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Discusses the relationship of heredity to criminality. Points out common misconceptions concerning physical characteristics as a cause or recognizable symbol of crime. Explains the fallacies in Lombroso's theories of criminality. Stresses the need for education in the area of genetic inheritance as related to criminal tendencies. Features Dr. Douglas M. Kelly.
No longer wanted by their masters, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster set out for Bremen to become musicians. They prove clever enough to outwit some robbers.
An in-service business management film demonstrating the problems which develop when a supervisor fails to properly channel the initiative of a new worker thus creating resistance to new ideas.
Tells the story of John Deere's invention of the steel plough. Outlines the development of the plough in America and its significance to the growth of agriculture. Discusses the life of John Deere and his work at Grand Detour, Illinois.
Tells the story of the buffalo. Describes an Indian buffalo hunt. Discusses the buffalo's importance to the Indian and the settler. Explains how they provided food, clothing, and shelter.
Discusses burn injuries in general and new techniques and materials used by the medical researchers to treat burns. Shows patients in various stages of recovery from effects of serious burns. Shows researchers at the Brooke Army Medical Center in Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
With Fignewton handling the make-do puppets and Dora narrating, this is the story of a butterfly, who because she helped her friends, managed to migrate anyways, in spite of her first intention to stay at home. The story show that many butterflies, like birds, migrate.
After explaining the uses and preparations of candles in early times, Bash takes a film trip to a modern candle factory and compares techniques of the two ages. She sings “Dublin City” and “How Old Are You.”
The importance of men who have learned to work with wood is Bash’s theme in this program. She tells of early settlers who had to do their own building and carving with crude tools. Through film, she then introduces a modern carpenter who demonstrates the use of a collection of historic tools, including one which was used to make wagon spokes. Songs include “Polly Put the Kettle On” and “Ham and Eggs.”