of each. Suggests two ways of identifying the different laws, and explains how natural laws are discovered. Compares the characteristics of the positive or human law with the natural or moral law, and points out the conflicts which arise between the two. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses various types of work, ranging from sheer drudgery to labors of love. Lists several activities, such as dancing, football, carpentry, and music, which are play for some and work for others. States two conditions by which work takes on dignity, and defines the dignity of man and the dignity of labor. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Shows how man has learned to measure quantities beyond his sight and grasp. Uses diagrams to explain how the size of the earth was discovered in classical times. Examines modern problems of extreme scale including the universe and size of viruses. Features Dr. Philippe LeCorbeiller, Professor of Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Points out and discusses the various groups or classes of colonial society--the whites, the mixed breeds, and the pure breed. Considers the religious, intellectual, and artistic life of these groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Uses the cross section of a tree stump to explain the events in the life of a tree. Tells how insects, weather, hurricanes, and urbanization effect the life of a tree. Describes the function of the parts of a tree trunk. Illustrates, through experiments, how a tree lifts great quantities of water high in the air. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Animal marionettes portray the characters in the story of a Little Rabbit who is always wishing. His mother sends him to Professor Groundhog, the wisest animal in the forest because she knows the Professor will advise the Little Rabbit not to wish all the time. Prof. Groundhog sends the Little Rabbit to find Pinkney Green, an elf, who can grant one wish. Pinkney Green shows Little Rabbit the magic wishing pond and gives him magic instructions which he must follow before he makes his wish. Little Rabbit wishes for little red wings and home he goes to show his mother. She doesn't recognize him and sends him away. Only Prof. Groundhog knows him and lets him sleep in his home but Little Rabbit finds the wings are most uncomfortable and he can't sleep.
Presents two excerpts from Maxim Gorki's play The Lower Depths, as played by the Moscow Art Theater. One scene shows a group of social outcasts telling stories of former wealth and grandeur and an actor soliloquizing on "What is Man?" The second scene, taking place at a drinking party, shows the group's reaction to the actor's suicide.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the place of "The Madonna" in painting and sculpture. Uses prints to explain the many ways of representing this theme. Illustrates important points with sculptured madonnas and other religious works. Demonstrates various approaches to this subject with sketches.
Explains the need for law, and discusses the kinds of law which men provide over and above natural or divine law. Compares the various kinds of law with the enforcement necessary to make them binding. Shows how penal codes and civil law define various types of offenses, and describes different law-making authorities. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions). Kinescope.
Reports on excavations concluded at Nimrud, Iraq. Emphasizes the bronze gates, now in the British Museum, that were originally located in Balavat, near Nimrud. Points out that recent discoveries have shed light on various facets of ancient Assyrian civilization. (NYU) Kinescope.
Distinguishes between morality and virtue, and discusses good and bad love. Points out that the three bad loves are love of money, pride, and romantic love, and explains both that Adler's and Freud's views of love. Presents and defines the commands of love--love God, love thyself, and love others--and illustrates how bad love can defeat good love. (Palmer Films) Film.
Considers the kinds of human love, the various meanings of the word "love" as it is used in ordinary speech, and the different attitudes that people take toward love. Focuses on the problem of the distinction between love and desire and their relation to one another. (Palmer Films) Film.
Two artists demonstrate the creative process by reacting to a stimulus presented by a psychologist. Defines creativity and outlines the elements composing it; stresses the influence of environment on the creative impulse.
Discusses the process of revision through which a painting is developed, revealing how the artist uses his skill, knowledge, and experience to shape his ideas into a finished work of art. Compares many drawings and sketches with the paintings based upon them.
Discusses the fundamental ideas of government, and points out that a government to be just must be for, of, and by the people. Explains why a government must have power and authority in order to function. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses intellectual learning and the role of the teacher. Shows how learning is only a small part of education, and mentions briefly some theories of learning. Points out that the learner must act if learning is to take place and that the teacher us only a guide and an aid to the learner. (Palmer Films) Film.
Explains the difference in the use of the word "law" in natural science, and the word "law" as used in art, politics, and conduct. Shows pictures to illustrate various concepts of law, and points out that criminal law makes up only a small portion of the laws of daily life. Discusses opposing views on what constitutes "the law." (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature of opinion as contrasted with knowledge. Points out that where opinion can be right or wrong, knowledge can not be wrong. States that opinions are subject to conflict, and gives various examples of opinion such as majority rule, opinion polls, and controversy. (Palmer Films) Film.
Recounts the slow movement of the Spanish into the area of the Paraguay-Parana river system and across the Andes into Chile. Describes their difficulties with the Chilean Indians, and the Aracanians.
Describes the organization of American states and appraises its effectiveness. Discusses U.S.-Latin American relations and considers how they can be improved.
