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An important aspect of the agricultural revolution in nineteenth century America was the gradual transfer of the processing of agricultural goods from the farm to the factory. It was the building of a grist mill or a saw mill that began this process.
Film reel of various travels.
Visit to Abraham Lincoln Birthplace in Hodgenville, Kentucky ; footage of the yard and garden at Washington Boulevard house ; Lynn and Donald at the swimming pool ; Lynn and puppy ; very brief scenes at a zoo ; Bixler family playing in the yard ; "World Famous Pluto Spring" gazebo at French Lick Springs Hotel ; seals and dolphins performing at Miami Seaquarium ; footage from Africa USA safari and an Indian village attraction (possiblyl Miccosukee Indian Village) ; scenes of driving down Miami streets with special focus on motels. Ends with Lynn playing with the puppy back at home.
The fabulous story of the men who built the railroad to join the Atlantic and Pacific coasts is told by Bash Kennett. The struggles of the laborers in the west who battled granite cliffs in order to lay more track than the crews on the plains who had to import their lumber is told. Songs include "Midnight Special," "Down in the Valley," and "Drill Ye Tarriers, Drill."
Many call it code-switching, others call it filtering, and some even call it protection. The implicit and almost automatic behavioral response of a large portion of minorities to adapt to becoming "socially acceptable" when entering a White sphere of influence is what is termed in the race-related mental health field as "masking."
On Love and Masks attempts to express the nuanced and typically unspoken journey from isolation to self-acceptance commonly shared amongst Students of Color attending Primarily White Institutions. It does not intend to blame, antagonize, or vilify. It instead
desires to place a name on this initial phase of the journey before finding self-acceptance as a means of helping others going through it to validate their experience as true and not simply imagined.
Presents one view of loyalty and its importance in the measure of a man. Considers martyrdom, the relationship of loyalty to prejudice, and loyalty as self-protection. Questions which loyalties are the most important. Suggests an answer, but leaves the ultimate solution open for further consideration. (KQED) Film.
Evaluates the significance of the "sense of tragedy" in making a measure of a man. Analyzes the pleasure man derives from the tragedy of a fellow creature in literature or drama. Presents writings and documents from real life to inquire into the elements that make tragedy. (KQED) Film.
An advertisement for AAA life insurance in which a man reads aloud from a newspaper about the new insurance plans as he wanders distractedly through a construction site, barely avoiding various obstacles and dangers. The man asks a female companion whether he needs life insurance just as he is about to walk over an open sewer manhole. One of the winners of the 1975 Clio Awards.