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Bailey and other classmates of the Class of 1922 celebrating their 40th reunion at Wellesley College. The women mingle and enjoy refreshments outside. Shows Tower Court, Lake Waban, and other buildings around the Wellesley campus. The women then arrive with dressed in purple aprons and bonnets (their class color) and a sign in a shape of a cow (class mascot) reading "Bellesley". The alumnae classes celebrating reunions then march in a parade with flags and class colors. The film then documents a trip to Marblehead, Massachusetts with Wellesley friends and a visit to the home of classmate Esther B. Card.
Home movie with footage of Air Force planes in an airfield and various activities in the Wilkinson family's yard. Shows Bernadine Bailey's nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson, and another boy playing with a Scottish terrier, a chicken coop, and close-ups of the yard's flowers.
Shows a group of people posing for the camera in front of their house, including Nellie Freeman, Bernadine Bailey's mother. The rest of the group is likely Paul R. Wilkinson (the younger man with glasses), his siblings, and parents. Paul F. Wilkinson, Bernadine Bailey's nephew, is playing with a group of other children.
The architects of the European Coal and Steel Community considered ECSC, not an end in itself, but the first step toward eventual European unity to be realized through the establishment of a common market for all goods. This program traces the successive steps that resulted in the establishment, in 1957, of the Common Market and Euratom. The major economic aims of the Common Market (the abolition of internal trade restrictions, and the establishment of an external common tariff among the six participating nations) are illustrated through the use of animated graphics.
Topic of discussion on this program is the actual organization of the major parties. Our lecturer considers the national characteristics of parties as opposed to the idea that each of them is a conglomeration of local political machines. He concludes with a look at the role the private citizen can and does play in party organization.
The desert plains of central Idaho bore silent witness to many events in history – the coming of the Oregon Trail, the wars between the whites and the Indians, the events of the Old West, Today they are witnessing a change that is far more important – the coming of atomic power. On the lava plains of central Idaho is the National Reactor Testing Station, famous for “firsts” in nuclear energy. Here electricity was first generated from atomic energy and atomic power first was used to light a town. Principles of nuclear submarine propulsion were worked out in “a ship on the desert” in Idaho. “Challenge” visits the National Reactor Testing Station to look at a power plant of the future, a reactor that makes more nuclear fuel than it consumes. The principle is not perpetual motion. This reactor takes the part of uranium that is not fissionable fuel (more than 99 per cent of the total) and converts it into plutonium, a man made element that is a good nuclear fuel. Because the reactor “breeds” plutonium it is called a “breeder” reactor – Experimental Breeder Reactor-II. How this breeding is accomplished, and how fuel for EBR-II is fabricated by remote control, is explained in this program.
When Britain applied for membership in the Common Market, the move represented a dramatic change in Britain's traditional concept of world politics. This program explores the implications of this reversal, some of the problems attendant on British membership, and the reactions of some British leaders to the move. All six of the Common Market nations publicly welcomed the British application for membership. Negotiations began in 1961, with teams of experts seeking solutions to the problems the application raised. The major problem arose from Britain's imperial past. As the Empire evolved into the present Commonwealth, close and mutually beneficial trading patterns were established between Britain and the Commonwealth nations. The Imperial (or Commonwealth) Preference system permits member countries to sell their goods to Britain at either very low duties or without duties at all. Should Britain simply join the Common Market under present circumstances, she would have to apply the Common Market's external tariff to Commonwealth imports --a situation that would be displeasing to all parts of the Commonwealth. Another area of British concern is that of the economic future of Britain's EFTA partners. And from the British point of view, the political implications of Common Market membership raise another question. The member nations' sovereign power to make decisions, in certain instances, will be transferred to a supranational body. This loss of sovereignty, to some Britishers, presents a grave stumbling block.
This short pre-recorded webinar addresses the organization and contents of the NSSE Psychometric Portfolio. Examples of content areas, types of reports, and report templates are presented. Potential changes for the portfolio, to correspond with the NSSE 2013 survey updates, are also discussed.
