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"A record of the achievements of the Canadian Army's First Division in the Sicilian campaign of World War II, a campaign that breached the walls of Axis Europe. It also shows how this campaign was made possible by the efforts of farmers and factory workers in Canada."--NFB website.
Depicts the life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer of the 16th century. Portrays his exploration of the new world and shows some of his personal possessions including sword, ceremonial helmet, and Bible. Shows model demonstrations of how ships sailed in those days and how sailors fought. Indicates the crude navigation instruments used by early explorers and points out the difficulties which Drake encountered.
Portrays the role of Nanking in the history of China. Pictures its modern city life and its surroundings, including the Yangtze River, the mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen, ancient landmarks, and famous buildings.
Uses a poem by F. L. McConkey and drawings by Joseph Servell to depict the work and social environment of a factory town where anger frusteration, and despair set in when the workmen are laid off.
Explains the contents of the Essentials of Good Speech. Discusses duration as an aspect of voice production and how it refers to the length of sound. Illustrates a lesson on duration at the "Presentation Stage" of Face A of the Speech Model. Shows the pupil learning a "part" (Duration) which will later be applied to a "whole" (word or words).
Presents a lesson at the "Imitation Stage" on loudness. Demonstrates how to help a pupil correctly imitate loud and soft vowels through the process of shaping only one ingredient at a time.
Discusses a well-known system for practicing pronunciation: articulation of consonants and enunciation of vowels. Emphasizes again more "parts" which are to be applied to "wholes." Shows how sounds are associated with a color code: blue for voiceless, red for voiced, and brown for nasal manner of articulation. Illustrates an early lesson at the "Presentation Stage" and introduces specific touch positions for color work.
Discusses the GLGSP as an integrative device for the general teaching of language and speech so that every communication between pupil and adult can be made a learning situation for language or speech or both. Presents five steps a teacher can use in understanding what a pupil has said.
Presents four lesson segments demonstrating advanced stages of pitch learning. Demonstrates, in the first segment, the production of vowels which move from low to high or high to low, and the production of combinations of loud, soft, high, and low-pitched vowels. Presents, in the second segment, the application of "part" learning of pitch to the correct general pitch by asking the pupil to lower his voice. Shows, in the final segment, the application of "part" learning of pitch to the intonation of the question, "Is it big?"
Continues synthetic practice of the "whole" word, "welcome", narrowing to analytic work on the second syllable (km). Shows the teacher shaping (km) toward correctness: weak form of the syllable, i.e., soft, short, nasal emission on (km). Then pupil works at the "Presentation and Imitation Stages" on Face A of the speech model.
Examines carry-over practice involving habituation of the correct accent and intonation of the entire phrase. Demonstrates carry-over practice given through the General Language: General Speech Pattern by the teacher in the language lesson, by other teachers in a nursery school, and by parents at home. Concludes with a pupil automatically using the phrase correctly in a general situation.
Discusses shaping the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Depicts the teacher helping the pupil combine voiced and nasal consonants with long vowels. Also presents more difficult sound combinations, including short vowels.
Demonstrates the guiding of a pupil to consciously produce the desired pitch of vowels through reinforcement of his correct imitations. Depicts the teacher assessing the pupil's natural pitch for the vowels (ü), (ä), and (ē), in one case making the child conscious of his naturally high (ü).
Demonstrates the incorporation of the "part" (weak second syllable) back into the "whole", "Welcome." Depicts the teacher attempting to get proper intonation on the word through (a) shaping and (b) general practice. Presents an assessment of the automatic production of the phrase.
Focuses on "CH" and "J" at Face C of the speech model through the GLGSP in classroom situations as the sounds arise incidentally in words. Shows the pupil working at the "Production Stage" of "CH" and the "Presentation Stage" of "J". Concludes the learning session, which began at Face A when the pupil started the in-depth work on "SH" as a single sound.