Discusses Christian dogma versus the Darwinian theory. Stresses the impact of modern psychology and biology upon man's concept of man. Discusses some sociological and legal distinctions between man and animals. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Continues the painting shown in UNDERPAINTING. More area is covered with underpaint, the head and face are developed through the use of brushes, and additional work is done on the chest area.
Describes the nature of work, and discusses work in relation to other life activities. Compares the time spent in labor by the average working man today with that of the pre-industrial man, and illustrates the change in his available free time. States that rest has a religious significance as referred to in the Old Testament and does not mean sleep. (Mortimer-Adler San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Explains that the personality of music is determined by the composer's style and by the use of various musical effects. Demonstrates and contrasts styles through selections played at the piano. Includes music by Bach, Schumann, Debussy, Liszt, and Chopin.
Shows and discusses the play from the point of view of the playwright and the stage director. Describes how the playwright uses such sources as feelings, ideas, actuality, real people, and in analyzing and interpretation the play. (KUON-TV) Film.
Beautifully costumed marionettes bring this original story by Tom Tichenor to life. It’s the tale of Princess Frumptious who is called "Frumpy" by her servants and people of the kingdom, because her hair is never combed, her apron never tied, her manners always rude. Youngsters will be intrigued with the manner in which she changes her habits and has her name changed to Princess Scrumptious.
Discusses the powers a government should have and how they should be limited. Identifies two basic problems--the power of men in government and the power of the government itself. Quotes Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton to illustrate opposing views concerning the power of government. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Reviews the principles of sound and its transmission as it applies to rocket propulsion. Using the V-2 rocket motor as an example, the orientation of a typical rocket motor, including the types of materials used for fuels, is explained. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
Tells the story of the beaver and its role in the history of America. Explains how the beaver builds dams and creates new environments. Shows a beaver dam with the animals swimming, feeding, and diving. Uses diagrams and models to study a beaver community, the lodge, and their engineering skills. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Describes the influence of organized labor on governments and in the direction of foreign policy. Discusses the work of labor organizations and presents a film that shows the coming of the Industrial Revolution to various world areas. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Examines the construction--theme by theme, movement by movement--of a modern symphony. Like as musical form to a mural, to a complicated building, and to a well-planned public speech. Feature the playing of Hanson's Romantic Symphony, No. 2. (University of Rochester) Film.
Continues the painting shown in THE CROSS. Shows the addition of the rope to the painting, binding "The Man of Sorrows" to the cross. "The process of further developing and finishing the surface of the painting has begun. (KETC) Kinescope.
Explains and demonstrates how the writer selects and arranges words to achieve proper placement of detail for meaning. Stresses the importance of understanding the relationship between the writer's roving eye and point of view. Uses examples from The Killers, Tom Sawyer, The Canterbury Tales, and the Iliad. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from SCULPTURE: PART 3. Presents a review of the materials and work completed in the preceding programs. Explains the three general parts into which the head is divided. Shows the sculptor working on the eyes, chin, ears, and nose. Stresses the importance of good lighting on a work of sculpture. (KETC) Kinescope.
Evaluates the significance of the "sense of tragedy" in making a measure of a man. Analyzes the pleasure man derives from the tragedy of a fellow creature in literature or drama. Presents writings and documents from real life to inquire into the elements that make tragedy. (KQED) Film.
discusses the analysis, tabulation, and charting of music. Proposes six categories and undertakes to show that nearly all music fits into this pattern. Uses numerous illustrative musical selections. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses and explains the size and arrangement of the universe. Defines and illustrates light minutes, light hours, and light years. Uses photography to chart the universe of galaxies and plot the size of the universe. Features Dr. Bart J. Bok, Professor od Astronomy, National University of Australia. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Traces the movements of the Spanish in the Americas. Stresses their efforts to find "another Mexico" after Cortez had conquered the Aztec empire. Explains the role of such men as Cabeza de Vaca, Coronado, and De Soto in these later movements. (KETC) Kinescope.
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.)
A Tom Tichenor original story. Marionettes tell the story of a little bunny who never wants to stay home. When her mother leaves her to attend a meeting, Bunny throws a tantrum. Bunny has a dragon friend named Nogard, who comes to visit her when she has to stay at home. Nogard suggests that Bunny touch his wings so that she can fly, and they fly out of the window together. They visit a castle, and Bunny meets a Princess; they fly on to the Wild Wild Woods where they meet a skunk. Mr. Skunk tells Bunny that he would invite her to his home for dinner but he has nothing to eat. A wolf appears and frightens the skunk away and Bunny terrified hides in a tree trunk. She flies home after the wolf leaves, having learned her lesson… and resolves to always want to stay home.
Presents the conclusions arrived at during the conference. Uses film clips of statements made by the various conferees to strengthen and point up the conference's conclusions. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the influence of the sun upon space travel. Describes how over ninety per cent of interplanetary travel will be made in the sun's gravitational field and only small portions of each journey will be close enough to planets for their gravitation to predominate. Shows solar prominences and flares, and discusses their influence on us. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)