Explains that bacteriology is an area in the field of biology concerned with microscopic forms of life. Shows by photomicrography examples of protozoa, algae, molds, yeast, and bacteria, and through animation gives understandings of the minute size of bacteria and their rapid rate of reproduction. Shows high school students in a biology laboratory. Explains that young people will find unlimited opportunities in the field of bacteriology, pointing out the personal rewards and the contributions that ensue for those working in this area.
A few years ago history was made at the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory where this program was filmed. This is the story of the dedicated research scientists whose search for truth ended a fallacy in chemistry which had existed for more than half a century. Although their efforts were not as exciting as the discovery that the world was round and not flat, the scientists at Argonne disproved that a group of elements called “inert gases” would not react with other elements to form compounds. This is not to imply that these elements – helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon – did not have utility. Helium is the gas used to send balloons aloft. Neon, argon, and krypton are used in light bulbs: xenon in high speed photographic cells; and radon in medical therapy to irradiate cancer cells. What the Argonne scientists investigated was the atomic structure of these elements. For years it had been falsely believed that the electrons within these elements could not combine with electrons within the atoms of other elements. Following a report of Canadian scientists, the researchers at Argonne found that, instead of picking up electrons from other atoms, some of these so-called “inert gases” actually gave up electrons when combined with other elements. Using Krypton, xenon, and radon, in separate experiments, the Argonne scientists succeeded in making compounds which previously were unheard of. In fact, they also found at least one xenon compound for which they weren’t looking. This was xenon trioxide, a powerful explosive, made from xenon and oxygen. Many new uses will doubtless be found for these new compounds, according to the scientists. One might be the use of xenon tetrafluoride to store large quantities of fluorine as an oxidizing agent in rocket fuel.
A grandfather nostalgically relates his boyhood memories of Christmas past to his grandson in this new adaptation of Dylan Thomas' classic story. Winner of the American Film and Video Festival 1988: Blue Ribbon, Literary Adaptations for Young Adults.
In this program, Criminologist Joseph D. Lohman charts the growth and increasing complexity of the crime problem which has accompanied the development of an urban, industrial culture in the U.S. He shows a corresponding inadequacy in the control and treatment of crime and criminals. An interviewed inmate points out these inadequacies and the need for individual treatment, which is pointed out by Harrison and Lohman, also. Harrison notes that differences in crimes and criminals indicate needs for individual treatment.
The film translates the lyrics of the Beatles' song into pictures using Lower East Side locations; pixillated sequences of images portray the nonmusical sounds.
Portrait of a woman who was born without arms, yet leads a normal and productive life. Follows her through a typical day as she cares for her home and family, and explains her thoughts about her handicap and life.
A second-grader's experiences during a day without numbers cause him to want to study arithmetic and to realize the value of numbers in his everyday living. All the class but Bob enjoy arithmetic. When a puppet with magic powers offers Bob a day without numbers, he gladly leaves the classroom with the puppet. A series of frustrating experiences caused by the magical disappearance of numbers, such as the disruption of an exciting baseball game, results in Bob's gladly returning to the classroom and the study of arithmetic.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., explains the relationship between language and culture. He points out that there is no such thing as a “primitive” language; all languages have the same amount of history behind them. He reveals why all languages are about equally complex, and discusses language patterns and how they affect the learning of a language.
An extemporaneous classroom demonstration of the cooperative planning of an assignment for the unit, '"The Historical Development of Certain Basic Institutions of Freedom in America." Mr. Roland Crary is the demonstration teacher of pupils selected from an eleventh-grade class in American History of the University High School of Iowa City, Iowa. The film was constructed for the purpose of enriching the usual procedures, not of superseding them, in an effort to conserve the time of teachers in assembling materials.
This program is a summary and conclusion of the course. Dr. Smith first briefly hits highlights of the major religions. Then he discusses some of the attitudinal changes that may have resulted from the course.
This film demonstrates the many ways in which Indiana University is a home away from home for the thousands of students that attend each year. The introduction to IU begins with informational pamphlets and brochures that students receive at home, and continues as soon as they set foot on campus to explore all that IU student life has to offer.
An introductory study of the probable development of our earth from the earliest days of our planet, showing many of the creatures who lived before us. Animated sequences.
