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Presents the home life and work of lumbermen in Oregon. Shows how the men work together felling trees, measuring logs, transporting logs by truck, train, raft, and ship, and storing and sorting in mill ponds. Shows logging crews at work.
Discusses the special problems confronting the child with a chronic disorder such as hemophilia. Explains various types of chronic disorders and points out how social and emotional growth is complicated by a chronic illness. Tells how separation from parents and school, plus the medical treatment used, can bring on serious psychological problems. Stresses the importance of a wholesome relationship between the chronically ill child and his parents. Shows how educational training is provided for some children with chronic disorders. Features Dr. William Cruickshank of Syracuse University.
The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate a new approach to group therapy with senile, psychotic patients. This objective is achieved with the aid of elderly male and female patients, a group therapist and several ancillary personnel. In this presentation a group of patients is shown initially in an institutional setting at their weekly group session. As the therapist strives to bring order into a noisy chaotic session, she uses members of the group to limit each other, and motivate behavioral changes. She suggests that they assist in solving another patient's problem, and calls on one after another for their suggestions. The leader of the group is hostile, but the therapist encourages her to assume a leadership role, express her feelings, and try to cope with the behavior which bothers her. The therapist uses a gesture which physically touches the patient to reassure her. The patients are all encouraged to join the therapist in singing the group's "song". During the course of the session the patients are encouraged to interact with each other and diminish their isolation and fantasizing. The program stresses that all levels of the staff must be trained to understand the goals of the group, and the importance of the therapist in developing a meaningful relationship with the patients. As the program closes, the session ends, and some patients are seen to assist each other, and some slight changes in behavior are noted.
Documents the use of turning-in therapy ("fantasy therapy") by nurses working with severely disoriented aged patients who do not respond to reality orientation. Focuses on some of the major emotional difficulties in long-term care for the elderly.
Episode 13 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Drawing with Paul Ringler. Shows the effects of value and contrast in pictures, how to recognize and choose a value key to fit subject, and how to recognize and use major, intermediate, and minor contrast.
Episode 23 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 13 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 24 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Presents, through animation, an overview of the dinosaur age, showing the major types of dinosaurs and some of their behavioral characteristics. Explains that dinosaurs become extinct because of their inability to catch food. Records how some dinosaurs changed their eating and living habits to adapt to the changing surface of the earth.
Describes the farmers of the Andes as a primitive people without the benefits of technology, showing the tireless Incas who till the mountain soil at altitudes of 10,000 to 15,000 feet. Discusses the role of the llama, alpaca, and vicuña in providing meat, milk, and hides for these farmers; illustrates how corn and wheat are irrigated by ditches dug by ancient Incas; and shows views of the primitive methods used in threshing and winnowing.
Bronowski examines the dilemmas and challenges posed by the scientific advancements of this century. He briefly discusses Einstein and his effect upon the scientific community and himself. He discusses the emphasis upon biology since the dropping of the atomic bomb.
Inquiry into the farthest reaches of the universe and the awesome beauty of distant galaxies are illustrated by Dr. Sandage’s study of the galaxy M33 in the constellation of Triangulum. The purpose of the study is to re-determine distance scales to the most remote galaxies for clues to the size, shape, and age of the entire universe.
Opens with a group of kids flying a toy airplane in a field ; Bixlers and guests (another couple and a boy) at the Indianapolis 500 ; Bixlers and friends at a backyard party, people riding horseback and atop a car ; footage taken from inside an airplane and "hi-lites" of Thomaston, AL trip.
Inside the Bixler home, a birthday celebration for an older woman (possibly one of Lynn's grandmothers) ; Lynn and friend in a swimming pool near the beach ; Bixlers and another couple visit the Sarasota Jungle Gardens ; more beach scenes and relaxing at a hotel. Briefly shows a Ringling Brothers circus in the process of being torn down.
Home movie of the main street and businesses of Noble, Illinois, including the Noble Milling Company. Shows Bernadine Bailey peeks into a silo, oils wells, and men at work. A man opens a valve and oil pours out as the well pumps.
Forum delegates attempt to define Europeanism as contrasted to Americanism as they launch this challenging topic of discussion. Talk moves naturally into a consideration of a federated Europe and all five delegates agree on the desirability of a united Europe. In considering sacrifices of individual countries in an effort to achieve this unity, the German delegate points out the cynicism of his teachers about politics—the result of having to admit twice that what they had previously taught was false. Italian and French participants both comment on the lack of instruction in contemporary politics in their school systems.