Demonstrates one pupil's accomplishment of the early goals of color work: pronunciation of vowel and consonant combinations. Depicts a pupil producing the majority of speech sounds on request, and imitating (shaping) some complex sounds: "SH", "R", "L", and "S". Discusses the application of "part" learning to the pronunciation of a new word, "talent," which the pupil sees in print.
Continues to practice, as well as working on the whole phrase incidentally. Evaluates the automatic production of the entire phrase. Includes five examples of use of the General Language: General Speech Pattern unrelated to specific work on (km).
Presents a lesson at the "Production Stage" on duration, an aspect of voice production. Depicts the pupil producing vowels of long or short duration on request. Points out how the knowledge and skill of the "part" learning of duration is then applied to the word "welcome." Demonstrates the use of verbal direction alone to help the pupil learn correct syllable duration in the word.
Presents a pupil working at the "Imitation Stage" on pitch. Shows the pupil developing high vowels (ä) and (ē) from one naturally high vowel, (ü). Depicts a pupil being taught to sustain high vowels in moving in continuous voice from (ü) to (ä) and (ē).
Demonstrates teaching devices which can be employed to help the deaf pupil with step 1 of learning to pronounce the SH sound: three devices for tongue blunting, one device for keeping the tongue tip placement centered during blunting, and three devices for maintaining a high wide tongue during blunting.
Continues the shaping of the production of the element (km) to become weak. Depicts a pupil achieving a second approximation [making (km) very short], and later moving from High-Error to Low-Error to No-Error practice. Demonstrates the General Language: General Speech Pattern.
Presents a lesson at the "Imitation Stage" on duration, covering the "part" that will later be applied to a "whole" word or words. Depicts the shaping of the pupil's duration of vowels, using three levels of reinforcement.
Sets forth the incorporation of "SH" into words. Takes five nuclei words through Face A of the speech model. Demonstrates work on the first word, "she," from "Presentation, Imitation, and Production Stages" including carry-over devices and no-error level of practice. Uses one teaching device to review "SH" in isolation as well as one GLGSP in the language area.
Demonstrates the production of vowels using requested loudness on first trials. Depicts the pupil applying her "part" learning, loudness, to get proper accent on the word "mama" through verbal request alone.
Shows how to select and lay out stock to avoid waste; how to reverse curves to contour lines; how to use the table tilting gage; how to saw a bevel reverse curve; how to prepare a template for a newel post; and how to saw a newel post having reverse curves.
Crown Film Unit, British Information Service, South African Bureau of Information
A British production reporting on the contribution of South Africa, a sovereign Dominion of the Commonwealth, to the Allied war effort. Declares that the former antagonism between races - Dutch, English and Bantu - has been overcome. "This film opens with a brief outline of the country, showing how it is a land of contrasts in farming, living, worshipping, trading and in transport, and tells how South Africa made her own decision to enter the war and how she backed that decision. With the help of the British Admiralty, a navy was built up to defend the coastline , and RAF experts aided in South Africa's Air Training Scheme" (The Educational Screen, February 1944, 92).
How to select the correct arbor; mount the work head; adjust the work head for clearance settings; and set up for sharpening the outside diameter, corner, and face.
Portrays the frequency of a mutant in the gene pool as reaching a state of equilibrium when, per generation, its origination by mutation equals its elimination by genetic death. Discusses genetic death and presents examples of how genetic loads are changed subsequent to radiation exposure. Pictures the great majority of mutants as harmful when homozygous, but some cases, as in sickle call anemia, heterozygotes are adaptively superior to normal homozygotes. Explains balanced polymorphism, by which a gene is retained in the population despite its lethality when homozygous because of the advantage it confers when heterozygous. Lectures given by Dr. Thomas Dobzhansky.