Shows many of the kitchen appliances of tomorrow. Takes the viewer inside the experimental laboratories of General Motors to see such advanced aids to cooking as an automatic recipe viewer, heatless oven, automatic servers, and new designs in cabinets. Through animation, gives a short glimpse of some seemingly improbably but beneficial inventions not yet perfected.
Animated experimental film of the painting 'Isle of the dead' by nineteenth century painter Arnold Böcklin. The ghost-like island wakes to mysterious life, flickers momentarily in a corpse-candle light and fades into darkness.
Presents two- and three-year-old children in their daily activities at a nursery school. Shows them imitating adults in their play, expressing hostility, responding to rhythm, learning to wash and dress themselves, eating, and taking an afternoon nap. Reveals how they learn about nature and life in the spring by discovering and examining living things. Points out that by the time they are four they become more social and begin to play in groups.
Follows the activities of two- and three-year-old children through the nursery-school day and through the seasons of the year. Shows ways in which teachers offer help, by setting limits and by giving support and encouragement; and indicates in playroom and playground scenes the variety and suitability of play equipment for natural and constructive activity.
Presents the spontaneous activities of four- and five-year-old children and what they find interesting in their world. Shows the four-year-olds mastering their familiar world through vigorous group play, sensory pleasure, make-believe, and use of materials and words. Presents five-year-olds as entering the more formalized, enlarging world of older children--playing games with simple rules, seeking facts, wondering, and using letters and numbers. Points out that teachers should follow the lead of the child's curiosity and should provide the child with activities that will prepare him for later instruction.
Observes six-, seven-, and eight-year old children at play and in school and emphasizes that children's play activities with their adherence to the rules, rituals, and regulations which have been established have changed little over the years. Points out the desire of this age group to have close identification with a peer group and its activities as they become less dependent on parents.
Illustrates aircraft control in the crowded air lanes between New York and London. Explains the development of mathematical formulas to evaluate the present risk of collision between aircraft and the anticipated risk if the distance between air lanes is narrowed. Shows a ship collecting data on the position of all aircraft flying the Atlantic and two mathematicians explaining the probability of collision and its calculation.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of 'The Cavalcade of America' television series episode, "A Message From Garcia", which originally aired January 18th, 1955 on ABC-TV. This film dramatizes the exploits and heroism of US Military 1st Lt. Andrew Rowan in Cuba, on the eve of the Spanish-American War. Braving a journey with rebels through the Cuban jungles, risking capture and execution by Spanish troops, Lt. Rowan joined General Calixto García, commander of the rebel forces in eastern Cuba, to assess the strength, efficiency, movements and general military situation. This information, reported by Lt. Rowan, enabled an American troops landing almost entirely without casualties, to join in the liberation of their Cuban allies. Lt. Rowan returns home with a strange message from Garcia.
Describes the vast telephone network, equipment and personnel involved in the completion of a long distance call. Shows how telephone lines and cables run all over the United States, through deserts and underneath mountains. Telephone employees can be found in similarly diverse places, laying cable, restoring service, conducting experiments and delivering supplies. The plan to make service available to everyone splits the country into eight regions with regional centers in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, St. Louis, Dallas, Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles. An animated map demonstrates how each regional center is linked to each of the others with a direct line and then to scores of other cities. Coordination and efficiency are required to get each call through. Dramatizes the longest call possible in the continental United States, from Eastport, Maine to Bay, California, and the connections the call goes through.
Just as the local movie theater is about to begin showing a picture, the star of the film arrives and comes to see the movie himself. On screen, the star must rescue his girl from danger. In the theater, the star finds that not all of the audience admires his acting as much as he does.
The French horn, capable of producing melody, and the piano, a percussion instrument able to produce symphonic effects, are instruments which contrast with each other and blend exquisitely. To illustrate this musical partnership the program features John Barrows, French horn, and Vera Brodsky, piano. This film deals with the blending and contrasting of voices in composition and Mr. Barrows points out how composers have capitalized on this partnership.
Designed to help the community at large to recognize the capacities of older people, and provide opportunities for self-expression through housing that provides an outlet for social needs. This award-winning documentary depicts the life of a senior citizen who has been spared costly and depressing placement in a nursing home through admission in a housing project.
