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Shows how to prepare the wheel for grinding; how to semi-finish and finish-grind a dull tool; how to rough-grind a chipped or broken tip; how to grind a newly brazed tool; and how to grind a chip breaker.
Harold Otwell, Karl Martz, Robert Gobrecht, George Fleetwood, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Shows a skilled ceramist applying designs on several ceramic pieces prior to final firing. He uses the clay itself, a comb, a piece of burlap, or clay stamps to create textured designs. Other decoration methods illustrated include colored glazes, clay slip, "Mishima," sgraffito, and wax resist. Shows samples of representative pieces after decoration and firing.
Thomas F. Barton, Daisy M. Jones, Roger Niemeyer, James W. Taylor, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Compares two dairy farms--one in Southeastern Wisconsin and the other in Central New York State. Shows the land use and cultural practices which reflect adaptation to such elements of the physical environment as topography, soil, precipitation, temperature, and length of growing season. Describes such man-made conditions that influence the marketing of milk as the proximity of farms to urban areas, sanitation requirements, and transportation and refrigeration facilities.
Shows how to set up a V-block to grind the ends and the V; how to rough- and finish-grind the ends; how to establish reference points for grinding the V to precision dimensions; and how to check the work for accuracy.
William J. Thiele, William Bruckner, Jack Chertok, Lee Van Cleef, Kenneth Tobey, Henry Morgan, Keith Richards, Lyle Talbot, Peter Hanson, Teaching Film Custodians
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of an episode of the Cavalcade of America television series, "Duel at the OK Corral" (season 2, episode 20), which originally aired March 9th, 1954 on ABC-TV. This film highlights the efforts of Marshall Wyatt Earp to free the West of dangerous armed gunmen. Earp's activities in Dodge City, Kansas, in Deadwood, South Dakota, and in Tombstone, Arizona are featured.
Presents Saki's story of an impoverished husband and wife who sacrifice their most prized possessions to provide Christmas gifts for each other. Introductory remarks are made by John Steinbeck. Excerpt from O. Henry's Full House.
Long distance calling commercials. Advertisement tags featured, "Did you know, long distance rates are very low" and "Each night past six, please don't forget, long distance rates are lower yet."
Tells the story of President Vargas' favorite project, the Marambaia Fishing School, located fifty miles south of Rio de Janeiro and facing on the Bay of Ilha Grande. Illustrates how the unique project trains Brazilian boys in such fishing arts as handling and building small boats, making and repairing nets, and catching all sorts of fish from sardines to sharks.
Points up scientific findings on the potency of the H-bomb danger by portraying the impact of a 10-megaton H-bomb on Los Angeles, Calilfornia. Uses animation, maps, charts and miniatures.
This informative short film narrated by Father Bernard Hubbard 'The Glacier Priest' shows in detail the large and lucrative salmon fishing industry in Alaska, from the catching of the fish to their canning.
A tour of the magnificent capital of Great Britain. The cameras have captured all the pageantry and color of England from the Thames bridges, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben, to the Trouping of the Colors ceremony.
Focuses on the sportsmanship of women, showing women participating in a variety of sports including rowing, tennis, golf, football, roller basketball, roller derby, boxing, synchronized swimming, and track sports.
Discusses the "Ice "Frontier," the North Polar region separating America and Russia. Presents the historical background and geographical significance of this area from the days of the early Russian explorations on the West Coast of America to the present day when the Arctic may well be the crossroads of world airplanes and, someday, the route of guided missiles in a Cold War turned hot. Describes strategic military emplacements, experiments, and explorations which are all part of the current activity that makes the "Ice Frontier" an area of significance in a world of political and ideological conflicts. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Depicts the role and influence of the mental hospital volunteer in the lives of hospitalized mental patients. Alludes to the scope of the problem of mental illness, and describes some of the undesirable conditions in mental hospitals, the needs of mental patients, the varied activities of a volunteer program, and the process of orienting and training new volunteers. The longer version refers to the Indiana Mental Health Association and the nine mental hospitals in Indiana and includes a direct appeal for volunteers by a former patient.
A fairy tale character uses magic to help children learn good habits. She shows them how to clean and manicure fingernails, how to trim toenails, and how to shampoo and brush the hair. She lets them see some common diseases of the hair, and through animated drawings shows the structure of hair and nails and explains why their care is important.
Uses common everyday examples of the effects of humidity to introduce and explain this idea. Shows Kay, an attractive teenager, and her adventures with a violin, a stuck drawer, and drying off at the pool as these processes are influenced by the humidity. Animates an explanation of dew, relative humidity, and dew point. Shows and explains several weather instruments for measuring humidity.