Reports on family therapy, a relatively new and unusual form of psychotherapy in which a family is treated as a unit. Examines a middle class New England family undergoing family therapy. Uses a one-way mirror technique to record the candid reactions of the family. Follows their progress in nine of the thirteen actual therapy sessions.
**Part of the Mental Health series within America's crises
Home movie capturing Bailey's hometown of Mattoon. Similar to other films of Bailey's documenting rural Illinois, showing corn fields and oil wells at work. Offers a glimpse of the exterior of the Bailey family home at 1516 Wabash Avenue in Mattoon. Bailey then visits a ranch-style home belonging to an unknown family and tours the garden.
The future of Africa, discussed by representatives from Ghana, Ethiopia, Ceylon and the Union of South Africa, raises questions such as: Why is foreign aid necessary? Where does it come from? How is it best administered? What can the smaller nations do to help one another? Does aid imply dependence? What are the prospects for African independence? What are prerequisites to independence? What effects does education have on a nation as a whole, and on the individuals in the nation who are more highly educated than the rest? Participants: P. Tissa Fernando, Ceylon; Bizuayehu Agonafir, Ethiopia; Nii Tetteh Quao, Ghana; Marita Wessels, Union of South Africa.
Illustrates the procedure of administering the Rorschach ink-blot psychological test through a sample interview between a subject and an examiner. Shows the ink-blot first in its true form, then structures the pattern through animation to fit the concept as seen by the subject. Concludes with review questions concerning the administration of such a test.
Episode 13 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Arts Alive. The program addresses the power and universal appeal of the arts, presenting four examples of students, who, through positive artistic experiences, became more interested and involved in the world around them. Hosted by Lynn Swann.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Television series Images and Things. Explores the majesty and mystery of the sea, man's fascination with and reliance on the sea, and how it has been a source of mystery for artists in all times and cultures.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series You, Me, and Technology. Portrays the everyday, commonplace uses of technology through the familiar encounters of a fictitious suburban family with the clothing, communications, transportation, and food industries. Dramatizations, archival artwork, stills, etc., depict the development of technology. Emphasizes the trade-offs modern persons accept when they choose to use technology.
Episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Television series Images and Things. Examines various ways in which artists depict their fellow human beings, and tells how these depictions reveal personal and social concepts and attitudes.
Paul Freeman Wilkinson's birthday party. Wilkinson is the nephew of Bernadine Bailey through her sister, Joy. A group of young boys sits around a table eating cake and blowing balloons before going outside to play in the yard. The film also features footage of Air Force and commercial planes taking off in an airfield.
Home movie footage taken in Hong Kong circa 1955. Mainly consists of shaky camera footage of junks sailing in the harbor. Show glimpses of the city skyline and people working aboard boats.
The Write Channel is a series of fifteen lessons designed to help teach sentence combining techniques to third and fourth graders. Features animated character R.B. Bugg, a reporter for WORD TV, who receives guidance from the news editor, Red Green, to improve his stories
Brief footage taken on Bailey's trip to Hong Kong ca. 1953. Shows street scenes of the busy city with men pulling rickshaws, Tiger Balm park, and junks sailing in the harbor.
Similar content to [Paul's birthday and planes #1--Wilkinson family]. The film begins with footage of Air Force planes and men marching in an airfield. Next the camera captures scenes of a waterway taken from a boat. Cut to Paul Freeman Wilkinson's birthday party. Wilkinson is the nephew of Bernadine Bailey through her sister, Joy. Paul and 3 friends enjoy a picnic. The same larger group of boys from [Paul's birthday and planes #1] is seen playing games in the yard and gathering around the Wilkinson's chicken coop.
Begins with a very brief scene of a child's birthday party. Primarily a home movie of the 1938 Northwestern-University of Illinois football game taken from the stands. Also shows marching bands from both schools and a man performing as Chief Illiniwek, the former University of Illinois mascot.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. Shows geysers and the rocky red landscape of Timanfaya National Park alongside the island's characteristic white buildings. Ends with footage of a local market outside the Church of San Gines, Arrecife.
This films has a persistent flickering image that may make some viewers feel disoriented.
Home movie footage of the Pacific Ocean taken from a boat in the port of Singapore.
Documents Bailey's trip to Mexico circa 1950. Shows merchants selling their wares and local architecture in the city of Puebla, including Puebla Cathedral and the Temple of San Francisco Acatepec. Ends with large groups dancing as part of a celebration, displaying various styles of folk dancing and traditional costume.
Footage taken on one of Bailey's many trips to Hawaii during the early 1950's. Features landmarks such as Aloha Tower and ʻIolani Palace as well as street scenes and Hawaii's scenic landscapes. Includes women performing a hula dance and local surfers.