Describes the ways in which a newspaper brings information and service to a community and traces a news story and advertisement from their beginnings to their publication in the paper. Follows the reporting of the arrival of a baby elephant for the city zoo and shows the step-by-step process including the writing, editing, typesetting, proofing, printing, and delivery of the paper in which the story appears. Shows the variety of news sources, special features, and services the newspaper must use each day. | Shows how the daily newspaper is published and explains the work of each department.
Discusses the performance of necessary functions by our political parties. Explains why we have the two-party system. Mentions party factions and splinter groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Uses animation to demonstrate the meaning of (a + b)² in a way intended to convey to students the idea that algebraic statements have concrete meaning and visual form.
Explains that diversity is part of the Protestant tradition and belief. States that although there is no single Protestant view, it is the Protestant heritage to drive toward excellence in education. Notes that any Protestant view holds that some appropriate way must be found of teaching in schools, that man does not live by bread alone, and that God exists and is sovereign. Feature personality is Merrimon Cunninggim, director of the Danforth Foundation in St. Louis.
In a Catholic school the realities of God and Christ, the guidance, teaching and influences of the Church, the Christian ideals are presupposed and within this framework all physical and intellectual disciplines have their place. Includes scenes of an elementary classroom. Features Dean Robert J. Henie, S.J., of St. Louis University. (kinescope)
Describes the many safety rules applicable to the industrial arts shop. Shows such measures as the use of proper clothing, goggles, and shields; the spacing of work areas; the use of tools; the disposal of waste; and the storage of lumber and inflammable liquids. refers to the safe use of power tools, the care of electrical equipment, and proper conduct in the shop. Concludes with a review of the principal safety precautions.
Discusses methods of controlling nuclear testing. Outlines the obligation of the United States in assuming leadership in the control of such testing. Points out possible effects of continued tests. Makes suggestions concerning what can be done by various groups to diminish the dangers posed by continued testing of nuclear weapons. Features Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review.
Bash compares the chores children have today with those children had a few generations ago as members of a pioneer family. She describes a typical day and tells of the work the family members do and their entertainment. Lillian Patterson performs the imaginary dreams of a pioneer child. Songs include “Pony Lullaby” and “Springfield Mountain.”
In this film the cinematographic space becomes itself an active element of the dance rather than being an area in which the dance takes place. The dancer shares with the camera and the cutting a collaborative responsibility for the movements themselves. Recommended for use only by groups interested in the cinematographical element of the dance.
Dance is a universal experience, and Miss Myers introduces the series with paintings, sculptures and film clips showing ethnic dances throughout history and the world. Following this, she presents the three major forms of dance – ethnic, ballet, and modern. To illustrate these, the Ximenez-Vargas Company performs two European ethnic dances. They are followed by Melissa Hayden and Jacques D’Amboise, who execute a 17th century court dance, the predecessor of pure classical ballet which is represented by the pas de deux from The Nutcracker Suite. As the French court and manners of the 17th century affected later ballet, so today’s social developments and conditions affect modern dance. Daniel Negrin performs an illustrative dance satire to introduce the audience to forms of the modern dance.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of an episode of the DuPont sponsored Cavalcade of America television series (season 2, episode 6), "A Time to Grow", which aired November 3, 1953 on ABC-TV. This historical drama recreates the circumstances leading up to the 1803 purchase of the Louisiana Territory by Robert Livingston and James Monroe, American Commissioners to Paris, for 15 million dollars. An offer to purchase the Port of New Orleans from France is opposed by Joseph Bonaparte and Maurice Talleyrand. Napoleon later orders Talleyrand to sell the entire Louisiana Territory. But Talleyrand, in an attempt to prevent the transfer of the territory from French control, sets a price he believed the American Commissioners could not possibly accept.
Traces the history of computer development from the first mechanical calculators to ENIAC, the first electronic computer. Explains in lay terms how a modern digital computer stores both data and instructions in number form.
A city boy visits a real western ranch for the first time and sees cowboys rounding up, roping, and riding horses; watches cowmen roping and branding calves; meets a fence rider at work; helps to shoe and feed horses; and attends a rodeo. For primary and middle grades.
