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Emphasizes the importance of proper cleaning in the care of teeth, and illustrates how the teeth are affected by excessive use of refined sugar. Identifies the kinds of bacteria that change sugar to acid in the mouth. Demonstrates the use of sodium fluoride solution in the prevention of tooth decay and prescribes specific rules to be followed in the care of the teeth.
John Ciardi, Iolani Luahine, Kaupena Wong, Joseph Kahaulelio, Joan Shigekawa, Marly Russell, Larry Spiegel, Dennis Maitland, Bob Cosner, Lane Slate, James MacAllen, Don Kellerman
A documentary about Hawaii. The show covers the unification of the Hawaiian islands under King Kamehameha I as well as traditional Hawaiian dances and music.
Paul Niven, Walter W. Heller, Bill Linden, Michael J. Marlow
Walter W. Heller, the Chairman of Economic Advisors, is interviewed about his entrance into economics and public service . Heller talks about the progress in the field of economics and how the Kennedy Administration is handling the United States’ debt and financing of the government's programs and projects. Heller also shares his opinions about the possibility of a tax cut and the different proposed solutions to fixing the economy.
Argentinian president Arturo Frondizi is interviewed about Argentina political landscape. Some of the topics addressed in the interviewed include the role of students in politics, the political situation of Latin America, and the rise and fall of Perón. Following the Washington Conversation episode is the show Ned Calmer with the News.
Presents Ruth, Jump, Marjorie Gestring, and others diving from a 33-foot tower to show championship form in diving. Pictures Iris Cummings and the Hopkins twins as they demonstrate the breast stroke and crawl.
Slow-motion and underwater photography are used in demonstrating how swimming students emulate the motins of the dolphin as they learn the dolphin kick, the accompanying body undulations and the butterfly arm action which combine to increase the power of the breast stroke. Educational author, Francis Dixon.
Nuclear magnet resonance (NMR) is a powerful technique to detect and characterize the 3D structures, dynamics, and interactions of biomacromolecules. With respect to drug targets, this methodology provides an excellent tool for the identification of small organic molecules that bind weakly to a target macromolecule as fragments of candidate inhibitors. In this presentation, Ratan K. Rai, PhD (Assistant Research Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine) explains the principles of NMR and its application as a tool for fragment-based drug discovery. Strategies to utilize this approach are described to identify and validate initial hits. The Chemical Genomics Core Facility is equipped with a 600 MHz solution NMR with cryo-probe for the structure elucidation of biomolecules and studies of ligand interactions.
The Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) is adding phage display capability to assist research projects requiring peptide domain screening. They will employ both the traditional DNA M13 phage as well as the RNA Qβ phage for screening. An advantage of the Qβ phage is the ease with which genetic modifications can be made. Qβ phages will be used to display library of peptides (8 to 50-mer) and to screen over 1 million targets. They will be able to assist scientists with the design, experimentation, preliminary result analyses, sequencing data, amplification, reconstitution, and storage of the obtained hybrid phages of interest. In this seminar, Dr. Alain Bopda Waffo discusses the practical methodology and application of phage display as well as newly developed biopanning techniques.
Lead is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant that causes numerous adverse health effects in children, particularly neurological and neurobehavioral deficits, lower IQ, slowed growth, and anemia. Childhood lead exposure has also been linked to impulsive behaviors, which, in turn, are associated with a host of negative health outcomes and behaviors. Those at highest risk for elevated blood lead levels are persons living in substandard housing, which are often inhabited by racial minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged persons. This talk will discuss findings of the interplay of lead, concentrated disadvantage and public health outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections and instances of crime. In addition, we will address the power of geospatial modeling techniques to estimate lead exposure risk for communities.
What does it mean to do research in solidarity with movements? This presentation will share lessons from the work of The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, a data-visualization, data analysis, and storytelling collective documenting dispossession and resistance upon gentrifying landscapes. With chapters in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and New York City, AEMP is a collective of scholars, storytellers, organizers, activists, and artists using data to fight for tenants’ rights and housing justice. Working with community partners and in solidarity with numerous housing movements, we study and visualize new entanglements of global capital, real estate, technocapitalism, and political economy. Our narrative oral history and video work centers the displacement of people and complex social worlds, but also modes of resistance. Maintaining antiracist and feminist analyses as well as decolonial methodology, the project creates tools and disseminates data contributing to collective resistance and movement building.
There is growing interest in geographic information science and spatial analysis in public health research and practice, with emphasis on place-based interventions. However, given the spatialization of social inequity, these tools and methods can be used to reproduce the status quo if we do not critically apply spatial thinking when we use spatial methods and tools for public health problems. In this talk, I impress the importance of place for public health and discuss potential remedies and directions.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Home movie of the Feil family attending the New York World's Fair in spring 1965. Shows Naomi, Beth, and Vicki visiting the Dinoland Pavilion, buying personalized hats, and riding a carousel. In the Billy Graham Pavilion, the film captures a screening of "Man in the 5th Dimension". Also shows the exteriors of the Chrysler and Berlin exhibits, the fairgrounds at nighttime, and the S.C. Johnson film "To Be Alive!". A pregnant Naomi dips her feet in a fountain. Ends with the family riding the subway.
Dewey was left abandoned as a kitten on the coldest night of the year stuffed in the returned book slot at the Spencer Public Library in Iowa. He won the heart of Vicki Myron, the librarian who found him, and for the next 19 years he charmed the people of Spencer.The story of Dewey Readmore Books, the beloved library cat, starts in the worst possible way. Only a few weeks old, on the coldest night of the year, he was stuffed into the book return slot at the Spencer, Iowa, Public Library. He was found the next morning by library director, Vicki Myron, a single mother who had survived the loss of her family farm, a breast cancer scare, and an alcoholic husband. Dewey won her heart, and the hearts of the staff, by pulling himself up and hobbling on frostbitten feet to nudge each of them in a gesture of thanks and love. For the next nineteen years, he never stopped charming the people of Spencer with his enthusiasm, warmth, humility (for a cat), and, above all, his sixth sense about who needed him most.--From publisher description.
Hoosier Five host Janae Cummings talks about the Indiana University Sleep Walk and the Sleep Great IU! Challenge with Carrie Docherty from the IU School of Public Health and Steven Lalevich from Healthy IU.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
The Herman B Wells papers includes materials pertaining to Wells' family and personal finances, his activities in the banking profession, his work in Germany for the United States government after World War II, and to his research and teaching and professional activities as a member of the faculty of Indiana University.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.
Indiana University. Department of Radio and Television.
The Indiana School of the Sky radio program of the Indiana University Department of Radio and Television began broadcasting educational radio programs in 1947 and continued through the early 1960s. The program reached schools throughout Indiana and nearby states and led to new course offerings at IU. Indiana University students performed in the radio programs originally intended for children ages 4-8 aired for 15 minutes during each school day. Eventually the popularity of the programs called for high school programming as well, and later adults also tuned into the programs. This collection contains recordings of these programs.