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Suggests suitable dating activities for teen-agers by showing how Nick and Kay make a double date out of preparing for a scavenger sale. Discusses the social value of group participation in "coming activities" sponsored by the school, and lists other non-commercial activities in which mixed groups can become acquainted in an atmosphere conducive to socially acceptable behavior.
New York Zoological Society, National Film Board of Canada
In their routes of migration, birds "mock the man-made lines by which nations separate themselves," as the narrator states in this film intended to foster goodwill between the nations of the Americas. Two boys, Richie in the North and Ricardo in the South, both feel ownership of the barn swallows that reside in their respective homes at opposite ends of migratory routes. Aerial photography follows Canada geese migrating from northern Quebec to the Chesapeake Bay. Technically advanced high speed photography reveals the beating wings of the ruby-throated hummingbird. The bird banding and migratory data-collecting work of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is explained. Animated maps of the hemisphere illustrate some of the long-distance bird migration patterns between North and South America.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
Aerial Techniques details the U.S. bombing of Japanese targets in Hansa Bay, Wewak and Rabaul. Explains the parachute fragmentation or "ParaFrag" bombing techniques used. Footage of fighter-plane combat in the Pacific theater taken from gun sight aiming point cameras (titled GSAP cameras). Narration gives tallies of Japanese planes, ships and soldiers destroyed.
Roll of Honor praises the work of an African-American unit, the "men of Munda," using heavy machinery to repair an airfield at Point Munda in the Solomon Islands.
Fifth Army shows General Mark Clark leading the Fifth Army advance from Salerno, Italy, across the Volturno River, toward Rome.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the correct stacking of both green and glazed pottery in a small kiln as the narrator explains the factors involved. The potter then shows each step in firing the pieces.
Shows how young airmen are trained by the R.A.F. Not only is the standard training such as solo flying shown, but also learning Morse code, navigation lectures, and special bombardier and fighter pilot training.
Shows how surface plates are used to check the flatness of surfaces, types of scrapers, how to remove high spots, and how to determine when a surface is scraped flat.
Tennessee Valley Authority, National Defense Advisory Committee
Narration introduces this report as "the story of the development of the Tennessee River," showing ongoing construction of major public works projects conducted under the Tennessee Valley Authority, including dams and hydroelectric plants. Touts the harnessing of waterpower to generate electricity for industry and farmers. Lists the improvements to quality of life in the region brought by electricity, including home amenities, pumped water for irrigation, and community refrigeration for food storage. Emphasizes the development of fertilizer manufacturing, as well as munitions and aluminum for defense industries. Includes footage of Wilson dam, Norris dam, Wheeler dam, Pickwick Landing dam, Guntersville dam, Chickamauga dam, and Watts Bar dam and generating station.
British Ministry of Information, Soviet War News Film Agency, Central News Reel Studios, Moscow
A Soviet-British co-production reporting to the Allied nations on the lives of children in the Soviet Union, providing "a glimpse of the Soviet child from infancy to high school." Portrays an idyllic and well organized system for educating and caring for the 35 million Soviet children of the day. The scholastic, athletic, and creative accomplishments of Soviet youth are shown.
Shows the function of the physical training program of the Army Air Forces during World War II. Starts by celebrating the exploits of Army Air Force war heroes. The main story is a fictional story about two American fighter pilots who are forced to parachute from disabled planes. The uninjured man brings his wounded comrade through water and knee-deep marshlands to safety. The excellent physical condition of both men is presented as largely responsible for their survival. Includes footage of Army Air Force soldiers engaging in physical exercise.
A social issue film directed at the problems of public health and malnutrition among rural southern tenant-farming communities. The film points directly to exploitative practices of the tobacco industry and reliance on tobacco growing as a cash crop in these communities as the cause of an ongoing cycle of poverty and poor public health. "Here is tobacco land: land of lost hope, land of broken promises, land of broken lives" states the narrator. Urging farmers to turn away from this single crop system in order to improve their own lives and those of the community, they suggest "the remedy is so close at hand - in the land itself." Farmers raising their own food, it is suggested, will lead to better health; community agents will provide guidance in raising food, gaining income from selling farm produce, education for children, and home economics programs. The concluding message to these communities is to "Eat well and be well. Learn about it, read about it, talk about it."
ERPI Classroom Films, Inc., Encyclopaedia Britannica
Traces the history of mapmaking and representation of the globe on two-dimensional surfaces. Considers early problems of distortion in map projection, and reviews the projections of Mercator, Mollweide, and Goode. Uses animation to emphasize the concept of present-day map-making as influenced by the development of modern air transportation and the subsequent shrinkage in time-distance values. Narrator states "the airplane forces us to think of world travel and transportation in terms of great circle routes." These routes run independently of land and water and mark the shortest distance between points on the surface of the earth. The film shows that advances in human culture and technology transform our mapmaking and conception of space and distance.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, R.H. Macy and Company, Inc.
A Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs film reporting on a marketplace of goods from Latin American nations held at Macy's Department store in New York City's Herald Square. Promoting more than commerce between nations, both the bazaar and the film are intended to reinforce alliances between all the nations of the Americas during wartime. Showing the flags of the nations represented, narration states "21 symbols of American solidarity, 21 Republics firmly consolidated, to make up our western hemisphere." Color photography accentuates the beauty and exoticism of the displays. As shoppers are shown admiring the displays of art and culture and purchasing from each nation's vendors, the audience is told "they bought the goods that Latin America has to sell, money from merchandise, goodwill build on good trade relations, every sale a guarantee that the Americas mean business. Business that means friendship in the western hemisphere."
United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Shows the work of the U.S.D.A Forest Service forest rangers across the nation's 161 national forests. Narration lists the forest ranger's duty to "manage the vast American woodland to produce more timber for home builders, more forage for stockmen, more fish and game for sportsmen, protected watershed for towns and municipalities, abundant power for hydroelectric plants, and reliable supplies of water for famers who rely on irrigation." Forest fire prevention and fighting, replanting burned and logged areas, search and rescue of missing persons, educating children and enforcing poaching laws are among the jobs of the forest ranger depicted.
United States. Army Air Forces. Motion Picture Unit, 1st
The story of the twelve weeks of discipline, concentrated study and hard work leading to graduation from the Officers' Candidate School of the U.S. Army Air Forces and the rank of second lieutenant.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Borge Hansen-Moller : produced and directed by, Kenneth Richter : camera
A Coordinator of Inter-American affairs film intended to foster alliance and educate U.S. audiences about the Ecuadoran nation. "All who live in our hemisphere know that it must be kept as a place of freedom" states narration, urging the alliance of all the Americas in the fight against the Axis. The role of Ecuador and its Galapagos Islands territory in the defense of the Panama Canal are emphasized. Ecuadoran natural resources in service of the Allied cause include balsa wood and oil. Narration characterizes the viewpoint of the Ecuadoran people as supportive of the U.S. in the war: "Ecuador can hope for its rightful and untrammeled place in the family of nations only through the triumph of the United States and its allies." Concurrently, U.S. viewers are assured, "it’s good to know in these days of war that here is a friendly nation, a land ready for cooperation, for mutual defense..."
Takes Leni Riefenstahl's footage from the Nüremberg speeches of the Nazi Leaders and superimposes English "translations" over a set of orations in English "in which Hitler, Goebbels, Göering, Streicher and Hess report their sins and mistakes as frankly as if they were victims of one of those notorious 'confession drugs'." (Documentary News Letter, March 1943, 195).
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the campus.
Contains aerial photography, animation, and charts to show methods used by Indianapolis to effect slum clearance. Pictures city officials as they cite the need for rebuilding slum areas and tells of the founding in 1945 of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission outlining plans for future development as well as picturing results of past achievements. Points out the cooperative efforts of Flanner House as residents are assisted in the building of new homes, summarizes the accomplishments of the Commission, and views future plans for slum clearance.
Shows how to check, recondition, and repair the cutter and adjust the knife clips and bar mechanism; how to remove and replace worn sections in the sickle and sharpen the sickle section; how to repair, sharpen, replace, and straighten the guard unit, replace wearing plates, and adjust the cutter bar to the proper lead; and how to adjust the sickle for register.
Laurence Olivier's reading of passages from Milton, William Blake, Robert Browning, Rudyard Kipling and Abraham Lincoln accompany scenes of daily life in wartime Britain. The texts selected emphasize national identity and heritage, patriotism, and the justness of the Allied cause.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Shows how the Extension Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture helped recruit and place young people from towns and cities on farms during World War II to combat farm labor shortage.
Presents an account of an actual air raid by the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force. Aerial photographs disclose the objective to be raided. Then staff planning, routine preparations, and the tension of the evening take-off are shown. Follows a big Wellington bomber through its bombing of the target, engine trouble, the wounding of its wireless operator, and finally its report back to headquarters.
An educational film on eyesight which shows headaches, inefficiency in work and accidents to be results of defective vision. By animation and models, the mechanics of the eye are shown and the comparison between the eye and camera lens is drawn. Every movie maker should be interested in the diagram illustrating astigmatism and the film should be of value to schools in impressing the necessity of good vision.
A British production made as a fund raising appeal to American audiences to aid British children affected by the Blitz. The film depicts the hardships of life during wartime for children and discusses the relief efforts of the Save the Children Federation.