Demonstrates the role of perception in handling the processing information from the environment and the way in which our personalities affect our perception. Reviews the research of Dr. Herman Witkin of the State University of New York Medical Center, Dr. Eleanor Gibson of Cornell University, and Dr. Richard D. Walk of George Washington University.
Discusses the transition in art from realism to the abstract. Explains the reasons underlying abstract and non-objective painting. Demonstrates important points with illustrations drawn in chalk and paint. Uses prints of abstract painting to clarify and develop a greater understanding of the artist's interpretation. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses abstract art and the elements in a machine society which have furthered its development. Discusses the influences of Cezanne, the cubists, and the futurists. Uses charcoal drawings to distinguish expressionistic from geometric abstraction.
Continues the discussion of abstract art begun in ABSTRACT ART: PART 1. Discusses inspiration, technique, and communication in abstract painting. Features Stuart Davis, American abstract painter, and shows works by Davis and by Jackson Pollock. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the purpose, successes, and failures of NATO, the prospects for extending its economic functions, and ways of making it more effective. Gives the history of NATO's formation and explains the financial contribution of each member country. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the formation of the Afro-Asian bloc, the declaration issued by it, and the possible influences this organization may have in world politics. Considers official United States reaction to the bloc and the bloc's possible influence on the formation of United States foreign policy. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses attempts, from the Roman Empire to the present, at European unification. Examines the progress in economic unification through the Schuman Plan. Appraises the effects on the United States on the degree of unification in Europe. (WTTW) Kinescope.
resents the scope of international exchange programs now in process. Explains the various types of exchange. Discusses the Fulbright scholarships and shows a film on the experiment in international living in Austria. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Presents a synthesizing of many aspects of education as discussed in the preceding programs. Points out how education can be used most effectively in activating man's potential. Features Mr. Frank Laubach, Mr. Robert Hutchins, and Mr. Aldous Huxley. (KETC) Kinescope.
Activity group therapy as developed at the Jewish Board of Guardians, New York City, by S.R. Slavson, Director of Group Therapy. Shows socially-maladjusted children 10 to 11 years old being benefited therapeutically by "acting out" their disturbances upon their environment and each other. Presents Henry's anxiety hysteria, Bob's aggressiveness, and Albert's effeminacy in a realistic situation with an emotionally neutral therapist and concealed cameras and microphones. Argues for encouraging boys to form a club and work things out for themselves. Recommended for use only by individuals or groups professionally concerned with psychiatric, social, and medical fields.
Portrays man's callousness towards war and violence by viewing unemotional and noncommunicative men who press triggers on pinball machines in a Parisian bistro and cause real battleships to sink, airplanes to explode, and cannons to blow out the wall.
Analyzes advertising in twentieth century America, and its dual function as mirror and molder of our culture. Demonstrates that admen have long been fluent with the familiar slogan, jingle, testimonial, and doctor's endorsement--by which values and dreams, rather than commodities, are made the fare of public consumption. Reminds us that we must guard against the temptation to make advertising the scapegoat for our own materialism, for admen can erect and support only the images that society tacitly permits.
Dozens of marine animals are shown in action in the natural habitats as Dr. John F. Storr explains the wonderful adaptations of sea creatures to their environment. With dramatic emphasis on devices for escaping physical damage by wily enemies or power of waves, Dr. Storr demonstrates the armor, camouflage, speed and agility of these animals.
Illustrates the variety of environments in which plants survive, and shows adaptations developed by various plants for survival and reproduction within their own environment. The role of man as a mediator of environment is shown as he modifies living conditions of plants, and then must provide protection for them. The viewer is encouraged to search for adaptations in the plant world around him.
Illustrates the variety of environments in which plants survive, and shows adaptations developed by various plants for survival and reproduction within their own environment. The role of man as a mediator of environment is shown as he modifies living conditions of plants, and then must provide protection for them. The viewer is encouraged to search for adaptations in the plant world around him.