Discusses the role of heredity and environment in determining the sex of various organisms. Indicates that in some organisms it is the environment in which a given genotype functions that determines whether differentiation shall occur as male or as female. This is exemplified by sex determination in certain snails, mosses, and worms. Portrays a difference in genetic constitution as primarily responsible for sex determination in other organisms as for a unicellular plant (Chlamydomanas), certain grasshoppers, Drosophila, man, and the mouse. Discusses the genetic basis for sex mosaics (gynandromorphs) and indicates the influences of the "y" chromosome in determining sex in man. Lecture by Dr. C. Stern.
Portrays sex as a polygenic trait which may be considered to be determined by the balance of genes on different chromosomes. This view is substantiated by the work of R. Goldschmidt on the gypsy moth and its intersexes, and is most clearly demonstrates in Bridges' studies of different sex types in Drosophila. Discusses sex determination and the role of hormones in sex differentiation in the case of man. Depicts the human sex ratio and the cause of significant deviations in it from normality, and discusses the possibility of controlling sex by separating male and female producing sperm. Lecture by Dr. C. Stern.
Technique of drilling and tapping blind holes in cast steel on a radial drill. A drill jig with loose bushings is used for locating the holes. Setting up the work on the table of the machine, setting the jig on the piece to the layout lines. Calculating the size of the tap drill and the method used when setting the machine to drill a number of holes to the same depth. A wizard drill chuck is used in the drilling operation, and a standard friction chuck for holding the tap. The action of a tap in a hole is shown in animation and the reason why a tap binds in the hole and must be reversed frequently when tapping in tough metals.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Ray-Bell Films, Inc.
Shows how to assemble broaching inserts in right- and left-hand toolholders, how to mount and adjust toolholders in the double ram; how to mount and adjust the work fixtures; how to set trip dogs for the ram stroke; how to measure the workpiece after trial broaching; and how to surface-broach on a double ram vertical broaching machine at a production rate.
Shows various types of micrometers; how to use a micrometer, read the barrel and thimble scales, check the accuracy of readings, and take care of the instrument.
The third film in a five-film series, this film illustrates how pre-school children use the forms and arrangements of the words of their language to convey meaning. This is the grammar of the language. This film shows how patterns of organization differ from language to language and are based not so much on logic as on customs and conventions peculiar to each language. A class in German shows how grammatical patterns and their variations are taught by modern methods.
University Films, J. D. Watson, Irwin H. Herskowitz
Describes RNA and DNA which are favored as the carriers of genetic information. Presents DNA molecules as shown in the electron microscope and describes the polymeric nature of the DNA molecule and DNA nucleotides. Compares the base content of DNA from various organisms. Describes in detail the three-dimensional organization of DNA as revealed through X-ray diffraction experiments. Pictures a Watson-Crick double helix model of DNA which suggests that DNA may replicate by the two complementary chains separating with each single strand then acting as a template to form its complement. Lecture given by Dr. J. D. Watson.
Describes the ways in which genes produce phenotypic differences by acting very early in embryonic development. Shows that this action may take place at a distance through chemical messengers (pituitary dwarfism in the house mouse, lethal giant larva in Drosophila), or it may involve tissue induction systems (Brachyury and taillessness in the house mouse). Discusses the development of eye color in Drosophila as a model of how each of the steps in a chain of chemical processes leading to development is under genic control. Lecture given by Dr. L. C. Dunn.
Portrays the role of developmental genetics in dealing with ways phenotypes come into being through the action of genes. Presents a complete discussion of the Creeper domestic fowl--its genetic basis, morphology, embryological history, and the experimental work that led to an understanding of how this gene affects early development to produce the morphological features seen as the outcome of the developmental process. Lecture given by Dr. L. C. Dunn.
Shows the parts of a single ram vertical machine; how to interpret the blueprint of a broaching tool; how to install broaching inserts for straddle broaching; how to mount the toolholder with its assembled broaching tool; how to mount and adjust the work fixture; and how to surface-broach at production rate.