Shows a Scottish terrier playing in a yard and fetching a toy throughout the seasons. In the winter, the dog chases snowballs thrown by members of the Wilkinson family.
Black and white footage of homes and buildings that have been damaged and destroyed, possibly as the result of a tornado. Ends with a man scaling a catfish. Location unknown.
A continuation of the home movie footage from [Lake Michigan and Calumet River ca. 1967]. This film focuses more on the river's industrial activity, showing trains, warehouses, and large piles of limestone.
Home movie taken circa 1965 in an unknown location, likely in Illinois. Shows corn fields next to a large silo. Close-ups of the corn show it is ready for harvest with brown silks. Shows a man working on a tractor in a nearby field.
Home movie taken at the Wilkinson family home in Western Springs, Illinois. Bernadine Bailey's nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson, can be seen wearing a crown and playing with a toy sword. There is an couple and two other children with Paul, but their relation to the Wilkinson family is unknown.
Episode 3 of the Agency for Instructional Television series Across Cultures. Depicts the lifestyle of a West African family. In addition to growing or making most essentials, they also grow cash crops for sale and export. Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.
Home movie taken circa 1965 in an unknown location, likely in Illinois. Shows men on tractors working in a field and using farm machinery to plant crops.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. Shows Bailey and Carson Ritchie riding a camel with a two-seater saddle. Lots of footage of other tourists on camels and along the beach.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Street scenes of Reykjavik, Iceland (appear to be taken from hotel balcony). Features exterior shots of Neskirkja and Hotel Saga.
Footage of the coastal village of Kirkjubøur in the Faroe Islands. Primarily shows the local landscape and wandering sheep. Features exterior shots of Saint Olav's Church.
Begins with brief footage of unknown children in front of a dilapidated house. Primarily feature the garden in front of the Wilkinson family home in Western Springs. Bailey's nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson, plays with some flowers and on a swing set.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Greenland circa 1971. Shows Bailey and Carson Ritchie in a small coastal village. Captures many images of locals, particularly women, performing household and agricultural labor.
Film begins with British Merchant Navy ship. Primarily shows blurry footage of Fiji, including a village with thatched roof buildings and new construction. Local children interact with and smile for the camera. A storefront advertises Procera bread. The film then shows a busy intersection in a town - the crowd is diverse with people in traditional and western-style clothes.
Black and white footage of girls of various ages in school uniforms playing tennis and other games. Shows a sign reading "Falmouth High School for Girls". Possibly taken in Cornwall, England.
Black and white scenes of a market in Norway. People selling fish by a harbor, an old woman buys flowers from a cart. Scenes on a city street and views of the sea. Exterior shots of Borgund Stave Church. Ends with footage of cars being hoisted onto a ship.
Home movie with footage of Air Force planes in an airfield and various activities in the Wilkinson family's yard. Shows Bernadine Bailey's nephew, Paul Freeman Wilkinson, and another boy playing with a Scottish terrier, a chicken coop, and close-ups of the yard's flowers.
Footage documenting Bailey's travels to the Canary Islands circa 1971. Features Castillo de San Gabriel and street scenes showcasing local inhabitants and buildings.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Shows close-up shots of flowers and trees blooming. Carson Ritchie (Bailey's third husband and travel companion in the early 1970's) and another man crossing a small river (the water is very bright, possibly another geothermal area). Footage taken from a boat sailing down the river.
Footage of the coastal village of Kirkjubøur in the Faroe Islands. Primarily shows the rural landscape and inside of St. Magnus Cathedral. Brief exterior shots of Saint Olav's Church.
Travelogue documenting Bailey's trip on the Queen Anna Maria Greek Line in 1965. The ship makes stops in Malta, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Greece, Turkey, Gibraltar, and Israel. A brief shot of New York City is seen in the middle of the film (it may not have been edited chronologically). Bailey captures extensive footage of local people and street scenes in large cities as well as many people working as fishermen, agricultural workers, and vendors in small markets. Notable landmarks include: St. Paul's Square and Cathedral (Malta), the acropolis at Alexandria, Montaza Palace, Cairo Citadel, Mount of Beatitudes and St. Peter's Church (Israel), the Blue Mosque, Athens acropolis, Achilleion Palace, and São Jorge Castle. Other highlights include Bailey riding a camel in Cairo, feeding a wild monkey in Gibraltar, and a man in a ghutrah disembarking a plane and waving to the crowd in Greece - possibly Saud bin Abdulaziz.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. This film shows a visit to Skálholt featuring its rural landscape and historic cathedral. Brief shot of girls in traditional Icelandic dress. Next, Bailey and Carson Ritchie visit Gullfoss and pose together in front of the falls.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Street scenes of Reykjavik, Iceland in the public square Austurvöllur. Also shows the British and American embassies.