Discusses the conditions and effects of drug addiction among young people. Reveals how an individual may be enticed to use narcotics. Outlines some of the causes of addiction and considers the possibilities of treatment and cure. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Uses film sequences of the second Byrd expedition, 1933-34, and recent film footage to show how technological advances have improved the work of the scientist. Explains how Antarctica scientists face problems and make adjustments unknown elsewhere in the world. Compares the two expeditions in transportation, building construction, living conditions, equipment, and food. Features Dr. Laurence M. Gould.
Portrays the psychology at work in the use of alcohol by adolescents. A documentary approach is taken in presenting the origin, development, and results of an actual research project, "A Study of the Use of Alcohol Among High School Students", made by the Hofstra College Bureau of Social Research. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Portrays the psychology at work in the use of alcohol by adolescents. A documentary approach is taken in presenting the origin, development, and results of an actual research project, "A Study of the Use of Alcohol Among High School Students", made by the Hofstra College Bureau of Social Research. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature and importance od adult learning, and points out the fallacy of thinking that the school is the only place where education occurs. Explains that adult learning is the gaining of wisdom and understanding and is for everybody, regardless of formal schooling. States that "adults are more educable than children as children are more trainable than adults," and stresses that when we cease to learn our mind starts to die. (Palmer Films) Film.
"Roadrunner conquers rattlesnake" is an excerpt from the feature "Adventures of Chico." A young boy, Chico, is sleeping while his roadrunner pet explores nature. The roadrunner comes across a dangerous rattlesnake and the two go head to head.
Shows the adventures of Nip and Tuck, two little goats. Presents brief scenes of various farm animals including billy and nanny goat. Identifies the little goats as kids and shows them drinking milk from their mother. Pictures their first adventure in the pasture and explains what goats prefer to eat.
Stresses recognizing adverse conditions as they appear in the traffic picture. Describes the safety factors involved for utmost driving efficiency in snow and ice. Discusses the special problems of rain as more fatalities occur on wet streets than on snowy or icy streets. Show the changes in traffic conditions in fog, on mountains and in deserts. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Five African university students discuss present African leaders, African students, chances for African unity and Africa as a major power. An American tells of the problems of the Negro in the United States. The film stimulates class and audience discussion on problems of contemporary Africa. The students are from: Dahomey, Cameroun, and the Central African Republic.
The future of Africa, discussed by representatives from Ghana, Ethiopia, Ceylon and the Union of South Africa, raises questions such as: Why is foreign aid necessary? Where does it come from? How is it best administered? What can the smaller nations do to help one another? Does aid imply dependence? What are the prospects for African independence? What are prerequisites to independence? What effects does education have on a nation as a whole, and on the individuals in the nation who are more highly educated than the rest? Participants: P. Tissa Fernando, Ceylon; Bizuayehu Agonafir, Ethiopia; Nii Tetteh Quao, Ghana; Marita Wessels, Union of South Africa.
Describes the lands of East Africa that are members of the British Commonwealth. Discusses variations in degree of self government and in the composition of populations. A native of Tanganuika presents his views on independence for his homeland and outlines a course of action. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Outlines the political history of the Congo and discusses the success of the Belgian colonial policy. A native of the Congo proposes a program for more self-government of the people. Stresses the economic importance of the Congo to Belgium and to the United States. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Pictures and describes a number of common African musical instruments. Indicates the probable origin of the instruments. Among those shown and played are the tom-tom, skin drums, horns of various types, and the xylophone.
This program concentrates chiefly on racial prejudice as exhibited in South African and the United States. The panelists consider topics which include: How does race prejudice begin? Can it be justified? Are apartheid and other forms of racial segregation defensible? What role does education play in removing the causes of prejudice? What are the prospects for the end of prejudice, and how do individuals from different parts of the world view the current situations? Participants: Nii Tettah Quao, Ghana; Constantinos Fliakos, Greece; Marita Wessels, Union of South Africa; Cora Brooks, United States.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman explains that a major portion of the crime problem is a result of what society does about initial and relatively less serious crime. An interviewed inmate tells that he was less damaged by his prior criminal experience than by his prison experiences. Public sentiment has not kept pace with the progress of penological attitudes, say Lohman and Bates. This is a cause of prison experiences making an inmate more dangerous to the public. They emphasize that a prison must make offenders self-reliant, rather than dependent, and indicate methods by which this can be accomplished.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman explains that a major portion of the crime problem is a result of what society does about initial and relatively less serious crime. An interviewed inmate tells that he was less damaged by his prior criminal experience than by his prison experiences. Public sentiment has not kept pace with the progress of penological attitudes, say Lohman and Bates. This is a cause of prison experiences making an inmate more dangerous to the public. They emphasize that a prison must make offenders self-reliant, rather than dependent, and indicate methods by which this can be accomplished.