Pictures reproductive isolation originating through interspecific hybridization, via amphyploidy (radish-cabbage, new world cottons, goatsbeard species), and by means of introgression (tobacco, rose family, maize-teosinte), and by the direct recombination of the products of crossing and the establishment of recombinations (larkspur). Specifies ways in which natural selection can aid reproductive isolation directly or indirectly. Depicts hybridization as a powerful stimulus in species formation and as a valuable experimental tool for the study of the genetic basis for species differences. Lecture given by Dr. G. L. Stebbins.
Demonstrates independent segregation by different pairs of genes using Mendel's data. Emphasizes the chromosomal activities during meiosis which are responsible for independent segregation. Describes the Punnett Square and the branching track methods of combining gametes at random. Discusses test crosses and linkage (as the exception to independent segregation), and shows that independent segregation proves the separability of the germ plasm into many gene pairs. Depicts the role of genetic recombination in speeding the process of evolution. Lecture by Dr. E. Altenburg.
Discusses the effect of various levels of inbreeding (self-fertilization, sib matings, half-sib matings, cousin marriages) upon making heterozygous genes homozygous with the consequent loss of vigor. Presents data for the increased risk of genetic defect from cousin marriage in studies of phenylketonuria, of a Japanese population and a French population. The concept and estimation of lethal equivalents are given. Shows how increases in heterozygosity increase vigor (heterosis); hybrid vigor in corn in described in detail. Lecture given by Dr. J. F. Crow.
Portrays the frequency of mutants in the population gene pool as dependent upon their rate of origination and selection coefficient. Discusses the population fate of dominant lethals (retinoblastoma), dominant detrimentals (achondroplasia), and recessive lethals (juvenile amaurotic idiocy). Describes in detail the loads of mutations carried in natural populations of Drosophila pseudo obscura and in man. Points out the fact that while most mutants are detrimental in the normal environment of the species, some may be advantageous in a different environment. Lecture given by Dr. Th. Dobzhansky.
Demonstrates through slow motion and natural photography the positions and movements of the "Hoosier Promenade." Opens with a group of eight dancers performing the introduction to the dance. Shows each pair of dancers, identified by a number, demonstrating the different parts of the dance and how each step flows smoothly into the next. Concludes with the performance of the dance to a record.
Uses animation, slow motion, and real photography to demonstrate the positions and movements of dancers and dancing couples in the "grapevine twist." Shows each part of the dance separately and then shows how each step flows smoothly into the next as the dancers perform to synchronous music.
Teaches the square dance figure "Take a Little Peek," with synchronous music and action. Presents live and animated demonstrations of the dance at regular speed and in slow motion, and explains the positions of partners, how to honor corners and partners, and how the steps are performed to facilitate the continuity of the dance. Pictures groups dancing the figure to regular square dance music in a natural situation.
Demonstrates through slow motion and natural photography the positions and movements of the "Texas Star." Opens with a group of eight dancers performing the introduction to the dance. Shows each pair of dancers, identified by a number, demonstrating the different parts of the dance and how each step flows smoothly into the next. Concludes with the performance of the dance to a record.
Demonstrates various methods of preparing materials to be used on different types of still projectors. Explains that instructional materials may be prepared for projection by utilizing their qualities of opacity, translucency, and transparency. Shows the use of carbon film, adhesive coloring materials, India ink, and sheets of plastic. Demonstrates a technique for stenciling on carbon film and a method for making plastic transparencies from magazine pictures.
**WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES OF LAB TEST ANIMALS** Illustrates the basic techniques of obtaining germfree environment, germfree animals, and methods of germfree miantenance. Demonstrates the methods by which germfree animals may be obtained as with the chick from the egg and a guinea pig from a Cesarian operation. Concludes that thee techniques contribute in the field of immunilogical studies and in the study of tissue response to parasites.