Begins with a short summary of American attitudes to the War in Europe and how the U.S. underestimated the militaristic tendencies of the Japanese. Argues that the Chinese have been fighting World War II longer than any other allied nation and should be considered one of America's chief allies. Describes America's effort to supply allied nations in the Pacific with war materials. The desperate need of the Chinese people is stressed. Scenes include the carrying of supplies over the Burma Road and the bombing of Chinese cities.
Shows how to operate the controls of a vertical turret lathe, set up tools in the main turret head, rough-face and rough-turn an aluminum casting, and drill the center hole.
Tells the story of a typical American family, and how they use Thanksgiving Day as the occasion to review the freedoms and privileges which they enjoy in their everyday living under the American way of life. Shows how they come to remember that they have much more to be thankful for than just the usual symbols associated with Thanksgiving Day.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
This newsreel covers six subjects. "The Raiders of Timor": recounts how Australian troops were forced to hide in the mountains on the island of Timor when the Japanese military conquered the island. The Australians conducted asymmetrical warfare against the superior Japanese forces. Their time as guerrilla soldiers and their recovery from the Australian Army is retold through reenactments. "Army Salvage": shows how the Army is recycling obsolete munitions and tanks from museums and warehouses into new weaponry. "We Guard Britain's Books": records how the British were using microfilm to reformat their rare books to provide a back-up copy in case the original texts were destroyed through German bombing. The microfilms are shipped to America and stored in the Library of Congress where they are accessioned, inspected, cataloged, and stored on shelves. "Good News from the Fishing Front": depicts how Canadian fishermen are increasing their yield to aid with food shortages in the U.S. Shows the repairing of nets and the hauling in of a 500-ton catch of herring. "Battle in the Caucasus": uses combat footage to tell how the Soviet military defeated German forces in a battle in the mountains of the Caucasus region on November 19, 1942. "Thingummybob: A Factory Song From Australia": a woman sings a song accompanied by a military band for workers at a factory. The Song celebrates female workers who worked on the production line to make equipment for the war. The chorus goes "I'm the girl that makes the thing/ that drills the hole that holds the ring /that drives the rod that turns the knob/ that works the thingummybob."
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Newsreel contains stories about Veronica Lake getting her hair cut to promote worker safety, how absence from factory jobs can affect soldiers, how women going to war is affecting the care of children, British planes bomb Bremen, a sing-along version of the Army Air Corps song.
"The story of the Lancaster airplane, the first large bomber built in Canada. Shown are the workers involved in its construction, and the crew who ferried it overseas, as well as the combat crew who took it on its first flight over Berlin."--National Film Board of Canada website.
Develops through animation the story of Harold, who with his purple crayon creates a world of his own, since whatever he draws becomes real. Harold's adventures begin when he goes for a walk in the woods and draws the trees; when he is tired of the walk he draws a boat and some water and sails to an imaginary picnic, where he draws the food; and, finally when he tires of his adventuring he draws his house, his bed, the bedcovers and then hops in and goes to sleep. Based on Crockett Johnson's book by the same title.
Made as a warning to the English people, this film re-enacts, in a Welsh mining town, the events that took place in the Czechoslovakian mining town of Lidice, which resisted the Nazis in subversive ways and was eventually wiped out. Jennings gives a romantic portrait of town life which is interrupted by the arrival of the Nazis who remain anonymous enemies.
Bernard Girard, James Fonda, Shirley Gordon, Michael Ross, Henry Corden, Lou Krugman, Gene Roth, William Hayden, Ernest Sarracino, Peter Brocco, Lewis Charles, Todd Hunter, Grant Holcomb, Walter Cronkite, Walter Blake, Sidney Van Keuren, Ed Fitzgerald, Budd Small, William Ferrari, Richard Dixon, Rudy Butler, Frank Webster, Joel Moss, Robert B. Harris, Jack P. Pierce, Carmen Dirigo, CBS Television, The National Association for Mental Health, Inc.
Uses a dramatized, "on-the-scene" news type of interviewing and documentary reporting to present the story of how Dr. Pinel fought for improved treatment of the insane. Describes his principles that the insane were sick people and should be treated as such, not as wild beasts. Shows some of the opposition he received from officials and the townspeople when he unchained the insane.
"Beginning with a prologue by Secretary of State Stettinius, who points out that our Government under the leadership of President Roosevelt has been working to avoid future wars, the film proceeds to depict pictorially the incidents which culminated in the Dumbarton Oaks Conference and the San Francisco meeting and shows one way of avoiding a third World War."--Educational Screen, June, 1945, 248. Opens with footage from the 1936 film "Thing to Come" to warn against the destructive power of weapons in the near future. Presents a fictionalized account of the founding of the United Nations.
Provides basic instructions for planting a home vegetable garden. "Sets forth, in light vein, the essentials of good gardening; selection of the site, preparation of the soil, how to lay out a garden, planting, transplanting, cultivating, weed and pest control, and proper watering. A 'dream' sequence shows, by stop motion photography, how plants grow. The picture closes with a series of humorous 'DON'TS' designed to bring home, through exaggeration, the many pitfalls that might mar the success of an amateur gardener" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 30-31).