A continuation of the home movie footage from [Lake Michigan and Calumet River ca. 1967 #3]. This film focuses on the river's industrial activity, showing factories, trains, large ships.
The question of the future of Europe is discussed by students from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Belgium. Each of the participants has a good knowledge of European history and culture, and each contributes some very interesting ideas. The role of West Germany in a united Europe is closely examined, particularly the advisability of re-armament and re-industrialization. Much attention is devoted to the economic aspects of European recovery, particularly relaxation of tariff barriers, and the close relationship of Europe's economy to that of the United States. In this connection, some attention is given to the export-import policies of the United States. While much of the discussion centers on these economic and political problems, the consensus of the group seems to be that certain cultural problems must be solved before any lasting solution to these practical problems can be evolved. The tendency of Europe to live in its past is critically examined, and all of the group seemed more or less to agree that before Europe can fully recover, it must learn to look forward. Also, there is an attempt to evaluate nationalism, and possibly to evolve a new concept of nationalism. They all feel that the strength of Europe lies in its young people, and thus are anxious for opportunities to know one another. This is a most mature and thoughtful discussion. There seems to be little rancor, even between the student from Germany and the one from France. While all are aware of the great problems confronting them, they are anxious to solve them intelligently and fairly.
Footage of Bailey's trip to the United Kingdom in 1956. Documents many historical landmarks and buildings around England, Scotland, and Wales. Highlights include the Royal family at the Braemar Gathering and scenes of the games, Roman ruins, numerous castles, and scenes of 1950's London.
Brief street scenes from around Japan that give a glimpse into Japanese culture, dress, and lifestyle. Features footage of some landmarks, including the Great Buddha statue in Kamakura, Todaiji Temple in Nara, and Mount Fuji.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John E. Rugg takes viewers to significant locations in and around Washington, D.C., to help them understand its important role in the country's history and in contemporary times. Archival photographs and a historical reenactment help to tell the story.
Episode 2 shows fishermen along the New England coast and in the Atlantic catching lobster.
Episode 3 shows several of New York's boroughs, not only in their contemporary setting, but also from their historical perspective. Archival pictures, voices, and a short dramatic sequence portray the great influx of immigrants from Europe, their first hours at Ellis Island, and their life in ethnic neighborhoods.
Episode 4 visits the southeastern United States discusses the role of tobacco in the growth of the Virginia Colony, the importance of cotton and the fall line in making the Piedmont region the textile center of the nation, and George Washington Carver's research on uses for the peanut. Explores the political and cultural heritage of Williamsburg, Virginia.
Begins with exterior and garden of Valencia Apartments, Bailey's residence in St. Augustine with her second husband, George W. McCord. Bailey and McCord kiss for the camera, then she and her friends walk around the garden.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Carson Ritchie (Bailey's third husband and travel companion in the early 1970's) walks along the shore of a small river. Shows people in a rowboat.
Home movie of Bailey's trip to Iceland circa 1971. Shows large cruise ships in a harbor. Brief shots of a geothermal area with steam rising from the ground.
Home movie taken while sailing in Lake Michigan and down the Calumet River circa 1967. Mostly shaky footage of the skyline and industrial activity along the river, possibly taken from a tourist boat.
Episode 1 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series Across Cultures. Follows the daily activities of two families. Shows interaction of Japan with other countries for importing and exporting, creating a diversified culture: a blend of tradition and technology, east and west, stability and change. Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.
Episode 7 from the Agency for Instructional Television series Watch Your Language. Uses on-camera narration and a dramatic episode to teach new vocabulary and word analysis skills. In this episode Al, Beth, and Carl decipher the specialized terms associated with filmmaking in order to prepare their entry for a local film festival. They also discover that different characters need different vocabularies to sound right.
Episode 30 from the Agency for Instructional Television series Images and Things. Reveals how people in different societies have imaginatively depicted their conceptions of evil to ward off harm and destruction.
Episode 18 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 17 from the Agency for Instructional Television series Images and Things. Traces the development of signs and symbols in other times and cultures, studying their forms and their effect on contemporary behavior.
Episode 7 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg shows the mass production of bicycles and automobiles in order to foster an understanding of the importance of the assembly line in American manucaturing. Highlights the ingredients and techniques of making iron and steel. Discusses the innovations of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.