Describes the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida as comprising the Gulf Coast region of the United States. Picture crops in Florida and explains that these crops are grown twelve months of the year. Contrast the varieties of soils found in the region. Briefly describes the large ports of Houston and New Orleans. Highlights the industires of the region including oil, grazing, and lumbering.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education (Producer), Federal Security Agency (Producer), Ray-Bell Films, Inc. (Producer)
Explains why accessories are used with gage blocks; shows how to inspect a plug gage, an adjustable snap gage, a profile gage, a ring gage, and a screwthread pitch; and shows how to build a height gage and scriber.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television episode, "The Last Will of Daniel Webster" (season 2, episode 8), which first aired November 14th, 1953 on ABC-TV. The film is a re-enactment of Webster's political career, as it influenced and was influenced by the slavery issue from 1830 until his death in 1852. It presents his relationships with Senators William Seward and Henry Clay and provides a basis for assessing his motivation in supporting Clay's Compromise of 1850. The film begins with an 1830 meeting between Webster, the presidential hopeful, and a newspaper publisher who offers support if Webster compromises in order to unite factions; Webster refuses. The film later presents Webster's conflicting stands on slavery before, after, and as communicated in, his controversial speech of March 7, 1850 that supported Senator Clay's compromise bill.
Comprised of three short films by Walton Films, "The Reign of King George VI," "Elizabeth - Our Queen," and "Trooping the Colour Ceremony," and one film by Peak Film Productions, "London," about England's Royal Family and London (in order of appearance):
The Reign of King George VI - “A tribute to His late Majesty, including his Coronation, war-time shots with his troops, post-war years, and the last tragic pictures taken at London Airport on January 31st, 1952. The Lying-in-State and Royal Funeral.” - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
Elizabeth - Our Queen - “A fine film portrait of our gracious Sovereign, showing her wedding in Westminster Abbey, a family gathering when Princess Anne was christened, and other events leading to her accession.” - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
London (K68, Reel 1) - “Piccadilly; Eros; Night Signs; Oxford Street; Park Lane; Hyde Park Corner. United States Embassy; Roosevelt Memorial.” - Peak Film Catalogue 1954
Trooping the Colour Ceremony - “The historic ceremony as the Guards honour the Queen’s Official Birthday. Magnificent close-ups of Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace and Horse Guards Parade." - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
Shows the geological influence on local distribution of plants in the non-glaciated area of southwestern Wisconsin. Highlights many soil conditions and the variety of plants in their region. Categories each plant group shown and superimposes botanical names of each plant shown.
Do you like to live in a city? Or would you prefer to move to the suburbs and escape slums, juvenile delinquency traffic jams? Many people are moving to suburbs, and urban areas are growing until, on the east coast, there is in effect one continuous urban areas stretching from Washington, DC to Boston, Massachusetts. What can be done to reclaim the slums? How can industry be attracted back to an area it has deserted? The story of the development of the East Liberty area of Pittsburgh is told in detail, showing how effective private citizens can be if they wish. Once again other information on the solution offered by different groups and communities is made available –though much of the material in this program echoes comments and data from the previous program. But this, again, is an effective plea for the citizens’ concern for his community.
Illustrates abnormalities in gait caused by pain, structural defects and deformities, neuromuscular disorders, and a combination of these causes. Details technical symptoms of the gait and posture resulting from poliomyelitis, spastic paralysis, hypotrolic muscular dystrophy, distonia musculora, and dislocation of the hip, indicating the results of the Trendenburg, flexion, and other tests. Presents Dr. William T. Green of Harvard Medical School providing the narration for the examples and conducting the physical examination for each case stressing that careful observation of the gait is one of the key factors in diagnosis.
Demonstrates the use of high contrast photography for the preparation of 2" x 2" and 3 1/4" x 4" negative and positive slides, transparencies, and overlays for overhead projectors and for printing on paper for use in opaque projectors. Shows the basic steps of setting up to photograph materials on high contrast film as well as the processing of the film. Illustrates the application of this type of photography in the preparation of instructional materials in a variety of subject-matter areas.
