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The Conservation Foundation, New York Zoological Society, John H. Storer, John C. Gibbs, George E. Brewer, Jr.
The fourth in the "Living Earth" series. Shows what happens when nature's balance is upset by exploitation of natural resources. Suggests that organized planning and conservation can arrest the dangerous destruction of the topsoil on which all life depends.
Illustrates the different methods used by various salespeople. Shows how suggestive and descriptive selling aids the customer, the individual salesclerk, and the store.
Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.
[motion picture] Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.
James W. McBain, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc.
Illustrates in a school laboratory how lye and fat are combined to make soap, and explains, by animated drawings, the chemical action (saponification) which takes place when the mixing occurs. Portrays each step in the manufacture of soap in a large industrial plant.
Photographed at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory, near Lake Angelus, Michigan, this film presents five types of solar disturbances or prominences, including quiescent, spot, cap, quasi-eruptive and loop or fountain.
Demonstrates active vasomotion as it occurs in arterioles, terminal arterioles, and precapillary sphincters and as it affects the capillary bed in a bat's wing.
Introductory scenes show the techniques used for mounting bats and recording the circulation in their wings. A view of the general distribution of the vascular components is followed by more detailed views of flow behavior in the various vessels, examples of lymphatic action, and the flow across the capillary bed.
Detailed reactions of the minute vessels and the blood which modify the flow through these regions are demonstrated by high magnification of a bat's wing. The form and behavior of the platelets within the circulation are shown before and after a mild injury.
Dramatizes the work of the six law-enforcement agencies of the Treasury Department, which are shown dealing with smuggling, narcotics running, illegal production and sale of alcohol, counterfeiting of money, theft of government checks, and income tax evasions, as well as protecting the person of the President.