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Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Louis W. Sauer
Shows the day's activities of a child specialist in his office, on a home call, and at a hospital. He makes a physical examination, vaccinates a baby, visits his hospital patients, and diagnoses a case of measles.
Pathescope, Charles J. Vierck, Charles D. Cooper, Paul E. Machovina, Ralph S. Paffenbarger, Hollie W. Shupe
Designed to be used with an engineering drawing text. Describes the relationship between the making of a drawing and various production operations in shop and factory. Then shows representative operations in the pattern shop, the foundry, the forge shop, the machine shop, and the assembly shop which depend upon the drawing.
Illustrates the practices and procedures in taking dictation in a modern business office. Pictures the routine and special duties of a secretary as compared with those of stenographer or clerk. Emphasizes the place of efficiency among the requisites of a professional secretary.
Daily activities of a secretary are compared with those of a stenographer, to show the added duties and responsibilities of the secretary. She is shown handling callers, appointments, telephone calls, filing, and many other details of office procedure.
Explains the various techniques to be mastered in learning to throw a baseball effectively. Professional players give demonstrations of four throws--the overhand, the three-quarter, the side-arm, and the underarm--which are analyzed by means of stop motion, slow motion, and close-up photography.
Pictures American folk singers in various parts of the country and discusses briefly the development of folk music here. Peter Seeger is shown singing and playing his banjo in a city setting, and then other singers, including mountaineers, sharecroppers, migratory workers, African-Americans, and railroad builders, are shown.
Pictures Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego to illustrate how centers of commerce develop. Shows how the existence of surrounding farmland, forests, and mineral resources give rise to industrial activity, the creation of jobs, and the building of a city and trading center.