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Army Airforces, United States Navy
Second issue of the Film Communique series. Includes two short segments:
A Day With the A-36's Follows through a day with the A-36 a lightweight attack bomber - adapted from the P-51 Mustang. Shows glimpses of the ground life of the men who service and fly the planes. Footage shot from plane-mounted cameras on a bombing mission against Nazi targets in Sicily.
Report From Berlin Excerpts of a captured German newsreel, showing Nazi rallies and government ceremonies. Reports on war industry exceeding production goals, with scenes from factories, shipyards and munitions production. Narrated commentary presents the film to U.S. war workers in order that they see the face and production capabilities of the enemy, spoken English translation follows German newsreel narration.
Uses found footage and animated diagrams to discuss the production, distribution, and consumption of food; the pre-war problems of overproduction and the anomaly of glutted markets and hungry people; the control exercised over production and distribution during World War II, with special attention to the food supply in Britain and America; and to offer a picture of what might be done in the post-war period.
A Hollywood short aiding the war effort, emphasizing the need for preparedness and conservation of materials, i.e. rubber, metal, shellac. An American soldier writes home from Bataan, and while his family reads the letter, the soldier's ghostly apparition interjects statistics about food and equipment shortages.
"Stridently anti-Japanese film that attempts to convey an understanding of Japanese life and philosophy so that the U.S. may more readily defeat its enemy. Depicts the Japanese as "primitive, murderous and fanatical." With many images of 1930s and 1940s Japan, and a portentious [sic] and highly negative narration by Joseph C. Grew, former U.S. ambassador to Japan."--Internet Archive.
"This film illustrates the difference between World War II and the war of 1914, emphasizing the importance of mechanization, and contrasting the mobile tactics with the immobility of trench warfare. The scientific approach, both to problems of military strategy and to new weapons, is all-important. The film shows some of the work done by Canadian scientists to make these weapons as effective as possible."--National Film Board of Canada description.
Depicts the events and conditions leading to the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the formulation of the Great Compromise between the small and large states, the struggle for ratification, and the addition of the Bill of Rights. For junior high, high school, and college students. Pictures some of the historical background of the struggle by the colonies for independence and of the signing of the Constitution. Includes Shay's rebellion against the tariff, the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, and the disagreements among states. Shows how the misunderstanding between large and small states led to the establishment of a House and a Senate.
Shows through readings, paintings, and natural photography the development of the portrayal of English lakes and landscapes by painters, poets, and others. Depicts the printing of illustrated tour guides and other books to create interest in the English lake country. (BBC) Film.
"This War Department enlistment film aims to recruit African Americans in its World War II engagement. The documentary has as its framework a black minister's explanation to his congregation of the reasons they should join the armed forces to fight the Nazis. The viewer sees historical re-enactments of African Americans as valued participants in U.S. armed conflicts dating from the American Revolution. Scenes also detail Black accomplishments in the country's history, with footage of Blacks as they served as judges and school teachers, conducted orchestras, played football, and served the U.S. Army in World War II. Footage is included of Jesse Owens and other Blacks as they competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. "The Negro Soldier" was produced by Frank Capra and directed by Stuart Heisler, with music by Dimitri Tiomkin."--National Archives and Records Administration description.
This short nonfiction film depicts the intensive testing that goes into developing and producing aircraft propellers. It opens with the whirring or propeller blades. Animated diagrams show how the bite of the propeller moves it through the air and how the pitch determines the size of the bite. A trip through an airplane factory shows the manufacture of a satisfactory alloy. The rest of the process is painstaking hand work interspersed with dozens of careful inspections. The operation of the variable pitch mechanism and its use in taking off and cruising is shown. Then the propeller is assembled the complete job is tested for balance.
United States. Department of Agriculture, United States. Office of Information. Motion Picture Service, Wilding Picture Productions : produced by
Shows methods of winter storage for produce grown in wartime Victory gardens. Provides demonstrations of how to achieve necessary temperature and moisture conditions for storing various vegetables by using attic space, construction of a storage room in the cellar, sunken barrels and insulated earthen mounds. "In the opening scene we find Mother and Father, Judy and Jimmy deep in the study of seed catalogs, preparatory to planting their victory garden. The picture passes quickly to the happy harvest time when Mother wonders what they will do with all the surplus vegetables. Father decides to store them. The film then demonstrates the best method of storing onions, beans, peas, apples, beets, carrots, salsify, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips, and cabbage" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 47). As this family exemplifies the industrious spirit of Victory gardening, narration states "in pantry and store room, in pit and mound, they have tangible proof of their husbandry."