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This final program on the series is a “crystal ball” attempt to look into the future and answer the question, “Where is American art going?” A panel of well-known American figures in American art assists Dr. Preston in an attempt to select those elements in today’s painting which may well be termed characteristic of this era by later generations and to trace out the lines of development which will determine the future.
Explains what war gas is, how it is used by the enemy, and how simple household items, such as bicarbonate of soda and bleaching solution, may be used to prevent casualties.
Suggests suitable dating activities for teen-agers by showing how Nick and Kay make a double date out of preparing for a scavenger sale. Discusses the social value of group participation in "coming activities" sponsored by the school, and lists other non-commercial activities in which mixed groups can become acquainted in an atmosphere conducive to socially acceptable behavior.
Going more deeply into the how and why of laughter, Dr. Feinberg discusses international jokes and tells how they originated. A clown routine, so common in international jokes, is demonstrated and analyzed.
There are many familiar expressions which we use. Bash traces the story behind some of these back to pioneer life. After showing how the phrases developed, Bash sings “Goin Down the Road,” “Lo Backed Car,” “Old MacDonald,” “How Old Are You?” “One Morning in May,” and “Caribou Headstone.”
Episode 46 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 45 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Students from Yugoslavia, France, Germany and the Sudan discuss the problems of communism by examining questions such as: How can a nation choose between “Washington and Moscow”? What do the different systems of government -socialist and capitalist -imply? What becomes of the individual in either system of government? Can there be socialism and democracy in the same system? What becomes of the freedoms of opinion and expression in a communist country. Do the people really have a chance to govern themselves in a communistic country? How efficient is a democracy? What is the role of the political party, and how representative of the people is a one-party system? Participants: Gojko Tanic, Yugoslavia; Catherine Marin, France; Jord-Ingo Weber, Germany; and Mohamed Abdulla Hamadien, Sudan.
Episode 7 from the Agency for Instructional Television series In Other Words. In this television program focusing on communication skills, host Stephanie Edwards provides on-camera commentary for stories concerning the correct use of words in a news article about a student fund and in a conversation about a boy's feelings for a girl. A nondramatic segment presents songwriter Kamaya Koepke explaining how she chooses words for her lyrics.
Episode 9 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 10 from the series Self Incorporated, a 15-program television/film series. Self Incorporated is designed to stimulate classroom discussion of critical issues and problems of early adolescence. It aims at helping 11- to 13-year-olds cope with the physical, social, and emotional changes they are experiencing. Self Incorporated was created under the management of the Agency for Instructional Television through the resources of a consortium of 42 state and provincial educational and broadcasting agencies, with additional assistance from Exxon Corporation.
Episodes 5-8 of the Agency for Instructional Television series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
[motion picture] Describes the winter and spring wheat regions of the plains states. Compares a winter wheat farm in south central Kansas and a spring wheat farm in northeastern North Dakota. Relates wheat farming to topography, soils, precipitation, and other factors.
Noel Stone, Roger Blais, John Gunn, Dennis Sawyer, Louis Applebaum, Kathleen Shannon, Tim Wilson, Nicholas Balla
Shows the life of a farm family on the Canadian prairie, describing the hazards, problems, and rewards of wheat farming; and documenting the changes in farm life and methods during the past three generations. Weather is portrayed as the major risk of the wheat farmer. A farm family is seen rushing to get the wheat in before the hail and rain come. Photographs of the period are used to describe the land rush of the early 1900's, the resultant "wheat boom," and the dust storms of the 1930's.
Depicts the activities of the Western Reserve Wheelers, a cycling group of which Ed Feil was a member, throughout the year of 1974. Footage primarily consists of the Wheelers participating in different cycling events and club runs, but also shows the group socializing with each other over meals and repairing their bicycles. A mix of different club members appear throughout the film and the weather changes to show all seasons. Much of the film was taken by Ed as he participated in the bike rides.
Depicts the activities of the Western Reserve Wheelers, a cycling group of which Ed Feil was a member, throughout the year of 1975. Footage primarily consists of the Wheelers participating in different cycling events and club runs, but also shows the group socializing with each other over meals and repairing their bicycles. A mix of different club members appear throughout the film and the weather changes to show all seasons. Much of the film was taken by Ed as he participated in the bike rides.
Uses demonstrations to explain how wheels function to reduce friction. Summarizes the principles of the inclined plane, lever, and wheel. (WCET) Kinescope.
Shot in Burma during the Denis-Roosevelt Asiatic Expedition (1939), led by filmmaker Armand Denis and his wife Leila Roosevelt. In Rangoon, views of the Shive Dagon Pagoda and huge bamboo irrigation water wheels are seen, as well as the temples, pagodas and bas-reliefs featuring snake motifs at the Pegan ruins. The ornamentation and neck wraps of Karen women are shown. A survey of the teak industry follows, including the training of elephants for logging work. The final sequence focuses on a Burmese priestess (Shan) who must supplicate a king cobra to appease the snake God.
Bash sings the “Nonsense Song,” “Wooly Boogie Bee,” “Old Dan Tucker” and “Jolly Old” in this program which tells of the specialized work of the wheelwright, cooper, smith and the ladder maker.