Two boys, both between the ages of four and five, are subjects in a study of aggressive and destructive impulses. The film shows how differently two children, but a few months apart in age and from similar backgrounds, respond to a graduated series of opportunities and invitations to break balloons. Demonstration film of a projective technique developed by L. Joseph Stone.
Special Guest: DR. RICHARD S. CALDECOTT –Dr. Caldecott is a geneticist with the cereal crops brand of the United States Department of Agriculture and an associate professor in the Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics at the University of Minnesota.There is an area of scientific endeavor that will serve to illustrate one important method in which atomic energy is being utilized by agriculture scientist. This area envelopes the science of genetics. Dr. Warren F. Witzig and Dr. Caldecott discuss this science and the use of atomic energy in this area to provide basic information of life and life processes for the use of the applied agriculturalist. Many examples of how radioactivity has helped the agriculturalist are demonstrated in this program.
Discusses agriculture in terms of the raising of hogs, beef, and dairy cattle. Explains that corn is the vital link between the soil and the production of these animals. States that the large production of corn and farm animals in the United States enables us to eat 61 times as much meat per person per year as the average Japanese citizen.
In this program, Dr. Sumner uses maps and graphs to demonstrate another reason why the soil is considered to be the most precious of all natural resources. He draws the attention to the variety of crops which we raise in large quantities within our borders. He gives production figures added meaning with descriptions of the agricultural production of Japan and India.
Visits a number of international trade fairs and identifies their purposes and contributions to the United States agricultural program. Illustrates ways United States agricultural products are introduced to actual and potential customers. Studies some of the agricultural export items which have been favorably influenced by the trade fair. Proclaims the importance of foreign markets as an outlet for our agricultural surplus.
Bash tells of the new state’s mountains, tundra and the cities on the coast. She tells of the modern farmer, salmon fishing, mining and the Eskimos. Her songs include “Greenland Fishery,” “Sacramento” and “Jennie Jenkins.”
This informative short film narrated by Father Bernard Hubbard 'The Glacier Priest' shows in detail the large and lucrative salmon fishing industry in Alaska, from the catching of the fish to their canning.
Uses photographs to tell about Alaska, America's 49th state and the continent's last frontier. Describes the history of Alaska from the dreams of Peter the Great to its admission as a state in the United States. Includes views of the people, of the cities, and of the countryside from the frozen arctic tundra to the flower filled Matunuska Valley.
A female narrator forecasts a bright future for aluminum as she lists recently developed products that contain aluminum. The commercial concludes with another narrator asking the viewers to choose Alcoa for all their aluminum needs.
Explains the effect of alcohol and drugs on the driver. Points out the necessity of severe punishment for the driver who drinks and what can be done to improve the situation. Discusses the social drinker and teenagers and drinking. Describes the hazard of drugs, including doctors' prescriptions for various ailments as well as narcotics. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Describes graphically the content of alcoholic beverages and defines fermentation and distillation. Then illustrates diagrammatically the effects of alcohol on the liver and brain. Dramatizes the medical care necessary for the problem drinker.
The film portrays alcoholism as a mental health problem and as an illness that can respond to treatment. Demonstrates that the causes of this illness are imbedded personality difficulties often relating back to the early formative years of the victim’s childhood. The film discusses different forms of alcoholism and the different treatment required for each type. The role of Alcoholics Anonymous is covered and a plea made for increased public facilities for the treatment of alcoholics.
Depicts the five major groups of algae, showing growth, movement, reproduction, and nutritional patterns. Describes the tremendous size range of algae from the giant kelp to the minute forms found in a drop of pond water. Discusses the evolutionary development and the economic and ecological importance of the algae.