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Detailed reactions of the minute vessels and the blood which modify the flow through these regions are demonstrated by high magnification of a bat's wing. The form and behavior of the platelets within the circulation are shown before and after a mild injury.
Dramatizes the work of the six law-enforcement agencies of the Treasury Department, which are shown dealing with smuggling, narcotics running, illegal production and sale of alcohol, counterfeiting of money, theft of government checks, and income tax evasions, as well as protecting the person of the President.
Presents several reasons for the crisis in the teacher supply in 1947, including low salaries, lack of training, overcrowded conditions, and social restrictions.
Shows many phases of the work at a large municipal airport, including the buildings, the radio room, the reservation desk, the preparation of the plane, the take-off, and the control of private planes.
One in a series of twelve, one-reel films designed to present behind-the scenes activities of the motion picture industry. This film illustrates the work of the set creators, providing an interesting view of the research required to provide authentic settings and backgrounds for different types of productions. The film shows these craftsmen at work and presents every step in the creation and construction of the motion picture set, contrasting styles of sets as they differ in portraying such scattered locations as Siam, New England, and Mexico.
Surveys the natural resources of Washington and Oregon, which are shown to depend upon the water supply, which in turn depends on lumbering and forestry management. Two boys from a conservation club observe many steps in the reforestation process and various phases of lumbering and the manufacture of wood products.
Sidney Zipser, Edison R. Hoge, Walter S. Arnold, Hoge-Zipser Productions
Describes the story of the giant 200-inch telescope on Palomar Mountain, photographed over the period of years during which the giant telescope was planned and designed. Shows the grinding of the huge mirror, the tedious journey of the mirror up the mountainside, and finally the giant instrument in operation.
John H. Storer, George E. Brewer, Jr., John C. Gibbs
The second in the "Living Earth" series. Shows with many examples the interdependence of plant and animal life and the dependence of the land upon past living forms for its productive power. Explains the far-reaching effects of an upset in the balance of the living community.
Uses live animals to tell the three fox fables about the fox and the sour grapes, the fox and the crow who allowed himself to be flattered, and the fox and the stork who gets the last laugh.