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Shows, through the play activities of children of different age levels, how they learn and gain physical growth. Presents the infant as needing few toys, the small child as wanting to help at home, and the preschool group as needing much freedom for play. Uses animation to show the imaginative pay of a boy with a toy, and illustrates how adults can impede as well as encourage play activities.
Discusses the importance of prenatal care of mothers and the eating of proper foods in helping children to develop good teeth. The structure of teeth, the progress of tooth formation, and the process of decay are explained by means of diagrams.
Discusses the varied reasons for college education for women, and describes many educational opportunities for women available through degree programs at Indiana University. Points out that IU has a full-time director of women's educational programs, Assistant Dean of Faculties Eunice Roberts.
Discusses the varied reasons for college education for women, and describes many educational opportunities for women available through degree programs at Indiana University. Points out that IU has a full-time director of women's educational programs, Assistant Dean of Faculties Eunice Roberts.
Uses animation and live photography to show several benefits of clean water and some of the undesirable consequences of dirty water. An animated waterdrop and a small boy travel through water pipes to the city reservoir and up a mountain to discover the waterdrop's source. They learn the benefits of clean water to animals and later show their disgust when viewing a dirty river.
Shows scenes of Indiana state parks during the various seasons. Stresses the facilities available for camping, boating, fishing, hiking, studying nature, horseback riding, picnicking, and participating in individual and group games. Includes sequences on Clifty Falls, Spring Mill, McCormick's Creek, Shakamak, Dunes, Brown County, and Pokagon State Parks. Describes the early development of the park system and its role in the conservation of Hoosier wildlife.
Shows Charley, who uses the booklet with his camera, as he successfully takes his first pictures. Then explains focusing, setting the diaphragm for the correct amount of light, good scene composition, smooth panning, camera speed, and proper timing of scenes as Joe incorrectly uses his new camera. Illustrates the causes of poor results, and stresses using the booklet accompanying a camera.