Demonstrates the production and utilization of seven types of 3 1/4" x 4" handmade slides by teachers and pupils in various school situations. Stresses sources of picture material and special production techniques, such as the placement of the copy, its size, the use of a margin guide, and binding techniques.
Shows the many types of letters and lettering devices which may be used to produce effective printing on such materials as charts, posters, and bulletin boards. Illustrates the use of rubber stamps, cut-out letters, 3-D letters, stencil letters, transparent letters, and double-faced letters and pictures mechanical scribers and engraved templates. Suggests how each may be used and points out that a person doesn't have to be an artist to do good lettering.
Uses the General Assembly of Indiana to portray a state legislature in action as it passes a bill through the various steps to become a law. Includes animated sequences to chart the steps in the process and shows the roles played by the House and Senate chambers, the committees, the Legislative Bureau, the Attorney General, the lobbyists, and the Governor in creating the laws of the state.
Reviews the contributions of Mendel, the Hertwigs, and Miescher to our understanding of modern genetics. Discusses chromosome chemistry in terms of the cytological distribution of nucleic acids, the chemical composition of chromosomes in groups of isolated nuclei and in single nuclei the chemical content of salivary chromosomes and their bands. Compares cell activity with the DNA and RNA content of various giant chromosomes in insect larvae which leads to the conclusion that gene action can occur by the disproportionate increase in the amount of DNA or RNA. Lecture given by Dr. J. Schultz.
Shows how freedom was prized during World War II despite its high cost in desolation and hunger and how more fortunate peoples helped liberate Europe by fighting the threat of famine.
World War II film showing the horror of the Pacific war with extensive coverage of the care and treatment of the wounded. Created in support of the 7th War Loan drive, the film encourages the general public to purchase war bonds to aid the recovery of wounded servicemen.
Part three in the "Artists at Work" series, this film spotlights three east coast painters, working in their studios.
Jack Tworkov, born in Poland in 1900, and a teacher for 15 years, was recently appointed head of Yale University Art School. Painting in his studios in New York and Provincetown, Cape Cod, he is shown embarking on his largest painting yet, talking about the painter's attitude toward the empty canvas.
Hans Hofmann, born in Germany in 1880, has taught for nearly 50 years, opening his school in Provincetown in 1934. Considered the dean of abstract expressionism, and initially inspired by cubist work, he talks about his paintings as based on color.
Milton Avery, born in upstate New York in 1893 and raised in Connecticut, now paints in Manhattan, with inspiration and sketches done along the coast. The narrator references three paintings made in Provincetown, and addresses Avery's work as lyrical, with paint flat and thin, and shapes wich are bold and interlocked.
"Grierson had always admired the documentary work of American filmmaker Robert Flaherty (Nanook of the North) and hired him to make Industrial Britain, though he and his staff ultimately had to complete the film when money ran out. As with other Grierson influenced documentaries of the mid-1930's, its frequent low angle close-ups heroicize the workers, their patience and their toil. The skills of glass blowers, machinists and other craftsmen are, the narration suggests, the bedrock of England's industrial might and the ability to sustain the British Empire"--Videodisc sleeve.
Presents a simple introduction to the study of earth materials. Shows in step-by-step sequences how the land evolved from the great mass of rock and water that was the early planet. Illustrates how the pounding action of the surf, freezing temperatures, shifting winds, and simple plants combined with the force of gravity to break up rocks into sand, and to form soil.
A portrait of the renowned American photographer. Adams reflects on his life, demonstrates his darkroom techniques, talks about the development of photography as an art form, and is shown teaching his annual photography workshop. Examples of his work are presented throughout the film.
This film follows the Chinese-American artist, Dong Kingman, as he carries a single painting through various stages to its completion. It introduces Kingman's finished work and explores the broader aspects of his background and his approach to art.
This film was used to train American soldiers at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Produced during the height of the Cold War, this example of U.S. propaganda explains the reasons for American involvement in the Vietnam War and the threat of communism to the region. Describes the methods and techniques used by the Communists to seize power and shows how the party gains control of local and central governments; how it moves against other political parties, landowners, big business, the middle class, professional groups, workers, and churches; and describes the party attitude towards the individual in relation to the state.
Documentary on modern applications of atomic energy. Explains, using cartoons, the chain reaction and heat production resulting from the fission of the atom. Shows the use of this energy in agriculture, industry and medicine. Compares the state of research in this area in the United States, the USSR, Germany, India, Japan, Canada and other countries.
Explains the concept of light years to address the distance between galaxies. Addresses the existence of millions of galaxies like the Milky Way, featuring photographs of some of them, along with some of the observatories which astonomers use to study and document distant galaxies.
Describes the classification of the true fungi. Illustrates examples and characteristics of the phycomycetes and illustrates their life cycle. Discusses the slime molds. Shows several methods of collecting aquatic fungi.
In China, the land of their birth, no festivity or celebration is complete without firecrackers. Following a brief explanation of their history, the types of firecrackers are mentioned and their construction is detailed. Finished prodcuts are shown, followed by a couple of ignited firecracker demonstrations.
Dr. McGinnis and his six students in marriage counseling, discuss various counseling techniques used by the doctor in an initial interview with a young married couple.
Scenes of Frank Lloyd Wright's home near Phoenix, Ariz., illustrating his basic principle that buildings should blend with their natural surroundings. This home is built of boulders and redwood trusses that support canvas-covered roof flaps.
Vignettes of everyday life and events in two indigenous Mexican villages provide breadth of subject-matter for vocabulary exercise. Sentences of the Spanish narration are nearly all declarative, and in the present indicative. For second semester Spanish students.
Recreates the 1929 boom and '30's depression with special attention to the factors which led to the depression. Details government regulations designed to end the depression and help prevent future ones. This film is based on three texts: "America: Its History and People" by Faulkner and Kepner. "The Challenge of Democracy" by Blaich and Baumgartner. "Economics For Our Times" by Augustus H. Smith.
Over 5,000 miles of navigable waterways challenge man's ingenuity for construction of roadways in Louisiana. In the south, road builders have conquered the mire, building a highway across this watery wilderness by removing the "muck" and substituting a solid foundation of sand.
Alistair Cooke interviews humorist James Thurber who reflects on events of his childhood and discusses the highlights of his career as an author and illustrator.
An extemporaneous classroom demonstration of the cooperative planning of an assignment for the unit, '"The Historical Development of Certain Basic Institutions of Freedom in America." Mr. Roland Crary is the demonstration teacher of pupils selected from an eleventh-grade class in American History of the University High School of Iowa City, Iowa. The film was constructed for the purpose of enriching the usual procedures, not of superseding them, in an effort to conserve the time of teachers in assembling materials.
Uses actual scenes, models, diagrams to present a survey of the principal events which shaped London and the British Empire. Discusses the position of London on the Thames, the Roman conquest, the Saxon and Danish invasions, William the Conqueror, and the emergence of London in the Middle Ages. Describes the expansion period in terms of London's trade, of 16th century discovery and exploration, and of the Industrial Revolution. Includes scenes of modern London.
This film follows developments in music through human history supplemented by visuals of art and architecture of the period. Traces ancient civilization through to the 18th century with a heavy concentration on Europe.
Presents the home life and work of lumbermen in Oregon. Shows how the men work together felling trees, measuring logs, transporting logs by truck, train, raft, and ship, and storing and sorting in mill ponds. Shows logging crews at work.
Describes the farmers of the Andes as a primitive people without the benefits of technology, showing the tireless Incas who till the mountain soil at altitudes of 10,000 to 15,000 feet. Discusses the role of the llama, alpaca, and vicuña in providing meat, milk, and hides for these farmers; illustrates how corn and wheat are irrigated by ditches dug by ancient Incas; and shows views of the primitive methods used in threshing and winnowing.